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Battery drains very fast. lights stay on constantly. after giving it a full charge, battery half dead afte 1 hour. bought it 6 months ago, first trouble i have had. Retarted it 6 times, as suggested in earlier posts, no help. any ideas?
Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
07-24-2016 06:01
07-24-2016 06:01
@Rothchild This isn't normal so I suggest you contact our Support Team for further assistance. They can review your tracker's information and help you find a solution to this situation.
Let me know how it goes!
If a post helped you try voting and selecting it as a solution so other members benefit from it. Select it as Best Solution!
07-18-2016 04:30
07-18-2016 04:30
A warm welcome to the Community @tnieh811. If your Charge HR is not holding a charge, I recommend following our battery troubleshoot, there you will find some tips to maximize your tracker's battery life. If after trying them, you keep having problems, feel free to contact our support team since they have the proper tools to see how long is your battery lasting. For a faster response you can contact them via phone or chat.
Let me know the outcome.
07-18-2016 07:46
07-18-2016 07:46
07-21-2016 06:16
07-21-2016 06:16
@Rothchild Welcome to our Community! The green lights are the HR sensors on your tracker. They can be On all the time, Auto so they turn on when the tracker detects that it is moving and OFF. Try turning off the sensors and sync your tracker. After this try the Auto setting and syn again so the changes are saved.
Let me know how it goes!
If a post helped you try voting and selecting it as a solution so other members benefit from it. Select it as Best Solution!
07-21-2016 06:37
07-21-2016 06:37
07-24-2016 06:01
07-24-2016 06:01
@Rothchild This isn't normal so I suggest you contact our Support Team for further assistance. They can review your tracker's information and help you find a solution to this situation.
Let me know how it goes!
If a post helped you try voting and selecting it as a solution so other members benefit from it. Select it as Best Solution!
07-30-2017 13:54
07-30-2017 13:54
My lights stay on all the time,
08-07-2017 08:42
08-07-2017 08:42
@Sissy2 I hope you're doing well! Try the suggestions in my previous post you can also try a restart on your tracker by doing the following:
Plug the charging cable to your computer or UL certified wall adapter.
Align the contacts of the tracker with the charging cable and plug it in making sure it snaps securely.
Your tracker should start charging.
Press the button for 10 to 12 seconds.
You should see your tracker's firmware version and you can now unplug your tracker.
Let me know how it goes!
If a post helped you try voting and selecting it as a solution so other members benefit from it. Select it as Best Solution!
09-19-2017 09:50
09-19-2017 09:50
Hi - hope you don't mind me jumping on someone else's thread but I seem to have the same problem.
I fully charged by Charge HR yesterday evening, went to bed and then realised when I got to work that it was dead - completely flat. I've just put it on charge and the HR lights are on constantly. They stay on when I take it off charge.
I've switched HR monitoring to 'Off', synced, switched back to 'auto' and synced again - both still full green.
I've also held the button down while on charge until the firmware (v122) comes up but still the green lights stay on solid. It's still on charge but I suspect it will run out really quickly again.
It has done this once before but resetting it while on charge fixed it last time.
It's out of warranty (and I bought it second hand anyway) so I guess I haven't much to lose.
Any suggestions?
09-19-2017 10:34
09-19-2017 10:34
09-20-2017 00:00
09-20-2017 00:00
Fully charged when I went to bed last night (with my wrist glowing green). I woke up in the middle of the night, approx 4:30am, and it was already dead. Back on charge this morning and the lights are on constant.
I think it may be terminal.
I'll give it a few more days of charge/sync/reset etc but after that I guess I'm shopping for an Alta HR...
09-23-2017 01:28
09-23-2017 01:28
And then it just started working OK again...
09-23-2017 05:12
09-23-2017 05:12
Don't bother, Hr same.
02-26-2018 19:26
02-26-2018 19:26
It's starting to frustrate me, when it's suppose to be helping me. Will call support tomorrow. I've tried all of their suggestions.
03-15-2018 10:59
03-15-2018 10:59
I'm having the same problem. I've tried everything online. I called them and they told me there was nothing they can do. they said it wasn't even worth trouble shooting over the phone. I'm 2 months out of warranty now, so they said I can buy a new one. They offered some discount, but that's not enough for my pricey Blaze. I'm so disappointing. I was hoping that they would at least offer a replacement fee or something. Like a refurbished one for 50 bucks. Anything. 😞
03-20-2018 15:53
03-20-2018 15:53
Sorry to hear this. I have not contacted them. I decided to just let the lights stay on. ????? My Fitbit is also out of warranty, and it sounds like they are not very helpful. I'll keep using it until it no longer works. Then I will look into another brand.
05-28-2018 07:19
05-28-2018 07:19
Oh great, mine just started doing this. I’ve been in TX all weekend and I’ve had to charge it now THREE times and it’s already dead again. This is the second Fitbit I’ve had that has had issues...
07-17-2018 19:03
07-17-2018 19:03
Not sure who marked this as solved because it sounds like it can't be fixed. Mine is doing it now too and I've tried all of the above. This is my fourth Fitbit (between me and my GF) and they all have failed after the warranty expires. I'm moving away from Fitbit to something more reliable.
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The only “solved” I found was buying a new one. My Blaze has been much more reliable...so far.
Moderator edit: format
07-17-2018 19:20
07-17-2018 19:20
Yeah...it's the Blaze that is causing me problems. I think I'll be moving on to a much smarter watch.