Add sleep Efficiency on Mobile App

I'd like to be able to see the sleep efficiency number, currently only viewable on the desktop, on my mobile app. I consider this to be the most useful metric when it comes to my sleep each night and would love for it to be included in the app for night to night comparison. Thanks!  Smiley Happy



Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity and labels.


My third-party FitBit Windows Phone app (please release an official app) includes a "Sleep Efficiency" figure as a percentage of the time at night you were actually asleep.


I find this very useful to measure the overall quality of the sleep I get.  Please will you add this to your own website and apps.



Recovery Runner

I agree!  The old Dashboard actually contains the Sleep Efficiency/Quality score, and I find it super-helpful.  It gives me a quick point of comparison for how my sleep was that night.  One of the biggest reasons I still use the old Dashboard and have not switched to the Beta Dashboard is the lack of the Sleep Efficiency/Quality score.  Additionally, I wish that the Android app included the Sleep Efficiency/Quality score as well.  This seems like such a simple thing to add (and I have seen repeated requests for it in the past), so I don't understand why it doesn't get added eventually.


Related: Add Sleep Efficiency/Quality Score to App


Recovery Runner

This is also mentioned elsewhere:

Add Sleep quality counter to apps and website


Just posting here in the App section as well because it relates to the Apps as well as to the Dashboard. 


I find the Sleep Efficiency/Quality score very helpful, and I hope it will get incorporated in the future.  It is one of the main reasons I prefer the old Dashboard over the Beta/New Dashboard, and it would make the App more useful to me as well.



Smiley Happy

First Steps

I previously used a Sleeptracker watch, which among other things displayed the night's average duration of uninterrupted sleep spells. If the average time between almost-awake moments if lenghty compared to other nights, one has slept more restfully than usual and vice versa. If one goes to bed and gets up at the same times most days, one's sleep pattern should be consistent, and so this indicator. This is thus a very useful indicator of overall sleep quality and pattern, which should be very straightforward to calculate with the information that fitbit recovers, and could be displayed along the 'sleep efficiency' percentage.



I'd like the Dashboard for Foods to also show the grams of sugar consumed for each food item added and of course the total for the day.

Recovery Runner

The old Dashboard contains the Sleep Efficiency/Quality score (eg, 95%), and I find it super-helpful.  It gives me a quick, single metric comparison for my sleep quality.  The abscense of this metric on the new/beta Dashboard is the primary reason I still use the old Dashboard.


My request is that the Sleep Efficiency score be added to the new Dashboard.  And my suggestion is that it be displayed prominently in the center of the clock graphic.  The clock graphic by itself is not terribly useful (I'll post some suggestions for other improvements in another thread), and it would be annoyingly unneccessary to have to click to open the detail view of the tile just to see the Sleep Score (when you could easily display the % in the center of the clock, in my opinion). 


At the minium, the Sleep Efficiency percentage could be displayed underneath the clock (after the time asleep text, eg, "7 h 30 m").  If you go the route of displaying the % underneath the clock, then I'd also suggest that it be displayed next to the text that is shown on rollover (so, something like: "awake 2x restless 10x (90% eff)" ).


The Sleep Efficiency percentage should also be displayed on the detail view that appears when clicking on the Sleep Tile (but again, I wouldn't want it to only be in the detail view--having it on the Tile itself is most important!).


Thanks for considering my requests!

Smiley Happy


Related Threads:

Note: For a period of time there was a new thread related to the New/Beta dashboard, but since that version of the Dashboard has become default for new users that thread is no longer accessible.

Recovery Runner

I appreciate that work is continuing on the Beta Dashboard ( ), but I am perplexed as to why Fitbit has still not added the Sleep Efficiency percentage to the New/Beta Dashboard.  On a technical level it would be very easy to add, which makes me wonder if this metric is being phased out (and if so, why)?  I find the Sleep Efficiency percentage very helpful for quickly comparing one night of sleep to another, and I would be extremely disappointed to see it phased out.


So again, please implement the Sleep Efficiency percentage in the New/Beta Dashboard.  I will continue using the old Dashboard in the meantime.



First Steps
Hi all, for those who use the sleep tracker which is great for checking how well you are sleeping seeing the sleep efficiency percentage is a really quick and good way of telling how good a nights sleep you had and if you need to put your head on the pillow a bit earlier. Please fitbit can you add the percentage to the sleep page in the fitbit app for all to get better info and not have to boot up there old laptops 😃<br>Thanks Leigh

YES!  I wholeheartedly agree with this suggestion.



Especially in advance of the ChargeHR (which I plan on purchasing as soon as it's availbale).


In addition I'd like to see this stat in the mobile app as well.


Right now I use the Sleep Cycle app on iOS to get a quick and easy glimpse of the sleep efficiency plus I like their way of showing the various stats over the past 10 days and month, etc...



Recovery Runner

Thanks for comment @ben2themax! Can you repost to (and vote in) the newer thread ( )?  It is much more likely to be seen there.




(Note: Please post to the current thread. The above link is no longer accessible.)


Will do right now. It seems like a very easy metric to show in the "main screen." 

First Steps

Other sleep apps I've used will give me a percentage of sleep quality, for example, "you slept well! 95% efficiency" or "you slept poorly. 20% efficiency." I'd like to see my sleep rated, so I have a goal that I can set and try to improve. Like if I see 60% then I know to try to shoot for maybe 61% the next night. 

Base Runner

Do you mean ON your device? This info is in the sleep data details today. 

First Steps

No, I mean within the app, and no, I don't see a percentage indicated anywhere. See screen shot below of FitBit app and then see the screen shot of another sleep quality app  that DOES include a percentage (76% in the example) - and the graph they include is also a nice touch. I want to see a percentage so I have a goal to work on....I want a number to improve upon.


Plus, your sleep quality app is way off (and that's wearing it on my non-dominant hand). I know I was up all night with my baby the last two nights and it only marks me as awake for 12 mins and only restless for 43. I was wide awake sitting up in bed, nursing and rocking a baby for at least 3 hours, and tossing and turning for another 3 in between holding the baby. The other company's app has been much more accurate for me. But I want your app to be the one I use, so I have all my data within one app. 





Base Runner

You're right, its not in the app, but it is in the web dashboard. I've noticed a lot of differences between the app and web, but at least for now you can use the web.


Navigate from the widget on the dashboard to "See More"....





First Steps

I can't believe that with always on HR monitoring that the Surge will still only give you Awake / Restless / Asleep. Other fitness wearables ( Basis Peak for example ) give a much more detailed view of sleep efficiency.

First Steps
I notice that there is a help page from fitbit explaining the calulation for sleep efficiency, why doesn't implemented in the app and also showing in the display of Charge HR in my case as optional view as well? This would be really nice instead of everyday have to calculate by your own!

I agree.  Why isn't the sleep effiency score available on the IOS/iPhone app???

Recovery Runner

I can't believe no one has responded to this! This would be such a cool addition, and it's already available online - it's simply adding one number! Why does this even have to be put up to a vote!?

First Steps
Please add the sleep efficiency calculation to the IOS App.
Recovery Runner

I feel your pain munsabin but this company is beyond s l o w to respond to most things in my experience.


I also agree with zekatek as do two of my friends. A bunch of us want to see the sleep efficiency number on our phones. Why should we have to run to a laptop when it COULD be right there in the mobile app?????


This is not a complex logic problem...we simply want it DISPLAYED!!!!!


I'm seriously considering getting another brand of device if my Charge breaks again.

Recovery Runner

I've been waiting for this to happen but now doubt it will because so much time has gone by and so many others have requested it. If they haven't done it by now, they probably won't.


The sleep efficiency number is so important to me that I'm going to start looking at various devices from other brands to see if they specifically display this on their apps.

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