04-04-2016 16:31
04-04-2016 16:31
I am having trouble with my fully charged One shutting off during the day. I've tried the turning it off and back one three times and that doesn't work. Been happening for 2-3 weeks.
04-04-2016 17:27
04-04-2016 17:27
Came here for the exact same problem!
04-06-2016 05:07
04-06-2016 05:07
@rayersttn @NachoMPLS A warm welcome to the Fitbit Community! It's weird that your Fitbit One trackers are not turning it's display on. I'd like you to restart your trackers by plugging the charging cable into the USB port and put the tracker in the charger. Then press and hold the button for 12 seconds. Finally, remove the tracker and press the button and verify if your One turns on.
Keep me posted on the outcome my friends and I'll be around!
04-06-2016 12:47
04-06-2016 12:47
04-07-2016 04:37
04-07-2016 04:37
@rayersttn It's great to hear that your tracker is working better and properly now. Regarding your question, I'm pretty confident that restarting your tracker was the tip that did the trick since the restart refreshes the hardware of your Fitbit internally.
Let me know if more questions arise my friend!
04-07-2016 18:17
04-07-2016 18:17
Mine is doing the same thing. I tried the re-set (12 second hold) and that would work, but only last a minute or two and then it dies again. The battery is at full charge. Any advice?
04-09-2016 04:37
04-09-2016 04:37
@magggiek Thanks for joining us to our Fitbit Community and welcome! It seems that you have troubleshooted this issue accordingly without success. In this case, I suggest you to contact our Customer Support team so they can investigate further and get you back on track.
If you need more help, I'll be here my friend!
04-20-2016 20:21
04-20-2016 20:21
04-22-2016 09:08
04-22-2016 09:08
04-28-2016 15:20
04-28-2016 15:20
It happened again today. Had my Fitbit on all day in my pocket. Checked it at midday and had about 1/2 my daily steps. Checked it again as I was leaving the office. It was off, turned it back on and lost all my steps recorded prior to that.
I still have not gotten any response to this other than tell me to reset it. How come it reset's by itself in my pocket?
04-28-2016 18:08
04-28-2016 18:08
I'm having the same problem. I know it's charged, I've tried resetting multiple times, my apps are all up to date and it won't stay on. I hit the button and nothing comes up. When I hold the button down, I get the Fitbit 6.60 message.
I contacted customer support and they offered no useful suggestions. Just 25% off a new one. I've only had mine 2 years (and only used it about 1.5 years). Clearly I'm not the only one having this problem, so I'm hoping there's an actual fix.
05-03-2016 06:48
05-03-2016 06:48
05-03-2016 06:57
05-03-2016 06:57
I agree. I called customer support after not getting very far with an online chat. He told me the button was most likely broken, which doesn't even make sense. He again offered the 25% off.
05-08-2016 10:52
05-08-2016 10:52
I've had my fitbit one for 3 years, and only for this last week has it started to exhibit the behavior complained of in this thread.
While in my pocket, in the rubber clip, the device apparently shuts down. When it's in this state, pressing the button produces no display; holding the button down for a few seconds causes the device to awaken and display "FITBIT 6.60" (so I daresay it was for all practical purposes "off" prior to that point). The time is wrong until a re-sync resets it. The "wrong" time is almost certainly the time at which it shut down, judging from the activity recorded (and not recorded).
There's clearly a problem here - one that is experienced by a number of users.
I have reset the device several times now to no avail.
I should mention that I normally sync to my iPhone, but sync'ed to my MacBook prior to the problem appearing for the first time. During that sync, I noticed a message about "updating" - but I don't know what was being updated (the app or the device or both).
There are several threads in which the same behavior is described. It would be helpful if fitbit could provide links in these several threads that point to a solution to this problem, if there is such a solution.
05-08-2016 17:55
05-08-2016 17:55
Same problem here, just started today. I have reset it at least a half dozen times now and it seems to work for about a minute then goes dark and won't come back on. It won't reset exactly as described either. I plug it into the connector and it comes up with the 6.6 and full battery, I hold it for the 12 seconds, remove it from power and it immediately shows the time and responds to button presses, then after a minute it just stops responding to button presses and then goes and stays dark. I was hoping there was an update, not sure how long it's been 6.6 but maybe it was an update that messed us all up? I've used my fitbit for a couple years now and it's never given me issues like this that i recall. I don't know if I'm glad or not to see that others have the same problem.
05-09-2016 13:03
05-09-2016 13:03
I'm experiencing the same problem. Discover it after an extensive workout only to find it has been off for 2-3 hours and nothng recorded. This needs to be addressed.
05-09-2016 13:27
05-09-2016 13:27
I mentioned that the problem appeared after I sync'ed with my MacBook. I've now sync'ed with my PC, and haven't seen the problem since (about a day). I'll report if it recurs. Are those of you experiencing this issue using Macs, by any chance?
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I use a PC but the problem occurs when no sync has been done for a few days
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05-09-2016 18:16 - edited 05-12-2016 03:46
05-09-2016 18:16 - edited 05-12-2016 03:46
I'm having similar problems. This morning, it seems got stuck at 8:30 am -- the time didn't move forward and it quit tracking steps. I walked at least 10,000 steps and it shows 1,443. I've walked up well over 15 flights of steps and it shows 5. Have restarted it multiple times as directed. No luck.
This happened once before and after many restarts it did reset. It's not clear why. Regularly the display stops working, but after pressing the button several times, I see "Fitbit 6.60" on the screen, and then the display works again.
There does not seem to be any reason for why it quits working, nor for why it starts working again.
I normally sync to my Android phone. Tonight I found the dongle, which I never use, and synced to my apple desktop machine, in hopes that would help. It didn't.
Unlike shanbaum, I have not had a message about updating. And I don't believe that I have updated (updated what?) in the time I've had the fitbit. I read the instructions for updating but am having difficulty following them.
Other than endless attempts to restart, what can I do?
05-11-2016 07:04
05-11-2016 07:04
Just joining a frustrated crowd here . . . my 1.5 year old One started exhibiting this behavior about three weeks ago. It shuts down at some point while it's in my pocket, losing steps. A quick hit on the button gets no reaction. Holding 2-3 secs brings up the FITBIT 6.60 display, then the step count etc. (missing, yesterday, probably 3,000 steps). The first couple of times this happened I went through the restart routine (which showed, incidentally, that the charge status was fine). Now I come here and find there's aparently no answer and no resolution. Sigh.