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Update: This has now released to 100%
We’re excited to announce that a firmware update for Versa, Versa 2, and Versa Lite will be available soon! Some of you may already have this update available - if you installed it, let us know what you think!
If you don’t see the update yet, that’s expected. Check the Fitbit app in a few days, and you’ll see a message when you can install the update. We expect everyone to receive the update in the coming weeks. We appreciate your patience while we get this update to all of our customers.
Did you know that we gradually release our updates? We do this to make sure everything is working just right for you. Sometimes we find an issue and it might take a little longer than expected for everyone to get the update. While you might see suggestions on how to “force” an update, we ask that you don’t try any of these workarounds. Most of the time the update won’t be available and you can lose data or encounter other difficulties. The best way to get the update is to be patient and wait for the update banner to appear in the Fitbit app.
You can find release notes here.
You can find step-by-step instructions for updating your Versa, Versa 2 or Versa Lite here.
If you run into difficulty please review these troubleshooting tips.
We’re interested in hearing your feedback on this update! Let us know what you like! If you encounter unexpected behavior during or after your update, please post the details below.
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
08-26-2021 19:49
08-26-2021 19:49
I am guessing most if not everyone here has a useless versa 2 since the latest firmware update?
The screen in mines started to respond slower, eventually turning green, now it wouldn't turn on at all.
Still tracking my sleep tho.
08-27-2021 02:44
08-27-2021 02:44
Since the update my versa lite won't display the correct time on my watch. How do I fix this? Can someone please help me, its driving me insane. My watch is less than a year old & I can't afford a new one.
08-27-2021 02:58
08-27-2021 02:58
This update literally broke my watch!
Everything was working great and then out of nowhere my touchscreen and heart rate sensor stopped worked.
Can someone from support explain me how this is possible? Nobody tested the firmware before pushing to the public and more importantly are you guys fixing my watch?
08-27-2021 03:03
08-27-2021 03:03
How do you setup the watch without the app?
08-27-2021 06:34
08-27-2021 06:34
08-27-2021 09:56
08-27-2021 09:56
My battery has been severely affected by the update. Original versa running software Charged it last night up to 65% now it's already at 16% haven't done anything severe today just a casual walk with the baby in the pram. Any suggestions?
08-27-2021 11:27
08-27-2021 11:27
Hi Magic73 - CALL THEM! You are still under warranty and they have to fix or replace your device.
08-27-2021 11:51
08-27-2021 11:51
It is still under warranty up to a year. They have to fix or replace. Don't let them string you along uñtil year is up and then do not do any updates until you look at comments here first and are sure it won't cause damage.
08-27-2021 16:52
08-27-2021 16:52
My versa 2 just spontaneously died after a full charge and will not turn back on. Bravo, fitbit. It appears your worthless update fried my watch. 🤬
08-28-2021 04:18
08-28-2021 04:18
Okay, happened upon a partial solution.
After the firmware update:
-i was getting stats to sync to the phone but no data was appearing on the fitbit
-all data was appearing as —
-time & messages did still function
-battery mysteriously draining
-o2 chart not working, but this was not new-has never worked. And yes, i have premium.
-tried restarting, reinstalling, toggling watch faces -nothing worked.
i was frustrated, took off the fitbit, figured i’d never use again…
so, eventually the battery completely discharges.
A couple days later, out of habit i think, i stuck it on the charger, the next morning still seeing time and no stats. I started playing with the watch faces, but this time, when i toggled to a new face, stats were there.
o2 face still doesn’t work -for any stats. I still feel like this feature was a bait and switch.
but i got my favorite alarm back, and most daily stats are good.
Fitbit-what’s up with all the versa problems? My last 4 fitbits were fantastic. On paper versa is vastly superior, but the coding quality has gone to hell!
At this rate with more viable competitors now on the market, i would think you would be more diligent, not slack.
08-28-2021 07:58
08-28-2021 07:58
I did the chat help. They will ask you to do certain things like charge it, etc. They had me clean the leads on the watch back and the charger with alcohol. Then try and charge it again through my computer. Only then will they send you to the people who can replace it.
08-28-2021 10:21
08-28-2021 10:21
08-29-2021 11:21
08-29-2021 11:21
Versa 2 wont stop vibrating while tracking a workout. Give us a bug fix or revert this update please.
08-30-2021 13:40
08-30-2021 13:40
After installing the update Friday, my Versa Lite constantly looses connection, will not sync and I no longer get notifications. I have done a factory restore, un-paired and re-paired the Bluetooth, have un-installed and reinstalled the Fitbit app, I may get it to pair briefly but then it loses it's connection within a few minutes. I spoke with one of their customer service agents and they say that my watch which is 1 year 3 months old is out of warranty so I wouldn't be eligible for a replacement, in all honesty if they hadn't pushed this fix which seems to be breaking everyone's Versa's I wouldn't be in the boat of needing to buy a new Fitbit. I used to have the Fitbit charge and had that replaced as well because the screen died on it, maybe it's time to look somewhere else if they aren't willing to stand by their products.
08-30-2021 17:16
08-30-2021 17:16
Fitbit Update 08/30/2021
Hi everyone! First off, I wanted to thank you all for your participation in this thread. Secondly, since the majority of Versa, Versa Lite and Versa 2 members have reported successfully updating to Fitbit OS 4.2.2 Firmware Update (, I am closing this thread. If you still have not updated your watch to OS 4.2.2, check out this post for some best practices on how to update your device.
If you are experiencing an issue with your watch unrelated to the firmware-up process, I invite you to start a new topic on the community or find a related topic. You can always get in touch with our Support team via chat or phone if you need further assistance.
Thanks again for all the great feedback we have received on this release.