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Weight Watchers - Smart Points

How many people here are on Weight Watchers and specifically, how many are following Smart Points?  How do you like it so far?  I'm finding it tougher, but that is paying off at the scale, so I like that! 

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Thanks for your insights, @WendyB! My muscles do not ache the day after/at all. I am not able,to stand for any extended period at all--two crushed vertebrae and two grossly weak knees. The back issues a result of lymphoma tumors surrounding my spine two years ago, followed by paralysis, emergency surgery to free my spine and acquire matter for biopsy. I feel blessed that I can walk. But I cannot stand long nor walk far. So I do seated at]em work with and without 2 lb weights, working up from barely able to go 10 minutes in a row short weeks ago to now being able to keep it going for at least 30 and sometimes 40 minutes at a run, 3 times a day.i work to keep my heart rate in the fat burning and cardio zones, with an emphasis on attempting to get at least 60% of time spent per session in cardio zone.

I just got hooked up to a heart month this morning to do a 48 hour test to see if the heart issues caused by the steroid portion of my chemo rounds have resolved or where we are at with that. Doc IS urging me to do what exercise I can and to lose weight. Very frustrating to have been so very focused since Christmas when my hubs gave me this really cool motivator in the form of a Fitbit, yet to see no results.
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That was SUPPOSED to be heart MONITOR, not heart month...
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@Robcorc wrote:
I just got hooked up to a heart month this morning to do a 48 hour test to see if the heart issues caused by the steroid portion of my chemo rounds have resolved or where we are at with that. Doc IS urging me to do what exercise I can and to lose weight. Very frustrating to have been so very focused since Christmas when my hubs gave me this really cool motivator in the form of a Fitbit, yet to see no results.

@Robcorc The steriod could be what is doing it. I would ask the DR. A lot of Meds can cause weight gain. But it will come off once your body gets use to it.


So sorry for all you have been through. Just keep hanging in there and please keep us posted!

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Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android

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I no longer take the steroid--I am no longer in chemo at all, just doing bi-monthly antigen treatments as of December. The big steroid treatments were part of chemo cycle one, from May-August, 2014. During that round, I gain 92 lbs. I. 4 months and have not been able to shift it at all. My second round of chemo ran for. July-December, 2015. That protocol was different, requiring only small doses of a steroid as an antidote to any allergic response, as opposed to the previous protocol that included a huge dose of prednisone each day for 5 consecutive days once every three weeks.
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I'm trying to follow WW, but I'm finding the new points system difficult! 

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@MrsCorny071815. I guess I am lucky that I was away from WW for about a decade. Coming back in as Smart Points was just getting going made it easier for me--I didn't need to change anything. And as a result, it is pretty easy to follow.
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@Robcorc Hang in there and lets us know what happens next week

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Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android

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@MrsCorny071815 why are you finding it difficult?


I know some people don't like it because sweet things have gone way up in SP.


I didn't have problems switching as I have  always tried to stay away from Processed food and sweets. 


So let us know what your difficulties are.

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Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android

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Make sure you are eating enough.  I dont have to eat all my weekly points but I need to have some.  Maybe watch the number of fruits and see if there is a certain number of them that makes a difference.  It is so freeing though to be able to grab a piece of fruit and just enjoy it.  Have fun with it as much as you can.  Oh, and I find my body very cyclical in its weight loss.  Not sure if others do as well. 


I myself am really enjoying the program.  I am down 17lb since Dec 7th.  I have my weeks where I maintain for a couple of weeks and then get the next drop. 

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@mcrmama you have done great! Congrats
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Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android

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Thank you @WendyB

I am lifetime but had a couple things happen a couple years ago where I let 40lbs get back on sadly. Back on track though and enjoying the new program.
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@mcrmama Been there done that! 🙂

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Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android

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@WendyB, my difficulty is I'm a big carb girl, plus I'm vegetarian, so I tend to choose carb heavier meals (I shouldn't, but it seems easier) 

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Hello Everyone,

I just started WW this last Thrusday and I'm already having problems. I started going to a personal trainer back in Nov. although I have gotten stronger I have not lost any weight. So I decided to join WW. I just cant seem to stay within my daily point allowance. And I have no idea what to do about breakfast and lunch. We have a "cafe" at work where they can make us breakfast and lunch. Most of the choices are really not that healthy. We also have a pretty nice salad bar. I am trying so hard to stay within my point alotment. Its just so hard. Any help would be much appreciated. 

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@SusanKB wrote:

Hello Everyone,

I just started WW this last Thrusday and I'm already having problems. I started going to a personal trainer back in Nov. although I have gotten stronger I have not lost any weight. So I decided to join WW. I just cant seem to stay within my daily point allowance. And I have no idea what to do about breakfast and lunch. We have a "cafe" at work where they can make us breakfast and lunch. Most of the choices are really not that healthy.Do you have to eat this? Cant you bring in your own food




We also have a pretty nice salad bar. I am trying so hard to stay within my point alotment. Its just so hard. Any help would be much appreciated. You can make a salad bar healthy with wise choices.

You can do this this you just need to help your self.

Community Council Member

Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android

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Perhaps it would be better if you brought your own breakfast and lunch to work?  I used to work in a large firm with one of those cafeterias on the first floor so I know of what you speak.  If you prep and pack your own lunch and breakfast you are in charge of everything from what goes in it to the size of your portions.  Here's another upside ... instead of spending roughly $5 for breakfast and $5 for lunch every day you'll end up saving yourself some money in the long run.

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I had a great week. Down 6.2 last week after really tracking and upping my exercise. Looking forward to another great week.
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Wow! You're doing great! Keep up the good work!
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I'd love to know what the nutritionist has to say! Stay the course! The weight will come off!
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Great point! I weigh and measure everything. Takes the guesswork out of this program.
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