Barcode Scanner

I'd really like to see a barcode scanner for food entry, like Loseit and MyFitnessPal offer. 


Moderator Edit: Updated label

Collin | Los Angeles, California

One, Charge HR, Aria - Android 5 (Moto X), Mac

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Recovery Runner
I totally agree the UP offers this option and SO many more food options pre loaded!

I agree -- this would be awesome.  But, MyFitnessPal does have a scanner and the food log imports right into FitBit.

Recovery Runner

This might be easier for us here in Australia as I've been manually entering all my food by going to the calorie king website.  I don't want to have MFP and Fitbit even though I like the above comment.  It would be nice for Fitbit to intergrate a scanner option 🙂

@Kirb4700 wrote:
How easy would it be to scan the barcode of what your eating. It logs it and you don't have to search so much


First Steps

Yes please! I was coming to the feature requests just to request this exact feature. Many other health apps I've used previously have had this available, and it is frustrating to have to go in and log every packaged food that I eat. Especially since it seems like the only foods (other than raw fruits and vegetables) that the website has in the system are foods that I would never eat, from restaurants and brands that I would never purchase if I'm trying to be healthy (McDonald's?!). In addition to that, it would be extremely helpful to have a recipe input page. It is currently recommended that you go in and make a 'meal' for a recipe, but then you have to do all the manual work of dividing each ingredient by the number of servings (which is ridiculous for a teaspoon of something), and then when it's logged, it comes in as all of the separate ingredients, which is a huge pain if you have to go back and change something in the recipe. I don't want to have to create a recipe or scan a barcode in another program or website, and then import it to here. That just seems ridiculous.

Please please please!
Base Runner
Echo all of the above! A barcode scanner is a must.
First Steps
Please!! I use my net diary but I'm not paying for the subscription so I don't have option of syncing with my flex. I'm going to wind up tossing it in a drawer if I can't do all the things that my free program can do. I've been wearing it for a couple weeks so now I see what my typical days look like and where I can improve but feedback from other wearers say there isn't much support from the developers as far as changes to the software and database. It's frustrating when everything I eat in a normal day is (lo-cal or weight watchers) and has to be entered manually. Please fix this soon.
I have used other calorie counting apps and this feature is an amazing addition to them.This app seems easier to use and if it had this feature it would be so much better. The rest of the app is great.
First Steps

I just went to to find a place to share that same idea. I use another app to track what I eat because the calorie counting portion of FitBit is clunky. I would LOVE to keep that information on FitBit as well. My biggest complaint is the lack of a bar code scanner. With the amount of users with FitBit, I'm sure the bar code information database would fill up in no time. I know I'd be happy to enter information for my favorite foods if I knew others were doing the same. 

The other thing I noticed would be that if I enter a new item it is not
shared on the database only as my foods. For example my husband and I both
use the same protien shake and both had to enter the information for it. It
would be great if when a user input info or did a bar code scan it could be
found by all users. Or at least all users in the same geographic area such
as USA can all share same input info.
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Thanks for the feedback! I'd suggest placing your votes and comments in this existing idea, which is already under consideration.


I'll go ahead and close this topic so we can keep it all in one place.


I have used other calorie counting apps and this feature is an amazing addition to them.This app seems easier to use and if it had this feature it would be so much better. The rest of the app is great.

The other thing I noticed would be that if I enter a new item it is not shared on the database only as my foods. For example my husband and I both use the same protien shake and both had to enter the information for it. It would be great if when a user input info or did a bar code scan it could be found by all users. Or at least all users in the same geographic area such as USA can all share same input info.

First Steps

You really need a barcode scanner for Nutritional Facts, and also Food Ingredients (for allergies). There are many smartphone products that do this independently, but I haven't seen both in one app. I'd like to see it pulled all together in something I use daily for food tracking and food allergy management. I would also want to import all this information through my online Fitbit program. Without it, the Premium program is not worth my buying, since I have to pay elsewhere for what I need.

Recovery Runner

The technology is out there... the weight watchers mobile App has a barcode scanner for tracking nutritional facts and "points" per their system.  I'm sure they could do it to track callories and other nutritional facts.  

First Steps
Scanner would be great!!
Premium User
Veteran Runner

Head on over to to add your vote to this idea 🙂 

First Steps

I want a barcode scanner to include FOOD INGREDIENTS for ALLERGIES, in addition to Nutritinal Facts. I use "INgredients" and "MyNetDiary" for my purposes, but centralizing it to my FitBit program would be most helpful. It would be easier to read ingredients on my iPhone than the small print on packages, and exporting to a database or spread sheet for Allergy tracking would be terrific. Without it, the Premium program is not worth my buying, since I have to pay extra, and take time elsewhere, to get what I need. 


In addition, being able to choose preferences of which nutritional fields you want to see on your smart phone, or export, would be great too. If you want a beta tester, I’m here.

Add the bar scan for food and drinks like my fitness pal app has, there's a lot of food the fitbit won't pick up
First Steps

I would like to see a bar code scanner feature added to the app.  This way it is easier to scanner my cup of yogurt in the morning instead of typing in the name or manually inputting the information.  This feature is available on other apps and adding it to the FitBit App will all but eliminate the need for me to use other apps. 

Not applicable
It would be very convenient and save time to have a scanning feature to allow users to scan labels on food. This may encourage use of the calorie counter. It would also be nice if the app counted more than just calories (carbs, sugars, etc)
First Steps

If the folks from MyNetDiarly can offer a UPC scanner as part of their free app, I would think you should be able to do the same.  Heck, even consider licensing parts of their app as their UI is a lot better than yours for calorie inputing.



First Steps

We really need this - searching and adding new foods is taking too long. Lose It has a scanner and it's awesome. I'm torn! PLEEEEAASSE? No seriously, this is a must-have.

Not applicable
Food scanner would be amazing! Would also like more info on my food intake as someone else mentioned (sugar, carbs, sodium, etc)
Recovery Runner
Fully agree
Recovery Runner

Great idea. 

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