Bring Back the Old Dashboard!

I'm starting a new thread to bring back the old dashboard since the previous one was closed to comments and is no longer being considered by the developers.


I can't express how much I loathe the new "look."  It's cluttered, difficult to navigate, and it enrages me anew each time I go to check if I've got my dot for the hour.  Please give us the option of using the "classic" view.  Failing that, give us the option to remove or edit what we're tracking.  I'm in menopause, but it won't let me remove the Female Health.  I don't track how much water I drink, or what I eat, but those are permanently visible (I could edit them out of the old dashboard).


Please return to something clean and functional.  If not, I'm sure I can find another tracker that will suit.  I've been with Fitbit for over five years but updates like this do not inspire brand loyalty.


Suggestion:  Put the Dashboard back the way it was!!


Moderator Edition: Title for clarity 

Tempo Runner

Yes please!  

We miss this data:


Not applicable

I am in agreement with allowing use of the previous version. All the information I wanted was on one screen opposed to having to navigate to  additional screens. The new dashboard is not as user friendly. When my Fitbit wears out, I may switch to a different brand if their dashboard is better. 

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi everyone! Thanks for sharing this suggestion @scooter1950! We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and appreciate all of the input we receive from our customers. We do not currently have plans to put the dashboard back the way it was. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs. For now, we will leave this suggestion open for votes (and closed to comments) so that we can continue to track community demand over time.


Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we will let you know if anything changes. Woman Happy

Tempo Runner

Can you please tell us why you don't have plans to even consider putting back a feature your users really liked and used, or even tell us why it was removed to start with?


Yes, tell us why! and please tell us what you think is better than the previous version? Fitbit is useless without the features we had. 

First Steps

Yes please put back the way it worked previously.


Alexendra said: We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services


Could you please explain how this is an enhancement? I would love to know. 

Tempo Runner

The upvoting button seems to have been disabled, but I think it's pretty clear from both the comments here and on the community boards that this is a much-wanted feature.


Thanks Fitbit!


Now I have another reason to throw away my overpriced "smartwatch"

and get a proper one! The only reason I still used it was to compare

my step count and activity level to my friends. The last ones still using it.



Not applicable

Lovely Team Fitbit,


I was looking for a page to give feedback on the new version. I want to get rid of constructive criticism here and I hope that the Fitbit team will take this to heart without being sulky. I know that not everyone likes everything, so I limit my criticism to the important general things.


The following serious changes are completely incomprehensible for my person:


- Where are the motivating green colors if you have done something successfully or the red colors if you have eaten too much (calorie target, activity etc.)? A green apple even when you're over your target? Seriously? Please not. We want a moving and inovative dashboard.


- The extrapolation how many calories you can still eat a day is gone. That was one of the best features.


- The nice, clear dashboard where you could see everything at a glance is now a list. That is not practicable.


- Why were the beautiful icons replaced by minimalist non-iconic icons? Please do not make the same mistake as another companie. No customer wants that.


- The changing icon with the corners like the done activities ...  Why did that have to go? It was motivating for me and my friends.


It will certainly find some things in the next few days, which could be addressed, but these are all things that need to be addressed. The design has no visible improvement for me and that is really sad. Please do not blame me for that, but for me as a graphic-experienced man, it seems as if somebody had the need to impose his design on a company. Even if you have worked and tested this design for a long time, you also have to understand when something old is better and you do not necessarily press through the new one. No matter how expensive the new design or development was, if it is worse, in my opinion it is wiser to keep the old one or just change it in places.


As a satisfied Fitbit customer, I speak here for me and my friends. A few weeks ago I recommended a Carche 3 to my girlfriend, before which we both thought about a product from another company. However, the beautiful design of your software has stopped us. I really hope that this will happen again and we will not have to change. 


Many warm regards,



(Please excuse me for my not perfect english)

First Steps

So much for leaving this open for "voting".  I am another that really wants this returned back to the way it was!  A *many* year fitbit loyalist here considering changing because of this.  I've looked past many other changes, but this one is the straw that will break my back.  Please consider this.  I understand displaying that data may be quite impactful to backend servers, so perhaps only show 7 days?  Make it harder to get to the full 30 day view?  Something!  Some of us really count on this data for motivation and now it's gone!  Please please consider other options than just removing it entirely!

Tempo Runner

@daunie wrote:

Suggestion:  Put the Dashboard back the way it was!!


I understand displaying that data may be quite impactful to backend servers, so perhaps only show 7 days?

Thank you for this insight, @daunie . I had no idea what possibly could have motivated this change until I read your post.

Base Runner

Read all comments above...Agree with all.  Please add back the functionality removed.  I did like you can see others badges by number of times they hit those badges...but what was added is far less important that what was subtracted. 


Please bring back the old dashboard. The new one is dull, colourless and not as practical. Give us the choice and include some kind of editing tool.

First Steps

The new dashboard is hideous, gives me a headache to look at it  and is missing features. When this Fitbit dies (and let’s face it they’re not exactly long lasting) if this stays as is now i’m Gonna go with a different brand. Why on earth would you make changes which are such a huge step backwards? Very odd decision. 


I am really upset with the new format, The new page shows me nothing  I could care less about badges.  I like the red yellow and green tracking on how much activity I was doing and checking my steps from previous days.  I used this information to push me to do more.

Interval Runner

I agree we need this putting back to how it was


oh and @AlexandraFitbit  when you say open for votes and closed for comments can you make sure that the votes section remains open as it is unavailable to vote and the decision to close this at such short notice does not allow us the customer to give any proper feedback and you will never ever be able to ascertain the proper responses if fitbits policy is to close things down before people have had their say it like saying Fitbit knows best and we don't care about you as long as you buy our products


we should never have features taken away just for the sake of it and with no proper reason all is achievable with HTML5 which even further frustrates us the customer






The new dashboard is very poor.


i request you reinstate the old dashboard or if there is a problem with how your severs collate data...  you address that but all the information the former dashboard allowed.


i agree with other comments here...  this change alone is sufficient enough for me to not buy future Fitbit products.


in summary. This is a poor update and impactful enough to me to not be a future Fitbit customer.

I agree 100%. I have been a Fitbit user since 2012, But will not buy
another if the old Dashboard is not returned. What they have done is a
total waste to me, I am not getting the information I want.

Please go back to the old Dashboard. Can't see when Friends last synced so don't know when to bug them to sync.

Recovery Runner

I also vote for a return to the old dashboard. It appears fitbit is not responding so does anyone know how to restore apps on the phone? Surely some hacker knows.

Recovery Runner

I am in total agreement that this new look for fitbit isn't good.  Yes I liked the graphs, they were easy and quick to read with no need to scroll through on the computer.  The badges and trophies aren't that important, especially since one could easily find them before if it was desired.   This 'upgrade' is providing less useful information and more uninteresting stuff.  In fact it looks like something fitbit would have put out when the app was first started rather than years down the line.


I also find it curious that there is no voting on people's posts as if you guys already know we hate the new look and you don't really care!  That's okay, we won't really care about you when we all start to wear the competitor's activity monitors because they provide more information with their apps.  If, in fact, this 'new look' is being done because y'all can't figure out what to do without flash, then you should just admit to that rather than act like you've upgraded our app with a downgrade. 

Interval Runner

@dang_it I totally agree and I know it can be done because I posted a link on the following thread about graphs in html5 its just them being lazy I am sure of it - also not sure if you are aware but votes on peoples comments has never been available on the feature suggestions pages only to be able to vote for the suggestion at the top of the page - unfortunately the moderator in this case has stated open to voting but has closed the feature to do so its funny that this suggestion was dismissed within hours of posting but over 3 days gone by and no response to the fact they have made this error even though it has been highlighted to them - see my post in below on another thread with a similar relevance to this subject


voting on comments is available in the forum pages


@OldSoftware not sure what old dashboard is to you  - I went back to the old linear one but all the links within will take you to current formats but the following works on all mobiles just remember to delete original and follow the instructions on post to get the one you want (linear was 2.47) you will still be prompted for updates but just ignore the ones you don't want others will have to manually select each app to update - Fitbit will advise us not to use this because its not what they want you to see and so called security implications of older versions - you can probably google an how to video for this as well if this post is edited


look for message 33 by Debbie......


no guarantees it will give you what you want though







First Steps

Fitbit customer service directed me to the community to vote for this, i emailed them back to tell them the voting functionality wasn’t working and they sent me an email thanking me for ‘my understanding as they continued to be part of my fitness journey’. Truly laughable. I’m unimpressed enough to start choosing a new watch. 

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