05-03-2018 15:19 - edited 06-29-2019 15:04
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05-03-2018 15:19 - edited 06-29-2019 15:04
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Fitbit Update 8/23/18:
Hey, everyone! Just wanted to thank you all for your participation in this thread.
Since the majority of Versa users have successfully updated to OS 2.1.1 (v32.32.10.15) I have decided to close this topic from further comments.
If you still have not updated your Versa to OS 2.1.1, check out this help article for how to update your device. Please complete this update so that you're prepared for the next release.
If you are experiencing an issue with your Versa unrelated to the firmware-up process, I invite you to start a new topic on the Community or find a related topic.
Thanks for all your feedback and contributions on this thread. We're looking forward to bringing you all the next Fitbit OS update!
Fitbit Update 05/11/2018: We have released Fitbit OS 2.1 to 100% of Versa users (Firmware Version:
Hi, everyone!
I am excited to announce the release of Fitbit OS 2.1! (Firmware Version:
We've started to roll out this update to 10% of Versa users. This is a progressive rollout, and all Versa users can expect to have it within a few weeks. We roll out releases in phases as a cautionary measure so that we can monitor performance closely and make adjustments if needed.
Introducing quick replies. Send customized responses to text messages and messages from select messaging apps with your Fitbit watch. Note that this feature is currently only available on watches paired to an Android phone. For more information, see How do I respond to messages with my Fitbit watch?
This release includes other bug fixes and improvements.
Step by step instructions for updating your Versa can be found here.
I recommend updating your Versa over a home Wi-Fi network as this can greatly reduce the time it can take to get set up. For more information on connecting your Versa to Wi-Fi, check out this article.
If you run into any trouble updating your Versa, I can also recommend reviewing these troubleshooting tips.
Looking forward to hearing everyone's feedback on the latest release. If you have any questions, feel free to let me know!
Want to get more steps? Visit Get Moving in the Health & Wellness Discussion Forum.
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
05-06-2018 16:03
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05-06-2018 16:03
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@AlessFitbit I’m just curious....for those of us who are still waiting to get the new update, will we be getting a better version since there seems to be a lot of bugs in the one that has just been sent out. It says you are monitoring the performances closely and will make adjustments as needed, which seems like you guys need to do.Thanks.
05-06-2018 18:07
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05-06-2018 18:07
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@Hbeats wrote:Tried it out and it kept all the fitness stuff but i lost me mateys and crab friends on treasure trek. Didn't end up getting the update so all in all it was not worth it for me. It kept the clock face I was using so I'm suspicious that the factory reset didn't completely reset the watch.
I've experienced the same, clock face remaining after factory reset. I think this is working as expected because the app/your account still have your selected clock face, so it just gets pushed to the Versa after the factory reset completes (but any changes to the clock face settings get reverted to default).

05-06-2018 18:13
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05-06-2018 18:13
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@AlessFitbit would it be possible to become a beta tester for new firmware and app updates? Or can those of us still waiting for the firmware update download it manually, maybe sign a waiver or agree to special terms to do so? I really see the potential for this platform and would be more than happy to provide helpful feedback.
05-06-2018 20:45
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05-06-2018 20:45
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I cannot get this download my watch does not work and I want to return it and get my money back. How do I do this? It has not worked from day one and i am quiet annoyed with fitbits service and backup.
05-06-2018 23:45
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05-06-2018 23:45
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My wife and I both have the versa. She got the update, I didn't. Guess I have to wait. It's been a long time coming though. Really excited to get quick replies as well as the ability to accept or decline incoming calls.
Now hopefully in a future update they will make the right buttons change songs in the music app, instead of change the volume.
05-07-2018 02:32
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05-07-2018 02:32
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Are you able to tell when we'll have the update here in Australia? Mine is still on
I feel like I've downgraded from my Samsung gear fit 2, which already has the smart features - quick and short replies, answer/reject calls, clear messages on watch which marks on my phone as read.
I hope we get it soon or i might have to swap it with the new Samsung gear fit Pro.
05-07-2018 03:56
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05-07-2018 03:56
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05-07-2018 04:49
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05-07-2018 04:49
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I've had the same issues and unfortunately I am now stuck with the Versa missed my return deadline by 1 day ...

05-07-2018 04:53
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05-07-2018 04:53
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Go to fitbit.com and get onto the online chat under Help. They will help you send it back.

05-07-2018 05:55
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05-07-2018 05:55
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@MrGlenn I have a quick question, do you know why some apps show "reply" option and some dont? thanks

05-07-2018 07:32
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05-07-2018 07:32
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Just to be clear I'm not affiliated with fitbit so I'm just guessing here: for the apps that don't show a reply option, are you sure on your phone they do have a quick reply option (quick reply from notification without opening the app)?
Some apps simply don't offer quick replies on Android, that's not a fitbit issue.
05-07-2018 07:36
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05-07-2018 07:36
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thank you for the information.
05-07-2018 08:43
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05-07-2018 08:43
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MikeyP181, in case you haven't noticed, everyone on this forum that bought a Versa is a beta tester. (alpha tester is more like it) 😜
As for the new firmware, I get a slight increase in battery time I think, I'll have to write down day/time after the next charge to know for sure. Everything else, no change in behaviour that I can see. :(.
05-07-2018 08:49
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05-07-2018 08:49
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So I got the Versa on Friday. Been wearing it since. Only 3 days, but I've already hit a wall. I checked and apparently I have the new firmware update. But on my Pixel 2 XL, it still won't let me control my phone's playing music. Which is annoying, but tolerable.
What isn't tolerable is I went to bed last night with 13,000 steps and a synced watch. Woke up this morning and went to check my sleep pattern. Zero info. Confused, I checked the rest of the app. It informed me my last sync was yesterday at 5:30 pm and had me at 9,000 steps. It's now refusing to sync at all. I've tried everything suggested on all these threads short of a factory reset and nothing. It simply refuses to connect. Nothing changed overnight, but it somehow managed to lose all the info past 5:30 that I know it synced to my app.
I love the watch and want it to work, but this is infuriating. Especially since I'd hoped this update I read about would fix it. Nope, I already had it apparently.
05-07-2018 08:57
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05-07-2018 08:57
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Hey man, not sure if this helps or not. I had the same situation with the steps not showing up. I noticed if I had the watch and phone on the same exact wifi network it synced and added all the steps later. Previously my watch was on my 2.4ghz band and my phone was on the 5ghz band and I had all these strange issues from steps not being recorded to apps/watchfaces not being downloaded. That being said my syncing issues seem to be alright at this point. Downloading apps and watchfaces are still a bit of an adventure.

05-07-2018 09:29
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05-07-2018 09:29
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I am guessing by the lack of mention that the spo2 sensor is still unusable? Is there still no time-frame other than "the future!!"? I am less concerned about the ability to diagnose a particular illness and more concerned about being able to use the sensor. It is available on my Samsung S7, but I would like to get an idea of what my numbers are throughout the day and during soccer and running. I also would like to keep all my fitness data in one place. An ETA would be awesome.
05-07-2018 09:40
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05-07-2018 09:40
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The wifi tip might be helpful if my app was actually physically capable of opening the "Wi-Fi Settings" menu. Every time I try it sits there giving me the spiny loading icon on a blank menu till I hit the back arrow. Earlier when I tried it gave me a few Bluetooth reset pop-up prompts instead of opening the menu. Which didn't seem to do anything.

05-07-2018 12:24 - edited 05-07-2018 12:27
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05-07-2018 12:24 - edited 05-07-2018 12:27
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@meresydotes @SunsetRunner Thanks for explaining what you are experiencing with exercise shortcut settings on Versa. Please make sure to update to the new OS: once you see it available in the Fitbit app! Let me know if you still have the same issue after updating.
@Jayelo Once you update to the new OS:, you should be able to receive your call notifications on Versa. The update is still rolling out and should be available to you soon!
@Baysidefish @Tats01 Thanks for reporting this behavior with call notifications. This is specific to Android only, so I'm curious to know what Android devices you two own? Please let me know if this is still happening or if it is working as expected with only the option to "ignore" while the call is incoming.
@Subodh_Benjamin To clarify your question about call notifications, you will have the option to ignore the call only, not pick it up. If you miss the call, you'll have the option to "message" or "call back" your contact.
@momnbaby Hi, there! Currently, there is no way to delete step date from your account. However, there is an option to "negate" data with these instructions.
@peachy0641 @Michelle7878 I'm sorry to hear you had some difficulty updating. I would make sure you are connected to your home Wifi inside the Fitbit app first, then begin the firmware update. If it continues to fail, restart your phone and give it another try.
@Genmary Thanks for calling this out. I will relay this feedback to our team! I hope you're enjoying the new OS otherwise.
@Llmgtab @Mottys There is no way to force an update. I know you're eager to update, but don't worry it will be rolling out and available to you soon! Thanks for your patience.
@MaiB Female Health tracking is being released to iOS and Windows users starting today! It is a progressive rollout and you can read more in my post here.
@MikeyP181 Thanks for your interest in our Beta program! If you're interested in joining an open public test, please contact our Field Testing team at beta@fitbit.com.
@UncannyVagabond I'm sure you're eager to get more info about the Spo2 sensor, however, I don't have a timeline available for you. Please stay tuned for more information. Thanks for your patience!
@DaBurdNurd I'm sorry to hear you're having some trouble with your Versa. Thanks for doing some troubleshooting already, but just to confirm have you restarted the watch with these instructions? Also, is your phone running the latest version of the Fitbit app? I would also clear Versa from your Bluetooth settings and go back to the Fitbit app to re-pair it to your account. For more suggestions, check out this troubleshooting article.
Want to get more steps? Visit Get Moving in the Health & Wellness Discussion Forum.

05-07-2018 12:48
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05-07-2018 12:48
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@AlessFitbit I just want to be clear here, because I described the problem clearly and accurately from the beginning. At first, youall said that the fix for the Customized Stats wouldn't be in the firmware update because the release notes would include a user facing fix like that. Then the problem would not be fixed because youall said it wasn't a problem and that's how it should work. Now, you're saying that it will be fixed, because you just didn't understand the problem I described clearly and accurately.
Please confirm that, after I receive the firmware update, my Versa will remember my Customized States for my workouts.
05-07-2018 12:57
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05-07-2018 12:57
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I have this exact same issue. On the watch: Exercise, Settings, Customize Stats. Set them how I like. The next time the watch syncs to the phone, the settings revert back.
Also, I have Screen Wake set to Manual and it still randomly comes on by itself. I hope these are fixed in this update...