06-13-2021 20:13
06-13-2021 20:13
I have had three different Versas. The 2s screens break after a while so on the 3rd watch I bought a lite. I've had it since Sept 2020. I had an issue before where it was losing time and not syncing. I restored to factory settings and it fixed the issue for a few months. Now it's back to losing time and not consistently syncing like it should, except now it's also draining battery twice as fast and I'm not getting notifications.
I have factory reset it twice, I've uninstalled/reinstalled the app. I've done everything having to do with Bluetooth and NOTHING has worked. I even switched to a Fitbit created clock face, still not working correctly. Short of running it over with my car I don't know what else to do.
06-14-2021 07:25
06-14-2021 07:25
My Versa Lite hasn't Sync'd since May 9. I have tried rebooting it, restoring factory defaults, updating the SW to the latest version, reinstalling the APP, updating the APP SW, placing the watch next to my phone. Nothing helps. I found the best solution is to get a new tracker/watch. The top-rated one: KoreTrak Pro is only $49.95 and does more than the Fit Bit Versa Lite which was 3 times as much.
06-14-2021 12:07
06-14-2021 12:07
Yeah I'm at about that point. This is my third Fitbit as I think I said and I'm just so annoyed.