Bring back the old sleep summary page

When I had my Charge 5 and the first few weeks of having my Charge 6 the app would give me a sleep summary page with, Sleep Stages, Time in each stage, Oxygen levels and Bedtime and wakeup all on a handy page. Since a recent update I now seem to get a much more basic three tiles and I have to open each one and look through for all the information.
First Steps

I canceled my premium subscription a while ago and am going to try to get a prorated refund so I don’t have to look at this ugly interface anymore. I’m assuming Google’s intent is to drive away users so that they have an excuse to fire most of their Fitbit employees to save money. A garbage product that is intentionally useless, approved by garbage execs who are intentionally useless.

First Steps
The app is obviously very ugly and less informative with the redesign. Was this done on purpose so that Google can dump Fitbit? Will the product line not exist a year from now?

I made the mistake to update the iOS Fitbit app today.

As part of my routine I daily check my sleep details and update the sleep start and end times manually to generate more accurate data. Here are things that reduced usability for me specifically on the 'Sleep' section:

• If I move my finger along the sleep timeline to find the last and first awake time, my finger must be exactly on the 'Awake' line as otherwise the horizontal bar gets stuck on any of the other sleep phase data.  

• Selecting the 'Edit Sleep' button that can be found by clicking on the 3 dot menu feels like Russian Roulette. The menu selection is small and the chance of accidentally selecting another option, such as 'Delete Sleep', is high.

Updating the times takes two more steps as a new 'Sleep Sessions' page has been introduced that requires to select my sleep session before I can edit it. Saving now also has one more step to get back out of the 'Sleep Sessions' page again.

• When selecting a part of the sleep timeline, for example 'Light', the font size of the time duration underneath is too small. Shouldn't the information that a user specific looks into, be presented in a more visible way?

• The 3 buttons labelled 'Sleep stages', 'Benchmark', '30 day average' are designed so wide that they don't fit the page and requires horizontal scrolling on my iPhone 15. If the 'Sleep stages' button is renamed to just 'Stages' (as the page itself is already the 'Sleep' page) you could avoid an unnecessary scrolling element. 

Please keep on making more such changes and providing me more reasons to switch to an alternative!

First Steps

Omg. The new sleep update could not be worse. It’s like they replaced it with an app for children. Why make something less sophisticated and less useful? I will be abandoning Fitbit if they don’t allow users to revert to the old design. Shame on you Google. (Also how did you manage to do such a terrible job? I mean it’s really shocking given how much money and how many staff you have!)

First Steps

I totally agree !! This new graph is not easy to read.  I hope this feature returns to the original version, it was so user friendly.  Please 🙏🏻 go back to the old version.  Thank you 

First Steps

I agree.  Worst update yet.  I have liked the Fitbit and recommended it to many people.  Will not that any longer .  .  .  Will be looking at alternatives. 

Premium offers very little of value to me (nearly 67)..

Lots of training programs and the like aimed at the youngsters.

I want better stats around heart performance without having to got to the

Sleep has always frustrated me - if I go to bed at 9:30, get up at 11:30 to
get a glass of water or go to the bathroom, the app starts sleep again
after 11:30.

I edit every day and often have to delete the earlier little sleep.

They have made editing and deleting worse, too.
First Steps

The colors are not pleasing. Graphs are difficult to read and not intuitive. I do miss the cute moon graphics that accompany a good sleep score. 

First Steps

I completely agree, mine has just changed today and at first I thought there was a fault. Came on here only to find it’s another awful update.

I can’t add more to the comments made already, but I just really wanted to add my voice to this community and ask Fitbit to reconsider this change. 

Each change does not improve the user experience and I’m now considering other devices/apps after nearly 10 years with Fitbit.

Not applicable

Agree totally... it's so hard to read compared to the old version that I'm not sure it's worth me even having the Fitbit.  It's mind-boggling that they'd design something worse and then just roll it out with no warning or choice.  I don't even look through the regular daily stats as often as I used to, because since that format changed, things are just not as easy to find/comprehend.  Take a useful product and incrementally ruin it?  Nuts!  Time to research other devices.

Recovery Runner
Really disappointed with the latest "downdate" to the sleep tracker. It's no longer possible to see how long I spent in each stage and at what time. This was really helpful data for me. The new vague, messy graph with 3 times at the bottom which aren't pinpointed, but each span about an hour is just unhelpful. A real downgrade.

Stepping Up

I agree. It’s awful. Why change something that works so well. Please bring back the previous graph. 
so, so disappointed. It a backward step. Who could have thought this was an improvement obviously not someone who tracks their sleep. 

If you don’t allow rollback to the previous version or improve this I’m going to throw the Fitbit out and use Apple Watch. Their sleep data wasn’t as good as Fitbit previously, but suddenly it’s looking a lot better. This is what we call an ‘own goal’.

I’ve supported Fitbit from the beginning there not cheap ,fitbit want more money to go premium ,so I’m going to go and support another company 

Recovery Runner

Whoever dreamt up this change to the sleep graph must have been having a nightmare, it is absolutely appalling, totally unreadable, can no longer be enlarged by turning the phone through 90 degrees, please bring back the old graph as soon as possible although it seems you don’t give a **ahem** about the hundreds of customer complaints

First Steps

I’ve been using the sleep graph daily for more than five years, it’s been a vital part of documenting my chronic migraine and the factors that affect it. Just last week I bought a fitbit inspire 2 for both my children to be able to track their sleep issues. And then… this happens? Looks like we’re back to the early 90s. This doesn’t work for me at all. I know the information is technically there, but it’s presented in a horrible way and doesn’t suit my needs at all. Seriously, I BEG you, bring it back. Including being able to scroll down to see what different weeks looked like, that’s one of the most important features for me - I need to be able to compare different weeks and months. Don’t do this, don’t make everything 10000 times worse without letting us choose. I’ve spent a lot of money on these products, buying new ones every time the old one stops working properly, I really don’t want to find another brand just because of a stupid app update. Thank you. 



You have suddenly made all the sleep data unreadable by comparison to the previous bar shape and colour key.

100% this has to be the most ghastly redesign. Everyone remarking on this says the same.


what kind of beta testing did this UX/UI change go through? I can’t imagine any because the responses would be the same .

First Steps
Today is 16 April in the USA and I woke up to an entirely different looking Sleep Log. Everything but the most basic info is GONE! I immediately used the Chat Room to find out what was wrong and Llang explained that it is a new design! What?! This new design is just AWFUL! This is NOT an improvement, it's a disaster! PLEASE change it back!
First Steps

Please bring back the previous sleep graphics! It was way easier to see each days start and end time in a simple scroll. This is very important for someone who wants to use the tracker to improve sleep consistency.  

First Steps
The update made the data unreadable. Fitbit, had very legible data until all these updates- the whole app is slowly becoming random numbers with no visualizations. Dreading the day they’ll implement the last one- “heart rate”
Please reiterate back to the simple blue graphs and legible data- and don’t change to change
First Steps

As the saying goes “if it’s not broke, don’t fix it” so many of the changes if not all that have been made over the past 12 months have been for the worse, this latest sleep update is ugly as hell and confusing. They need to roll the update back, admit they made a mistake and stop changing things that don’t need changing 

First Steps

I agree. The new sleep section is awful. Please bring back the old format.

First Steps

Agree! Why would an update that reduces visual effectiveness and function even be considered a positive change? I suggest a change is required to the product update team. The lack of contract in colour and lack of readability is terrible. A few updates like this and users will turn away from this product. Strongly suggest returning to the previous and trying again!

Whoever the designers are on this new app are clearly not doing user feedback. When I workout, I need to precise minutes and seconds, which was in the previous version. Sleep is now unreadable and requires weird math that NO ONE has time for. I don’t care about my sleep being like a parrot. Stop trying copying Apple, their design sucks.
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