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Treadmill accuracy issues

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I have been using my Fitbit Charge HR for a couple of weeks now, and while I am finding so many aspects beneficial I have been encountering issues with accuracy regarding treadmill workouts.


Both step count and mileage in grossly under reported by my Fitbit, for instance today I did 3.83 miles of inclined walking and my Fitbit only recorded 5,608 steps and 2.4 miles.  I do not hold on to the rails at any point in my workouts and my arms swing naturally.  Every workout I've had on the treadmill I have had to delete the entry and manually enter the correct distance values, which then updates the step count.  It is winter in new England and not many brave souls are out logging miles in freezing conditions, I use my treadmill daily for workouts.


However, now I do not get credit for my manually enetered steps for daily challenges or badges.  


How can this Fitbit be so innacurate on both distance and step count on one of the most common methods of excercise?

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Well, I've given the new Charge HR a few treadmill workouts and though I am getting better accuracy I think it is due to how I'm positioning my arms when I'm on the treadmill than anything else. As I stated above I had begun experimenting with how I swung my arms on the treadmill and found that by using a lower walking stride, really exaggerating my arm movement with forearms parallel to the deck, I get better accuracy as far as step count goes.

That is to say about 80% accuracy as opposed to the 60% I was getting letting my arms hang straight down and swinging naturally.

I've watched the app in real time as I'm walking at 4 mph and it really is frustrating to see it struggling to accurately count steps... Also, I've found that if I walk slower, say 3.5-3.8 mph it tends to get a little more accurate... But I'm trying to challenge myself (I also use between 4-10% incline) not accommodate my tracker.

So... Did the new Charge HR fix anything, doesn't seem so but adjusting how I hold my arms and exaggerating the swing has helped somewhat.

I use all aspects of my Charge HR, I log water and religiously log food. I've gone from 268 on 12/27 when I got my Fitbit to 244... 24 lbs in one month! So there are many aspects of this Charge HR that are extremely beneficial to me... However, accuracy on treadmills seems to be the Achilles Heel of this $150 Charge HR.

Can I live with 80% accuracy on treadmills? Given all the other benefits and motivation it provides I'd have to, very reluctantly, say yes. I will say Customer Service was great, they sent out a replacement without delay or argument but ultimately it probably was unnecessary.

Bottom line is this is a great tracker with a pretty handy app with an easy interface. It just struggles at handling one of the most common exercise methods for many people, and I hope they improve the software to address this glaring deficiency in an otherwise stellar product.

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The above should say power walking stride, not lower walking stride.
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I found that going into the app after your workout and logging your exercise or tracking makes it pick up your steps alot better.. now i'm trying to figure out how to get it to log the recalculated steps from my page to any challenges i do... 

so go into log after your workout, set your start and finish times and how far you went.. it will then recalculate your steps 🙂


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Any steps you manually entered will NOT count towards Challenges OR badges... Yes you can delete the auto entry and manually enter distance which will better represent your step count, as long as you don't mind losing ALL those steps for badges and Challenge purposes.
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Wow! That is good to know!!! Thank you!!

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As far as treadmill walking, has anyone tried attaching it to their ankle for the walk on a treadmill to see how that turns out?


I know mine won't come close to fitting as is, but I've been toying with the idea of somehow trying it.


As advanced as this is, it should at least have a "mode" or "treadmill/grocery store ankle attachment" for the ankle or something. I have a friend that is a Chef and quit using his because his hour or so a day he spends pushing a cart around is all but not counted as all, but if he chops salad, he'll have a 10 mile day.


In all honesty, they should have never called it "steps". Probably just should have made up a name. This is pretty disappointing to have invested into something like this and find just because I choose to walk on a treadmill, it's pretty much useless. Same with the floors, I was attending a recurrent school and would average 10 floors a day in the building. It never showed me as doing more than 2. That's pretty bad.


So far, I'm very dissapointed in FitBit. My wife wanted one, but after talking about mine, she may look at other products.

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Thank you for the update. When I jog on my treadmill I get better accuracy then when I walk...hence my arm position is parallel with the treadmill platform...interesting. I will try that when I slow to a walk on it as well vrs hanging my arms straight down. Good job on the weight loss! Keep up the good work! I like the Charge HR simply becuase it keeps me moving to reach my keep going Smiley Very Happy

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The thing is, we paid upwards of $150 for a Fitbit Charge and shouldn't have to take the extra step of logging in steps from a treadmill workout. I doubt all the data I'm getting from my Fitbit when it only picks up 1/2 of my steps. I'm very unhappy with this "fitness tracker".

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I am underwhelmed by Fitbit Charge HR's accuracy of steps/distance on treadmill and regular outdoor runs. It is underreporting by 25-35%. I have not benchmarked the pulse -- I would not be surprised if it is off as well. I am all for innovation and giving upstarts a chance -- I will bear with this gadget for a while but will pay a close attention to fitbit improving the science in their products  before I recommend their product to anybody.

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I haven't tested the trackers on a treadmill, but doing a 1000 step walk while counting them in my head. The Zip and One are within 1 step, my Charge, Charge HR, and Surge are always within 10 steps.

Hanne ypu tried a restart of your tracker.?

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@Jetjouster wrote:

As far as treadmill walking, has anyone tried attaching it to their ankle for the walk on a treadmill to see how that turns out?




As advanced as this is, it should at least have a "mode" or "treadmill/grocery store ankle attachment" for the ankle or something. I have a friend that is a Chef and quit using his because his hour or so a day he spends pushing a cart around is all but not counted as all, but if he chops salad, he'll have a 10 mile day.



You could try looping the strap to your shoe laces? Not sure if that would be too "bouncy" and distracting.
When I'm at the grocery store or Costco pushing a cart, I put my Charge HR in my pants pocket and it appears to be able to track my steps. I haven't done a step-test of manually counting to compare, but I have looked at trips when i forgot and kept it on my wrist and it's been a few hundred steps compared to a few thousand in the pocket.


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Considering that the worst thing you could do while on the treadmill is to hold onto the support bars. It throws the whole body out of alignment,  and you burn less calories. 

Of your hands are free them the steps will be counted. 

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I put my Fitbit in pocket or hook onto shirt or waistband for treadmill, and it's accurate.
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Thanks rabbishaina! I have tried putting in my pocket or inside my sock. I also "tied" it around my ankle which did help but still not accurate. I am looking into another device, Misfit Ray. I do appreciate your input though.

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I made an extension using Velcro for my HR band and wear my Fitbit on my ankle when I'm on the treadmill. It counts every single step accurately because I keep the app open and watch the step count. It would have been much easier to make an extension for the Charge HR if it had the same kind of band the Charge has. I also do that when I'm on my stationary bike because I would rather get steps than have to manually put the data in and get no badges. Hope this helps.
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Two things in my experience with the Fitbit Charge HR that have improved (not solved) treadmill accuracy. And finally an opiniong about why it may never be 100% accurate and "why" I am ok with that.


1. When running on the treadmill after about mile 2 my hands finally relax and I tend to 'flop' my hands as I run. That floppy hand motion breaks contact with the band and my wrist (near as I can tell tendon flexion is the root cause even though I am not flexing I'm flopping).

2. If I wear the FitBit Charge HR as exactly stated in the instructions it is less accurate



1. reading up there is little difference between running with relaxed hands and hands so relaxed that they flop like fish on the top and bottom of the arm swing. So I have been focusing on my hand/arm form by starting with a lose yet firmer wrist.


2. I tend to tighten the strap one incrment more than the "optimum" fit described in the handbook and in the help sections. I do a lot of cross fit and I am convinced my forearm musculatur is just not compatible with the way the FitBit expect to fit on the forearm/wrist area.

* HR never drops out and is accurate to within 5 HB of my chest strap

* steps tend to be accurate

* calories burned is spot on with other monitors (treadmill count, and my recently retired BodyMedia LINK {a pox upon you Jawbone!})
* I get a lot of FLOORS credit because of my stride


Look carefully at that last point. I am and was a sprinter and jumper in high school and college. While only 5'8" I once successfully cleared the high jump at 6' 2", and was one inch off of school records for long jump and triple jump. So even at 50 I tend to run with a lot of bounce in my step.  This led me to consider how the FitBit measures floors, steps, etc. It seems to me it is relying on the three axis gyroscope internals which measure force along three axes. Depending on the inputs the results "may" vary. So if you look at sections of this thread the arm parallel to the floor or perpendicular to the floor during the arm swing tended to effect step count. Makes sense.

Now look at my own expeirence of too much credit for climbing flights of stairs and I am more convinced that it has to do wtih the the algorithm used when measuring movement along the three axes. Subtle differences in force will change the calculation (e.g. arm position, bouncing leg stride, etc).

My assmed root cause:

* the heel strike while running on a treadmill is radically different from the heel strike on tarmac or a track.
* the harder impacting heel strike will cause a change in force along multiple access and help profile a "stride"
* a treadmill with a lower energy impact (my personal experience) changes the shape of the graphed forces and makes it harder for the device to register the stride.

What does this mean for me?
- steps is one measure of relative activity.

- calories matter most for me

- and it is mostly correct in kcals when it is off with the steps

- since my goal is about focusing on calories and I use logging and other methods to keep track of my running plan the lack of accuracy in steps while on the treadill is inconsequential.

Your mileage is likely to vary based on goals. I get that. My two cents and hoping it is worth something to someone somewhere. 😉

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MassDad:   Proper form on the treadmill is that your arms should be bent at the elbow and your fists should approach chest height on the upswing.  This will increase your cal burn by ~ 15% vs dangling arms or holding on.  


Gratz on the weight loss so far. Keep at it Dad. 

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Why don't you just take a pencil and a piece of paper and log your workouts and save yourself some $$$?

My Charge is mostly worthless.  If I can find someone who wants it I will take it off my wrist and give it to them.  It does not accurately count the flights of stairs I climb, does not record my workouts with a professional trainer.  If this is so inaccurate how can you depend upon the heart rate monitor, sleep monitor, calorie burn or any other part of this toy?


My experience with the Charge is the same as yours.  This toy is not worth the $$$.  If it cannot accurately count steps or flights of stairs how do you trust any of the other metrics?



Moderator edit: merged reply


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thank you for welcome email for discussion page. It is a pity, but I am not feel well from answer I got from site o company.. I bought an equipment what primary function is a counting of my steps. As I understand from discusion and answer, this function is not properly working and as I have study and compare, the difference between working well and working "like Fitbit" is between 25-40%.

Small example: todays walk on treadmill
22:06 min, cadency 140 steps per min, total distance 2,25km, count of steps 2824
20:08 min, cadency 140 steps per min, total distance 2,25km, count of steps 2678

Fitbit result:
Today, 07:06 Workout Edit 1,856 steps N/A 22:06 240 cals
Today, 06:46 Workout Edit 1,606 steps N/A 20:08 175 cals


I asked what I am doing bad.


1) You have to walk with arm /hand direction to the ground. I found the possition, when Fitbit counts properly. It I have discused and tested the possition with profesionals and they strictly warned, because I will have precise numbers of steps, but I will look like idiot and my body will do a sport in non "natural" possition and it can create lot of problems and paintfull situation. (I am not holding the treadmill during walk or run, I do a normal natuaral human move)
Question: Has been checked by somebody from Fitbit , that it is the correct solution and Fitbit will recommends it, with all risks?


2) When is time for repair? Will Fitbit repair this malfunction? For me is repair, that I will set the execrise like Treadmill and the algoritm will recalculate the steps. Do not give me a recomendation that I can add steps manually, I am feel like an idiot, because I have payd 150 USD for notepad. Daily to do: delete a records from Fitbit and add manual record??? Are you sure, that this is a reccomended answer?


??? When will modify Fitbit the information about possibilities of Charger HR and on all presentation will inform buyers about "treadmill" inaccuracy? I check lot of eshops, where is Fitbit sold, there is no information about treadmill issue, I think that buyers have to know it. I can help you, free of charge, for you.


??? I have test "cheap" wrist / stepmeters and they works, really. It is not something what will Fitbit do as a first on the world. There exist a equipments, what counts steps correctly. Is this in a schedule or  plan in Fitbit company?


On my account is 13,097,985 steps with Fitbit, are you sure by this number? All information about my Achievements are a lie ?????


Please answer me, but do not send me a PR or other information about marketing or that you are sad... I need to know what time it will works as expected or let me know that you are not able to repair it and I will buy something fo 20USD what works, or let us know what model has not these problems...I be happy, but do something.




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I think there should be a recall, fitbit needs to get their act together and make their products worth the money.
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