Allow us to set macronutrient goals and show us full macronutrient breakdowns in app


Macronutrient tracking/goal features seem logical and are sorely needed to make the FitBit app an "all-in-one" fitness/health app. These features exist in other food-tracking apps and it is the only major feature the FitBit app seems to be missing on this side of things. Many people on these forums express frustration about having to a separate app to get proper macronutrient tracking.


The suggestion is broken down into 2 components, which are all basic features that other diet apps provide:


1. Allow us to set what % and/or gram of each macronutrient we want to consume and make it a goal that we can achieve each day. For example, say I want to set my daily intake to be 150g protein, 100g carb, and 50g fat, or I can set it to say I want a 40/40/20 ratio. Then the app can tell me how I'm doing on each of those goals each day.


2. Right now the app only displays % of macronutrients consumed for calories of each type. However, a simple way to view grams of each would be better and compliment reaching calorie/macronutrient goals. Food labels display grams of each macronutrient, so it is only logical that we can track this in the app. It's easy to recognize that you need "25 more grams of protein" and then check a protein bar label and see that it will give you "15 of those 25 grams of protein."



Note to mods: This feature currently does NOT exist so please stop merging this suggestion into the other thread ( a different request that has been released, because they are NOT the same or else people wouldn't keep making new threads asking for this feature.

First Steps

Sleep tracking is great and all, but this feature request is the one that that would keep me subscribed to Fitbit Premium.  I want to be able to set target macros and be able to track where I'm at based on what I've eaten thus far each day.  Please consider giving this some priority as I value this over any other premium feature and would like to keep this rather than trade it for something like MyFitnessPal's subscription.


Macro settings for different types of diets should be allowed by now. With Keto and paleo etc becoming a norm, we should be able to not just see what macros we've eaten and set caloric restrictions, but to put the macro goals for each day. Get with it Fitbit... 

First Steps

I agree. They need to also add a sugar intake column to the food log for nutrition tracking. I do feel that nutrition goals need to have the option to be manually set, especially for people with specific dietry restrictions.

First Steps

I,like many other fitbit users would love to have the option to set custom macro goals. I am able to do this in myfitness pal and set individual percentages for fat, protein, and carbs. Is this something that might be coming in the future? It looks like this issue has been brought up for many years now.

Veteran Runner

Hi @simonejv. You may get more traction posting in the feedback forum. The Web API is for developing your own software.

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @constance1321. Thank you for sharing this product feedback about being able to manually set your nutrition goals with us. A similar product feedback was already requested in this board, so I’ve moved your post here as this will help us to make sure the product feedback shared here doesn't get confused, or split a popular vote. If you're referring to something different, please repost it individually by clicking ‘Add Product Feedback’.

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @simonejv, thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about being able to set custom macro goals with us. I noticed this product feedback was already requested in this board, so I’ve moved your post here. Please support this product feedback idea by adding your vote, this helps our developers to keep tracking its popularity and demand over time.

With MyFitnessPro (MFP) now charging for more features that used to be free, I would like Fitbit to finally use the only feature still keeping me on MFP, Macros Percentage Goals. This is very helpful as I'm a type 2 diabetic and knowing how I'm doing every day with my daily goals for Carbs, Fat & Protein helps with my health.
Would be very helpful to be able to set specific Macros to track Protein, Carbs and Fat
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Kristabelle74, thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about being able to set specific macro to track protein, carbs and fat with us. Two similar ideas already exist on this board and you can see them here:


Please support these ideas by adding your vote as this helps our developers to keep tracking its popularity and demand over time. To learn more about how Fitbit decides what product feedback is developed, visit our FAQs.

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @azisles02, thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about being able to set macronutrients goals on the food log with us. I noticed this product feedback was already requested in this board, so I’ve moved your post here. Please support this product feedback by adding your vote, this helps our developers to keep tracking its popularity and demand over time.

Keeping Pace

I completely agree that the ability should exist to set macronutrient goals and show us full macronutrient breakdowns in app. It just makes more sense to work towards a target. 

First Steps

This is the only reason I use MyFitnessPal. If you add this feature, I will subscribe to Fitbit premium instead!


THIS 👏 I am trying to get my PCOS under control, and tracking and setting goals for my macros (especially Carbs) is so much more important to me than calories. According to the lifestyle I’m trying to live, I can eat as much healthy food as I want so long as I keep sugar and carbs in check. PCOS-friendly diets tend to be higher fat and lower carb than most other diets (similar to Keto but less extreme in cutting carbs). Which means I want to be able to set what my goal is for fat and carbs and not have the app tell me what it thinks my goal should be. 

First Steps

I came here to ask for this feature—surprised to see people have been requesting it for SEVEN YEARS.

That's a pretty long time for something to be "in consideration" don't you think?

What do you think, Fitbit? Is 2025 the year?

I currently pay Cronometer for this feature. Would love to have it in-house with my weight and step tracking.

Macronutrients are critically different from each other. Right now Fitbit users can theoretically hit our targets by eating popcorn and candy and our food plan would say that's fine. Obviously it's not.

It's nice that we can see the macro breakdown when we enter foods, but it would be much better to be able to set daily goals for each of the big 3 by grams. Over on Cronometer my nutritionist set mine to 1860 Kcal, 180 protein, 150 carb, and 60 fat for my weight loss phase (in maintenance phase the kcal is 2415, carbs are 255 and fats are 75). The way it works is that each macro has a progress bar for the day and they fill up as you eat things. It's useful, intuitive, and highly educational.

For things like body recomposition (building muscle while losing fat) tracking these macros, especially protein, is critical. Food tracking without this ability is at best a blunt instrument and at the worst potentially dangerous.

As others have said, I'd be willing to pay for this feature, although I'd obviously prefer if it were free.

Thank you for taking the time to consider. I hope this is the year some brave soul moves this from Consideration to Development!

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