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Versa 2 SpO2 (EOV) Questions

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Based on the press release for the Versa 2, an spO2 sensor will become standard and be used primarily for the sleep score.


Does anyone know if this will also be used in fitness tracking? i.e. when working out, would O2 levels be measured and considered when calculating the overall fitness score?



Moderator edit: Clarified subject

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252 REPLIES 252

Laughter IS the best medicine!

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What is EOV?
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Estimated Oxygen Variation 

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Thanks, that could be very useful information!

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I wonder if those seeing the graph are NOT Premium members. Someone that had the graph said to scroll all the way down through your sleep graphs and for Premium Members, each piece of information is on a completely different screen. 

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I am not a premium member and have the graph. I have to click on the nites sleep graph, scroll down past the bar graphs that show awake, light, REM and deep and THEN I see the O2 graph

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So that fits my theory. Now I wish more people that have the graph would reply to see if there is a pattern. 

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See attached screen capture of where O2 graph is ..,, scroll down past sleep break down 


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Right. I'm a premium member and don't have the graph, even though the SPO2 is being read. Which is why I was saying I wonder if only NON-Premium members can see the graph. 

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Ok gotcha ! well that just sucks if that’s true !

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Yep, that's the weird thing. My daughter and I both have Versa 2s. We got them for Christmas. Neither of us are Premium members, but she has the monitor running on hers. I'm still waiting to be deemed "Worthy" 🤣🤣 or maybe it's because I'm not a teenager and I just dont sleep enough for the Fitbit hierarchy. What I do know is that instead of taking notes in class, my daughter was texting me because she had a lot of orange in her EOV. I thought she did great on a certification at school or on a test or something school related so I texted that the pic she sent didnt come thru, Congratulations! I'm so proud of you! Have a great rest of your day, make good choices and what is EOV?"

She replied with what it stood for and then told me orange is baaaad!!! So now she's worried she has a breathing problem 😩  I had to quickly start googling stuff to calm her down. So maybe they should explain that unless you're consistently getting orange or whatever other bad colors there are dont freak out and talk to your Dr. first.

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Is it possible that the spO2 sensor in many of the Versa devices mentioned in this thread is in fact working, but the data derived from it is not being displayed because the account does not have an active Premium membership?  I know that my Versa Lite displayed the spO2 information in the sleep section AFTER I opted into the 1 week premium trial membership.  After the free trial week I lost the ability to see the sp02 data.  I then chose to purchase the premium membership and I have been able to view the oxygen chart reliably.  

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I'm happy to hear they opened it up for you after you paid for it.

So here is what I know and what I've been told.

My daughter has it on her Versa 2 and I do not. Neither one of us have a Premium membership. I'm wondering if this is discrimination against the elderly knowing sooner or later we're gonna quit breathing anyhow lolol! 😴😱🤣🤣 They should save the young.

This is what I was told: someone on this thread said they had the Premium membership, but they did NOT have the EOV. 

So,  I really can't make heads or tails out of how the Fitbit head honchos are rolling out this thing. I still do not have it as of this morning. It's kind of annoying knowing that we all apparently have it but we cant use it until someone "draws our name out of the proverbial hat and" turns it on. As I said before, as long as I'm waking up every morning, my O2 levels must be good enough 🤪🤣

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It was me. I'm a Premium member because I'm a data nerd, and I do NOT have the SPO2 graph, even though I know my Versa 2 is reading it. Which makes it MORE frustrating. LOL 

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To answer Archies question and add further to your reply.. premium membership is NOT required to get the EOV. Neither hubby nor I have premium — we both have versa 2 bought at same time at Xmas from same source— I have EOV and he does not,

Now to add to your thought about FitBit saving the younguns.. THAT could be true as I am four years younger.. a child bride if you will our senior community

( *insert hysterical laughter*) .

To Archies comment re he had EOV for a week then didn’t .. myself and others here who had it also suddenly lost it for a few days then magIcally got it back. Matt, a FitBit moderator,  posted ,and I copied and pasted here earlier , that it was a glitch that FItBit engineers had fixed asking for our ‘continued patience’ as they roll out EOV for all.

if I was paying for premium ( and I’m not) and not getting EOV,  I’d be annoyed.

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I'm more annoyed that I can SEE it is tracking but I can't see the data. Lol. 😁. I've always been an early adopter of technology so I'm used to bugs and glitches and betas. Not to say I'm not impatient, but I understand. :). But I'm like, I KNOW it is reading it!!!!  


Thank you for your detailed replies!!

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Ok I’ll bite .. how/where can you SEE it is tracking? 

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The red lights are lit up at night?  That was my understanding of their purpose. 

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Well I’ll be..!

you are right according to this help article

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