Bring back the old sleep summary page

When I had my Charge 5 and the first few weeks of having my Charge 6 the app would give me a sleep summary page with, Sleep Stages, Time in each stage, Oxygen levels and Bedtime and wakeup all on a handy page. Since a recent update I now seem to get a much more basic three tiles and I have to open each one and look through for all the information.
First Steps

The sleep app makes no sense,  I  can't understand it anymore. I thought something was wrong it. Please change it back!!!! At least give people the option of choosing the old version. If not, I am starting to look for a different health tracker watch. I won't be buying a fitbit again, to hard to read & understand. You lost my business. 

First Steps

Does anyone know of a different brand that has better sleep graphs? More like the old version of fitbit?

First Steps

Yes, I came on to make the same comment. The Sleep Tracker is now useless to me and not worth the Premium fee. Please change this back.

First Steps

The sleep tracker update is AWFUL!!! It is not easy to read at all and the "Restorative" sleep is no longer available either, and we can no longer see sleep/wake-up time at the have to actually open it to find it and even then. Please change this back. Between only having videos of recipes with NO actual recipes and now this recent change to the Sleep Tracker ... paying for Premium is not worth for me. If these remain the same by the time it comes to renew my Premium account, I will NOT be purchasing Premium as it has no added value to me.

Base Runner

My wife noticed that if you touch the new sleep graph, a bar appears that you can move around the graph.  The graph will display precise info about that interval of sleep.  This is much more precise than the previous version.  But definitely not as pretty.

Also, there is an oxygen variation graph, you just have to tap to get to it. 


Absolutely agree.   I use the sleep data daily and the latest format is not helpful.  


I couldn't agree more. It's completely broken. Way harder to read, length of sleep/wake segments gone, no longer able to see previous nights' data at a glance...Google "designed" the functionality right out of their own app. Not to mention having to fight and search for directions to restore Bluetooth connectivity after every update, even though both the phone and Fitbit are Google products.

This is the last straw for me; I cancelled my subscription and my next device will be from a different company. I'm paying to see my data, not soothing colors and cartoon animals.


@Lacyse27Whoop has good sleep tracking. I used to have one but switched to FitBit because it fits my wrist better. But if the changes to sleep tracking are not rolled back soon, I'm going back to Whoop for sure, because they understand that being able to see and interact with data is what's important.

First Steps

Horrible change to sleep tracker.  Fire the idiot who designed this.  Fire the manager who permitted it to published.


First Steps

The new hypnogram graph is WAY TOO BUSY. The previous graph was much easier to read Why fix something that wasn’t broken (or, if there were complaints about the previous graph, why demolish something that was only slightly wonky?)?

First Steps

100% agree. It's terrible. Job security for developers? Come on, people--leave well enough alone.


exactly. completely unreadable and only shows the longest sleep session with apparently no way to see the length of a nap (or a session after waking up in the night)

First Steps

I am also hoping that Fitbit will go back to the old format for sleep data. New format is horrible and definitely NOT an improvement. 

Stepping Up

Please restore the previous sleep tracker settings. The new version is so much harder to hard to read. Did you road test the new settings with real Fitbit users? It’s hard to imagine anyone who checks their sleep quality every morning like I do thinking this app update is better. Pls bring back the old version!  


Oh so glad everyone else hates it, I loved the sleep tracker, so much so I cancelled premium to get the old view back as the premium version was awful. Now it is completely unusable. Everything is changed - and not for the better - and I am hating using the app nowadays, relying on my watch instead. So now I can’t even track my sleep over time effectively - Fitbit stop messing around with it - it was fine and worked 


Terrible please give us our sleep tracker back 


It is a terrible sleep tracker makes no sense, if my company rolled out updates like Fitbit does we would go bankrupt and have reputation in tatters - but Fitbit obviously doesn’t care


Not an improvement at all - in fact it is awful

First Steps

This new version is atrocious!!


Totally agree 

I am getting two different analysis formats which seems to be dependent on the restless proportion.

Readability has disappeared on the phone.

Editing or deleting has been so much more complex

Do they ever ask users to participate in design?  Obviously not.

10 years of Fitbit and think it will be Apple Watch before long - Google is not helping 

First Steps

I’ve been using my Fitbit for years, primarily to track my sleep as I really struggle… this change to the display graphics etc is simply awful. Illegible and poorly considered. In fact, none of the recent changes have been for the better… 

Fitbit, please go back to when your platform worked at its best. 
I have stayed with Fitbit because I liked how easy it was to read… but it’s looking like Apple could well win me over when I decide to upgrade. 


This update is terrible.

I mainly use my Fitbit for sleep tracking and this new interface is not useable. The graphs are nonsensical and there's no easy way to compare data over time. I love my Fitbit Luxe but if the app is unusable it's just a watch. This is a huge setback and opens the door for me to start investigating different health tracker options going forward.

Recovery Runner

I totally agree!!! 
it‘s annoying that they changed from a nice, colorful, lovely app to an app, that makes no joy to watch the results 😠

First Steps

Agreed, all app two tone graphics is horrible to use, view and decipher. Totally rubbish.  All since Google bought them out. Please return app with multi coloured info graphics. 

Stepping Up

The last two updates significantly decreased usability and user-friendliness of the app. I was considering getting Premium, but after the last update I will spend my money on another device instead, with better app and access to my data. 

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