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I have been reading some discussions and I am quite disappointed to be honest.
We are currently leaving in a world where technology is improving day by day and I cannot understand how Fitbit- one of the bests, if not THE best smartwatch out there- is not coping with the evolution of technology.
We leave in a free world and automatically we have the right to chose whichever phone we want as we are paying for it. Huawei P20 Pro cost me around £700 which is quite a big investment so you can understand it was an absolute shock when I was told this phone is not compatible with my Fitbit.
Why Iphone X (the latest Iphone release on 3rd November 2017) was straight away included in the list of Compatible devices and Huawei P20 Pro (Released on 27th March 2018) is not included in the list as in yet?
I'm assuming you are aware of the massive success and sales records Huawei are currently having and I can see that many people raised this problem with yourselves already.
Why cannot this be fixed? Why this phone not compatible with Fitbit? People spent so much money on these watches and expect to use it with their phones. What is stopping people from buying a £20 unknown smartwatch to be compatible with their phones? Because we love your product and we want to use it but we need to have our rights as customers respected.
I have been on the chat and I was told I cannot be given a time frame and I have to wait. Why someone cannot tell me how long I need to wait to use a Fitbit Product that I have paid good money for?
I am not asking for a 50 years old phone to be included in that list; I am asking for the latest technology phone to be included. Its been already almost 5 months since Huawei have released this product and nothing was done as in yet. Why?
Some people are always buying the new technology. Once a new phone is released they go and buy it. By the time my phone will be compatible with Fitbit most probably a better phone will be released, and then what? another 6 months, maybe 1 year to be included in the compatible devices list?
It shouldn't be like this and I am disappointed. I have two weeks already since I am investing time and energy in entering everything that I eat in my fitbit app so I can keep record of my calories and then suddenly it stopped working and my time is wasted. I should mention that this happen the second I left my Iphone X for Huawei.
Please could you let me know, let all of us that use this phone know, what should we expect? Will this be fixed and our phone added on Fitbit Supported Devices list? When will this happen? No time frame is not acceptable considering my example above- Iphone X was added straight away and different phones with the same technology or even better one- not!
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Moderator edit: Subject for clarity
12-03-2018 13:03
12-03-2018 13:03
12-04-2018 04:55
12-04-2018 04:55
Hey @cariadkath77, how are you today? Well, in general, this phone model, the Huawei P20, is not a compatible device so I can't tell you that it'll work with the Charge 2, the Charge 3 or any other Fitbit device. By now, I can only suggest you to be patient while our team is working on this.
I really appreciate your time and understanding!
01-14-2019 15:16
01-14-2019 15:16
I feel the same way. I have the p20 Pro. After a few hiccups I got it to work. Now I can't sync it at all. I deleted and reinstalled the app, and unpaired it. Now it won't pair again 😞 Thinking of selling and looking at what huawei have to offer.
01-14-2019 17:49
01-14-2019 17:49
My Huawei p20 lite isn't compatable. I find this extremely annoying as I changed phones from a Samsung. One of the things I loved about it was that I could see who was calling and text messages. This doesnt work anymore, I have tried everything and it will not stayed paired.
Think I am going to throw my fitbit in the bin and get a Huawei fitness tracker.
It's cheaper and will probably work better.
Fitbits - what a waste of money.
Extremely annoyed!!!!
01-14-2019 22:27
01-14-2019 22:27
01-15-2019 14:51
01-15-2019 14:51
Just got off phone with Fitbit support and was told p20 pro is now compatible...I asked him to double check, he came back and said it was. I was having many issues lately with my ionic including sync. It used to work great, notifications and all, they are sending me a replacement 😁
01-15-2019 14:56
01-15-2019 14:56
After reading this I might go a different route as well... I'll see if mine arrived promptly or not... Might have to move on to suunto🙄
01-15-2019 22:19
01-15-2019 22:19
01-21-2019 07:29
01-21-2019 07:29
Hey guys! I hope you are doin' great!
As you can see in our most updated compatible devices list, the Huawei P20 Pro is already a compatible device, so you can use it with any Fitbit device now. How cool is that! 🙂
If you have further questions or comments, let me know!
03-02-2019 08:13
03-02-2019 08:13
What's really frustrating is that the P20 pro is listed as compatible but it isn't!
03-09-2019 09:52
03-09-2019 09:52
I am so disappointed, my swim has been ignored completely. I bought the flex 2 especially because I swim regularly. Any suggestions?
03-12-2019 23:31
03-12-2019 23:31
Hi can you please help, I've finally managed to connect my Fitbit to this phone and it will sync once, but then won't sync, it just says looking
Please help
03-14-2019 13:50
03-14-2019 13:50
If this is the case then why am I not recieving notifications on my Fitbit versa from my Huawei mate pro20. I am very disappointed.
03-14-2019 23:55
03-14-2019 23:55
Go To Settings on your phone, go into battery option and for notifications manage allow fitbit manually it should then work
03-15-2019 00:17
03-15-2019 00:17
alk sorted thank you 😊
03-15-2019 01:13
03-15-2019 01:13