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Fitbit Versa distance inaccurate

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I bought the Fitbit Versa a couple of weeks ago, and love the way it works! But, it seems it isn't doing a very good job at measuring distances,  which I think is one of the main features an activity tracker is supposed to be flawless at. 


I've compared the distance of a run I do regularly on a couple of devices and apps: Apple Watch, Geonaute GPS tracker, Fitbit Charge HR (connected GPS), several iPhones, Samsung Galaxy S9, apps like Strava, Runkeeper, Nike +, Google fit. They all seem to have more or less the same distance at the end of the run, which is: 6.8 - 6.9km. This is more or less correct, as the measured track is 1800m long (I run 3 laps = 5400m) and I have to run an additional 2x725m (1450m) to go to the track and get back home.

Today I did another run with the Fitbit Versa. And it measured only 5,86km.  Which is more then 13% off... Meanwhile I tracked the same run with Strava on my Samsung, which is using the same GPS: 6,8km. You offer a close collab with Strava, but why aren't the distances in sync? And even more, when I do the same run with the Versa a couple of times, the distances aren't the same. For example: I did the same run last week with the Versa: 6,36km. How do you explain this? My tracking apps don't seem to have any problems with locating the GPS signal or staying connected. My Phone is in my pocket which is about 0-50cm from the Versa, bluetooth is on.  Connected GPS is on and working fine the whole time. The run is also showing up on the map in my fitbit app correctly, but the distance is way off. To me this seems to be a software issue, which should be easily resolved in another software updated. Please fix this issue asap! If my old Fitbit Charge HR was able track the distance correctly via the fitbit app, why isn't the Versa? 







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147 REPLIES 147
I'm telling you all save yourself the trouble an get a Garmin. The vivoactive is amazing. I couldn't live with the distance not being accurate. My wife also has a versa that just stopped working after a little over a year so of course the warranty is expired. Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S8.
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It's obvious that Fitbit is not using the actual GPS data for calculating the distance. My current theory is that it uses the GPS to track the stride length, which is then used to calculate the distance. But it's not even using the stride length from that workout, but previous workout or some x nr of steps taken. I'm thinking this because whenever I do a longer workout with shorter strides, I get a lot of extra distance. Then the next shorter workouts with regular stride length, it will track vastly shorter distances. 


I've even loaded my training GPS data to Google Maps and the distances vary greatly. Based on that I can say with 100% certainty, Fitbit is not using GPS data for tracking the distance.


The worst about all this is Fitbit-s lack of acknowledgment that this issue exists, even though all product forums have these complaints. I have a hard time believing that the company owners wouldn't want to fix that as they are loosing customers because of this issue. So it's either the tech support guys lacking basic reading skills to understand the issue, them not wanting to disturb the devs or some other organisational bs. Anyways I'm not going to buy another of their product again as well.



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I've been bike riding with two friends, one using an Apple watch and the other using Strava.  Both are getting distances within .1 mile of each other, but my Versa reading is several miles more than either of them are getting.  Given this and the lengthy string of concerns about this issue, I have to suspect that Fitbit is not calculating distances accurately.  I've seen some suggest this could be linked to stride length calibration, but this shouldn't be a factor when measuring distance for a bike ride.  I've been a Fitbit product user for many years and three different devices and have generally been pleased.  That said, there have been several problems lately, including this one, that are giving me doubts about continuing when I replace my current Versa.  I am also much less inclined to pay for the Premium service since the included features seem to be having increasing problems.  I'd like to stay with you Fitbit, but please try to get it together better. 

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Probably because it doesn't have built in GPS. You have to take your phone
with you to map your activities
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Thanks, I know that and have my phone with me.  It may be possible that my phone isn't tracking correctly, I've tried calibrating it and will test it out.

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I decided to experiment:  I put the Strava app on my phone and then ran Strava and Fitbit when I went on two walks on consecutive days.  On both walks, the Strava distance was about 0.3-0.4 miles more than Fitbit's.  Again, this was using the same phone at the same time, just running the two apps simultaneously.   Day one:  Strava=4.35 miles; Fitbit=3.98 miles; difference=0.37 miles.  Day two: Strava=3.48 miles; Fitbit=3.16 miles; difference=0.32 miles.  I don't know why there would be a difference since both apps are getting the GPS data from the same phone at exactly the same time, which suggests that one or both apps are somehow modifying the phone's GPS data.  It also looks like the difference gets larger as the total activity distance increases, which correlates with what I found on bike rides, i.e., the difference in the Fitbit distance and my friends' Strava and Apple measurements got larger the farther we rode.  Oddly, on bike rides, it was Fitbit that reported the larger total distance, but on my walks, Fitbit's distances were shorter.  I didn't estimate the actual distance on Google Maps, but I'm guessing the error is in the Fitbit software, again since Strava and Apple were almost identical in their distance measurements.  Any thoughts from the Community or Fitbit?

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I am having the exact same issue, I use my Fitbit Versa Lite and Runkeeper simultaneously while going for runs and they report back different distances each time. The last couple for example:

Fitbit 2.89km vs Runkeeper 3.64km

Fitbit 2.22km vs Runkeeper 3.00km

Fitbit 2.77km vs Runkeeper 3.69km


I know that the Runkeepers data is correct as I have measured this out using google maps and other run tracking apps. I have played around with stride length on the Fitbit but that does not seem to change anything.


I bought the Fitbit about 4 months ago but have only started running in the past few weeks which was when I first noticed the issue, at first it was very disheartening as when I trusted the Fitbit I was thinking I was running a hell of a lot slower than I actually was. I've emailed support but they are taking an average of one week to reply to each of my emails, the first response was a generic response and second suggested restarting it (which I have tried).


I am going to try and return the fitbit to the store once it re-opens next week, hoping they will let me exchange it for another product. Would the same issue occur with the Versa 2 or the Charge 4 if they have GPS built in?

Best Answer
I have Versa 2 n it is way off. I use my old Garmin when I run or walk.
Fitbit has never responded to me so I won't be buying another ever! My
first Fitbit tracked fine but was a surge
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This week I have taken the same route 3 times as I work my way through week 6 of couch to 5k.

I have a versa 2 and set it for a run as I start off on my 5 minute warm up walk and end the run when I get back home. I have GPS tracking enabled - the route has been mapped pretty well the same on all 3 days. 

On Day 1:

5736 steps, 41 minutes, 4.2km

On Day 2:

5776 steps, 41 minutes, 4.75km

On Day 3:

5787 steps, 40 minutes, 4.03km


I used Google maps to get a good approximation of the route - 5km.

As you can see, steps and time very similar and yet distance out by up to 20%


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Its totally a Fitbit issue as it cant interpret GPS data properly. Export it to Strava and its accurate.  Dont hold your breath for a fix.

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Yes. Fitbit is apathetic to this issue. Just the fact that this thread had been active for over 1.5 years shows that (a) Fitbit engineers can't solve this simple distance tracking issue (b) management (James Park) really doesn't know any engineering to demand any better. 


It just blows my mind that within the Fitbit app the map shows the exact path I ran (meaning GPS worked correctly AND Fitbit got the GPS data waypoint data correctly) but the distance covered is off by over 25%. I mean come on. If you know the path covered then a simple check after the run should tell Fitbit app that something is off! This incorrect measurement completely screws up my VO2 max calculation.


Just incredibly disappointed in this poor software engineering and management. 

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I get that same discrepancy so frustrating that they can't get a fix for
that. I am carrying my phone with me and will get 2 different readings. I
just did the update on the tracker hopefully that is the fix!
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I have to be honest... I actually chuckled when I read "update to tracker
would fix this". If it was as simple then this problem from almost 2 years
ago would have gone away. But it keeps propping up.

Unfortunately, I am on the latest app version and the latest tracker
firmware. And the problem is there. Surprisingly, this problem was NOT
there before the update.

That is what makes this mind bogglingly crazy. One week ago I had been
getting consistent and correct distance readings. Then tracker and app
updated and problem cropped up. If I look into the exercise data in Fitbit
then the connected GPS worked perfectly each time including the run from
today. The red path on the Fitbit map is exactly the same! But the distance
is wrong from today.

It's not a tracker issue. It's a stupid bug in software within the app that
relates GPS data to distance. Probably poor engineering in the software
fundamental that keeps cropping up like whack a mole.
Another reason why I don't think this is a tracker issue is because
different tracker models are having the same issue.

Maybe when Fitbit becomes Google owned we will have better management and
engineering. I can't believe that current management is spending resources
on new features and premium when they can't even get basic distance
measurement right consistently.
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Thanks for the info! I did get a couple good readings the past couple
days. I always run my phone's tracker app (Samsung) simultaneously. The
big test will be my next mountain bike ride. Those trails are already
marked for mileage. So far the fitbit tracks more distance than it
actually is. If they can't get it right and have it stay consistent I may
give up on the fitbit and purchase the Samsung watch. I had an early
generation one years ago and it was connected with my cell phone plan for
data and GPS. It had limited call & text capabilities so didn't have to
carry a phone with me. The price was right on the Fitbit and I pay for the
premium so there are a lot of additional features I really like. We'll see
how this "update" fares on the bike ride distance!
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i have the same issue even when the versa 2 indicates that it was connected to my phone/gps 

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Could have something to do with your stride length
-or inaccuracy by Fitbit.
Save yourself the trouble, get a Garmin
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If Fitbit continues to use stride length even when there is connected GPS
then that would be really sad. I would hope they are smarter than that.

Anyway, just to be absolutely certain I removed the automatic stride length
and entered the correct one. Even then the distance was wrong.

What is surprising to me is that I am getting shorter distance than reality
whereas others are saying they are getting longer than reality. I just
simply cannot figure out what Fitbit is doing wrong? The path recorded by
GPS in the Fitbit app map is correc, so why can't they simply all Google
the correct distance and update that? Just eliminate the issues a tracker
firmware might have.

I haven't given up on Fitbit yet. This problem was not there one week ago
for me. It's some careless engineer who let an old error creep in on the
new version.
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Simply adding GPS to the watch itself is a far superior move. It's the whole point of these watches to eliminate the need for a phone. Also my wife got the new versa, who the hell designed that thing. The charger has the dumbest design ever!Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S8.
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@parker7887its worth noting that even the Apple Watch uses your phones GPS if it is present, and since I dumped my Versa for an Apple Watch 2 my tracking has worked a dream. It is Fitbit software related and until that is fixed it wont matter where the GPS is coming from.

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Excellent point on GPS poor execution on buying an apple watch. GO GARMIN 😂Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S8.
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