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Is there an exercise shortcut for "Trampoline"?

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Hi to all community members!  I would like to ask if it exist a trampoline activity on the Charge2. I don't see it on the "excersise shortcuts". Can it be add it? Thank you.


Moderator Edit: Updated Subject for Clarity

Best Answer

Trampoline is not one of the defined exercises, and we don't have the ability to add beyond the defined ones. I would recommend tracking it under the Workout exercise.

Work sleep...repeat!
Dave | California

Best Answer

@Paleman27 Thanks for stopping by! Like @WavyDavey said Trampoline isn't part of the activities available to be tracked with your device but additionally to use the Workout option you could create an activity so you know what you where doing at the time. Feel free to follow @GisselleM's instructions to do this.


Let me know how it goes!

Alvaro | Community Moderator

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Thanks for the suggestion to use the Workout option when I'm on my mini trampoline. I've also been using the Relax feature and it gently vibrates to guide breathing. It made me wonder whether there's a feature to set the Fitbit to buzz to a certain beat, say 135 beats per minute to help get you into a rhythm without music? Earphones are fine to listen to music while jumping but I'm already overusing them at work. In addition to setting the bpm vibrations, it would be even better if you could program the duration; best if you could set your own routines, like 5 minutes working up to 120 bpm, followed by 5 at 125, 15 @ 130, 5 @ 120, then cooldown to a stop. Has anyone seen a post with this suggestion? Thanks!

Best Answer

Hi - I reviewed and followed Gisselle's instructions on how to add an activity (Trampoline is actually Rebounding in my world) and had no issues.  Question:  will this newly created activity show up on the Fitbit Charge 2 under Exercise Shortcuts to add on the run, or must you log on the Dashboard of a computer?  

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Anything new in rebounding being able to be logged on our Versas?


Best Answer

@PJ1234 Welcome to the Fitbit Community! It's great to have you here!


Let me help you with your rebounding activities. As mentioned before you can manually log the activity on your account even though there isn't a mode for your device. If you wish to have this as a shortcut then you can share your idea in our Feature Suggestions board. Search for the idea first to see if one already exists so you can add your vote. The more votes an idea gets the more likely the developers will try to implement it. 


Let me know how it goes.

Alvaro | Community Moderator

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You can manually log it in the app on the iPhone. It comes up when you search. So why can’t it be added in short cuts?

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@PJ1234 thank you for your question.


Not sure why it isn't available. Maybe (and I am just guessing here) it not as popular as other activities. Still as I previously said the best thing to do is letting our developers know your interest in this option by voting in the Feature suggestions board. I you know other users then encourage them to vote. The more popular the idea is the more likely it could be implemented.


I'll be around.

Alvaro | Community Moderator

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