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01-24-2018 07:05
01-24-2018 07:05
I have now found another post which mentions about de-linking and re-linking vitality and fitbit. I have managed to revoke the sharing within the fitbit but vitality will not allow me to de-link with fitbit. Is there a way of re-instating the sharing within fitbit? or does the request to fitbit have to come from vitality?
01-25-2018 05:58
01-25-2018 05:58
@gibbd001 Welcome to the Fitbit Community! I hope you're doing well! Sorry to hear that your heart rate data isn't syncing with your Vitality account. You can try the following:
You could also contact Vitality to see if this has changed or if there is anything they can suggest from their side.
Let me know how it goes!
If a post helped you try voting and selecting it as a solution so other members benefit from it. Select it as Best Solution!
02-03-2018 07:46
02-03-2018 07:46
I am having the same issue and after some research I found out that Vitality only gets steps from the Charge 2 so it is basically useless, now I am looking for another device to be able to track my progress on fitbit. I synced my charge 2 to mapmyfitness to record at least burned calories and then sync those to vitality through mapmyfitness but I can not see my calories, I am tired of searching for solutions.
02-03-2018 07:47
02-03-2018 07:47
I meant to say that I am looking for another device to track my progress on Vitality.
02-06-2018 16:36
02-06-2018 16:36
I have found out a few more things, I can't use mapmyfitness because it does basically the same as Vitality, only gets steps and sleep. The only real solution to get your heart rate recorded by vitality would be to use a different device. This post has some info about the mapmyfitness integration with fitbit: https://community.fitbit.com/t5/Feature-Suggestions/Real-Integration-of-Fitbit-with-Mapmyrun/idi-p/1...
I found a way to report some of the exercise during spinning, not elegant but seems to be better than nothing, put your charge 2 in your ankle, you may easily get to 5000 steps, although the heart rate would be much more accurate, I got the charge 2 free last year but now I need to find another device that integrates well with Vitality. I will soon get rid of my charge 2.
05-09-2018 02:16
05-09-2018 02:16
I don't think this has anything to do with fitbit or charge 2. It is to do with how Vitality extracts the data from the fitbit API (or the interface through which another application - e.g. vitality - will pull data from your fitbit account). If they do not read heart rate, it won't matter. Vitality doesn't read from your device but your fitbit account, which already contains the data.
Solution really is to get that data into Apple Health or google's equivalent.But this involves a number of commercial implications for all those three major players, which we won't get into here.
07-06-2018 07:10
07-06-2018 07:10
Any update on this issue, my charge 2 is basically useless without sending the info back to vitality. I will have to send it back and get another companies device and not recommend it to my 5,000+ people company.
07-06-2018 10:22
07-06-2018 10:22
I have not seen any updates on this, Vitality still says it only reads steps on all fitbit devices, I replaced my charge 2 with a garmin vivosmart 3 which is not great specially for spinning is bad, most of the time reads the wrong HR, but I use it with the cardio option and even if I am done spinning I leave it counting calories until I reach 300 which is my daily vitality goal. The charge 2 performed much better than the vivosmart, looked much better, had better battery and it was cheaper to me, but it was basically useless without the full integration to Vitality.
07-06-2018 10:49
07-06-2018 10:49
@careyesnietowhere are you able to find on Vitality what inputs they support for each device?
07-06-2018 19:54
07-06-2018 19:54
@AceHackthe only place I found that talks about something like that is https://www.powerofvitality.com/vitality/learning_center/gtv/physical_activity#workouts but it is not specific to each device. But it gives you an idea of what features to get on your device. With my garmin I have seen points for steps, calories and heart rate on the points statement.
12-28-2018 08:34
12-28-2018 08:34
Adding list of other threads on fitbit forum related to this topic. Hopefully, someone will respond.
11-18-2019 15:11
11-18-2019 15:11
I emailed Vitality about this and they said they had no plans to support Fitbit heart rate data so I'll, unfortunately, be shopping for a Garmin instead. I was hopeful that with google buying Fitbit maybe there would be better support but that doesn't seem to be the case. All of the Fitbits for sale on the Vitality site include this note, "Vitality currently does not accept heart rate data from Fitbit. Earn points for step workouts only."
11-18-2019 23:43
11-18-2019 23:43