Allow More than 8 Alarms

I was wondering why there is a limit of only 8 silent alarms? I would appreciate if we could have more, 8 just doesn't seem to be enough. I understand that each alarm lowers my battery life, but I am willing to trade some battery life for more available alarms.




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Not applicable

Same here, 8 alarms is clearly not enough to set reminders throughout the day for various things.


Would love to have this feature. HR tracking is what we bought the Blaze for, and we could use just a few additional features to improve functionality.


Son with autism uses the Blaze at school to prompt checking heartrate with use of behavior plan. 2x per hour is ideal, but at only 8 allowable alarms, we are still 4 short! Looks like this issue has been "on the table" for almost 1.5 years now... AND, since the RELAX feature deep-breathing) is part of the new update hold-up (and one we are REALLY anticipating), maybe you could squeeze this in while you're at it too, pretty-please? Man Wink Thanks!


I currently use a FirBit Charge and need alarm capability beyond the 8 you provide.


In my case alarms are needed every 85 minutes between 7 AM and 10:35 PM. During sleep hours the interval creases to 101 minutes.  FitBit would be the ideal solution for delivering this additional alarm capability.

Status changed to: Not currently planned
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Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Anne44 and commenters, there aren't currently plans to release this at the moment but if it gets more support and interest from the community, I can raise it with the relevant teams. We will leave this suggestion open for votes so that we can continue to track community demand over time. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we will let you know if anything changes.

First Steps

Agreed. It’s simply annoying to have to change the time for the specific 8 alarms. Even if you could have multiple times lined up and only limit to 8 alarms being on would be good. It would probably take a programmer 30 minutes to whip up. Make. It. Happen. 

First Steps

My son is a middle school student with an executive functioning disorder. He is also unable to keep track of time. He needs an alarm 5 minutes before the end of each of his classes to facilitate a smooth transition. He has a variable schedule during the week. Monday's, Tuesday's, Thursday's and Friday's are the same. But Wednesday's have a different bell schedule. Please allow for more than 8 alarms so that he can use his Fitbit to be able to remind him at the appropriate time. I know this would be useful for teachers, students and other users who have identified this need.


I've seen this feature request on the forums and online Fitbit reviews for several years. Is this feature request in progress, has the enhancement been filed in the product backlog? Could you push out a beta release or special release that would enable users like myself to configure my son's Fitbit to have more alarms? If not I would need to consider another product like a smartwatch.

Status changed to: Not currently planned
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Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @usersMom, there aren't currently plans to release this at the moment but if it gets more support and interest from the community, I can raise it with the relevant teams. We will leave this suggestion open for votes so that we can continue to track community demand over time. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we will let you know if anything changes.



Just do what I did, buy a "Mi Band 2." They are much cheaper and with a simple .99 app, you get unlimited alarms. If you can look at my last post, I stated that I was leaving Fitbit because of the lack of proper CRM.



First Steps
Thank you for the suggestion. Can you tell me which app you use with the Mi Band for more than 8 alarms? Thanks!

With no anticipated feature enhancement from Fitbit, here are two products with more than eight alarms worth considering. Let me know if anyone has found and verified any others. It’s a different market for this unique requirement. Hopefully the moderator will understand and let this post be published




I use Android and thus an app called "Tools & Mi Band" does the trick. The icon is back and white and you can find it easily enough on the Play Store. It should be within Bluetooth range of your phone. If not, it seems that it simply has the next eight alarms loaded. And the battery lasts for nearly 20 days. (I almost forgot how terrible fitbits are when it comes to charging). Yep, no regrets. Awesome little piece of gear. I even got one for my wife and mother-in-law because they are so affordable.

First Steps

I am a new user to the fitbit community and have so far been very satisfied with my experience but I am also a student in High school and was setting alarms to notify me when my class was almost over so I knew when to get ready to move but realised their was an 8 alarm limit. I have 8 classes throughout my day and I also track my sleep with the sleep tracker feature but since I can only have 8 alarms I had to sacrifice one of my classes for one to go off in the morning to wake me up so if you guys would be so kind as to extend the limit to about many ten I would be most satisfied. Thank you for your time and for reading this and hopefully we can resolve this predicament. 

First Steps

I regularly run out of alarm clocks on the Ionic and constantly need to delete/change existing ones. If I could have 5 more before being maxed out that would help immensely.

Recovery Runner

 Hello, I would also like to have more than 8 alarms. I'm the kind of person who needs 3 alarms to wake up, so I can only have 2-3 types of days of alarms saved. It's very inconvenient to keep changing or adding & deleting alarms that I know I'll need again in a few days. Please pass this request on to the people that make it happen. Thanks!

First Steps

Definitely need more than 8 alarms. It would also be very nice if alarms could be set without having to go to phone. It takes too long to set a new alarm when you have to go to phone, delete an existing alarm (assuming you already have 8 set up, which probably everybody does), wait for it to sync, set a new one, wait for it to sync again. This is a key feature for me and will be a deciding factor with regard to wehther I buy myself a new Charge 3 for Christmas, or go to an apple watch or garmin product. 

First Steps

I have the fitbit blaze and wanna use it with my son with Autism to set Bathroom breaks alarms. 8 alarms not enough to cover the whole day

also would love if we can name the alarm so when it vibrate it either would show an icon or word of what the alarm is for ex ,bathroom break, take med, excerise ect thx

@Anne44 wrote:

I was wondering why there is a limit of only 8 silent alarms? I would appreciate if we could have more, 8 just doesn't seem to be enough. I understand that each alarm lowers my battery life, but I am willing to trade some battery life for more available alarms.




Moderator Edit: Added Labels


First Steps

HI, our autistic son is using the Alta HR to help him keep up with time, and we use the silent alarms to prepare him a couple of minutes before the school break end to prepare for time for class. (as we parent also keep track of all other features the FitBit has)

Eight alarms are great, but schedule varies and it would be great if its possible to have let’s say 16 or even more. Eight is not enough to plan a whole week even though we can mark separate days to set off alarm. At this time, we only can plan a couple of days at a time. =/

So, we would be extremely happy if you can implement more alarms in the future upgrades for this awesome product 😃

Best regards

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @orjanbjursell, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us,this feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here as it is not currently planned. Thanks for your understanding, I hope to see you around.


Please can you make it so we can add more than just 8 silent alarms. 20 would be great!

Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Tobygoldsmith, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us, this feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here as it is not currently planned.

First Steps

Hello, Needing modification so that we can have more than 8 alarms. My fitbit is a key point to helping remind me when I need to do things, personal and work-related. i.e. with Intermittent Fasting, one alarm that tells me I can eat, one that tells me I can no longer eat, etc. With work. I use to keep me on task. I get pulled away often with other issues. Turns out the max is 8, I need more than that! Thank you, 

First Steps

8 alarms is not enough for work when you can’t have your phone on.

Status changed to: New
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Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hello @Maymumble! Thanks for sharing this suggestion, I moved it to this similar post so you can add your vote to it. Please keep sharing your ideas with us! Woman Happy

Recovery Runner

I would like more Alarm slots as well. Was going to post a feature request if there wasn't already this existing thread.

First Steps

I have a charge 3 and I would greatly benefit from being able to set more alarms.I am using it as a reminder for other habits throughout the day. It is superior to using a phone alarm because it does not disturb others. As well as I am not able to have my phone out during work hours, so this allows me to keep on track for the day.

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