Bring back the old sleep summary page

When I had my Charge 5 and the first few weeks of having my Charge 6 the app would give me a sleep summary page with, Sleep Stages, Time in each stage, Oxygen levels and Bedtime and wakeup all on a handy page. Since a recent update I now seem to get a much more basic three tiles and I have to open each one and look through for all the information.

Please revert the sleep score back to what it was. This new format is a hot MESS!  I only really have premium for the health tracker. These changes are horrendous. Who authorised them???.

Stepping Up

Sleep display and Sync problems with Charge 5

I am disgusted and extremely  disappointed at the new sleep update - so user unfriendly and difficult to read without interactive colour display. The unwelcome glare from the white background is uncomfortable to use in the middle of the night or early morning and may prevent you from going back to sleep by switching off melatonin production. Also, you need to do more maths to extract the statistics which are of interest to you -very inconvenient. The previous sleep display was far superior to that on both Garmin and Apple. What is the point of changing things for the worse? Who is making these decisions and why? Are the fitbit users from the general public ever consulted?  I feel like I have been cheated out of a product I originally bought mainly for the purpose of monitoring sleep and steps including flights of stairs.  It was bad enough when the floor count just disappeared over night with no warning or explanation and more recently, the only way I could finally get my Fitbit to sync was to uninstall and reinstall the App and lose all my previous data.  Honestly Google, you need to listen to your customers and not take them for granted.

First Steps

Ues the new sleep layout seems like a step backwards, I'm not getting as much information from it as before. 

First Steps

Hate the new sleep update. It’s very difficult to understand. The previous version was much clearer. 


I just woke up, got my coffee and sat down to read my sleep schedule. It changed overnight into something very difficult to read! The previous colored graphs with separated sections were easier to read. Please change it back!  Additionally, I am now missing details in the sleep heart rate section. It tends to get low during the night and I need to know if it falls below 45 when sleeping.

When  the exercise graph changed, I found it awkward to find my fat burning during exercise graph. Please change that back to the previous graphs!

why the changes?


Please, please tell me is there a way to roll-back this latest update!!  The Sleep tracker is completely ruined and is the worst update yet among many bad changes.

First Steps

I do not like the new sleep app layout. This is the one feature I use every single day. The new layout is difficult to read. Please bring back the bold  color bars. The thin wines and font make it difficult to read. I have been considering moving to the Apple Watch, but I really liked the Fitbit until now.


First Steps

Totally agree!  Update is horrible 

First Steps

I will Definitely not renew my Fitbit Premium membership if the app is going to look like this. Go back to what is was yesterday morning. 

First Steps

YES! Totally agree. New update is bad!

First Steps

I agree. The sleep data is one of my main reasons for using Fit Bit. The so-called improvement is a very poor substitute for its predecessor: hard to read, poor color contrast, etc. Please return the user-friendly version!

First Steps

Not only is the new graph design horribly unreadable, but the sleep stages are now locked behind premium. I guess it's not enough to track us all day long and sell that data.

Horrible move, you should never punish your customers by taking away something you've already given them. Instead, come up with new things people find useful and ask them to pay for those.

My next watch won't be Fitbit and I'll steer all friends and family away. You're not getting another dime from me. 👋


The sleep app update is the worst!

Prior to the update, It was one of my favorite things about the Fitbit app, but now it's not clearly readable, it's like each screen has been laid over the top of the other.  I liked it before when I can scroll and see the separate screens of different states of sleep, and how long I was in each state.

This is turning into a HORRIBLE APP!!

Fitbit  Geeks, stop fixing things that aren't broke. Please fix this bug / glitch and put it back the way it was!!!!!! 

Truely a disaster! I will wait for a few days to see if the graphs come back on sleep and if not I will find another way of getting the information that I used to get with the Fitbit graphs on sleep. I heard that Oura rings provide information on sleep and so I am looking into that. Does anyone know any other platforms that provide sleep information, preferably in graph form?



Agree absolutely with all comments re the updated sleep app. It’s Dreadful. Is no one at FitBit familiar with expression “ if it ain’t broke - don’t fix it”? Restore to what it was yesterday - Now!

First Steps

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” The sleep app was not broken, why did you “fix” it? The colour coding was easy to read at a glance, now I actually have to read it to understand it taking time that is in already short supply! I also have sleep apnea and need to see the breathing variations that are no longer visible I have to do an extra step to see it and even then it’s not clear. Who thought this change was a good idea?  Well it’s not!  Please change it back… 

First Steps

I agree!  I'm so disappointed with the update it is not tracking all of my sleep anymore. I have a newborn and prior to the update it was great I was able to see when I woke up for feeds.  Since the update it will only log my most recent sleep (so if I sleep from 10 pm to midnight and then about 12:15 to 2 am and then again 2:30 am to 5 am it will ONLY show the 2:30 to 5 time... previously it showed all of that).   I just recommended fitbit to a friend wanting to track sleep and now regret it as the update stinks!

Stepping Up

WTH???? The new sleep graphics is total garbage. Very disappointed. The last version was very user friendly. The new graphic is overly complicated and hard to decipher . Why Fitbit "fixed" something that wasn't broken makes no sense. Nothing more than change for change sake. 

Total BS 

This is me: I have Premium.

Apple Premium Membership


Next Billing 4/25/2024

The sleep info graphics are now absent. No way to tell at what stage of the night deep, REM, light or awake times occurred without the graphics. I hate FITBIT now. I hope that everyone sees this post and never goes to Premium because in my opinion it is the equivalent of paying money for nothing. I will wait a couple of days for an apology and correction from FITBIT, in case this was a software glitch and  - if not, I am gone!

First Steps
The new sleep page is unreadable, and it was the only part of the app I still used regularly when you began redesigning the app, why is there so much white? Why is it so disorganized and ugly, it makes me not want to use the app so I’m not going to renew my premium membership anymore, there’s no point since I hate looking at it.
First Steps

What a wqste of time - this updated change makes it difficult to read and very disorganized. Please restore the old display for sleep and oxygen levels. Totally agree with all other comments about this change

First Steps

What a terrible way to wake up this morning (April 16) to a redesigned sleep feature is is difficult to navigate, over complicated and just looks.....YUCK!  What the heck are the designers thinking?  This is not human centred design.  This is the primary feature I use and man on man - if this doesn't get fixed, I'll be reconsidering my renewal coming up in June.  WTF FitBit?

Stepping Up

I, too, am beyond frustrated at the "improved" sleep feature and layout--it's almost as if the goal was to make the data and presentation as confusing and eye-ouching as possible. I got a premium membership specifically for the in-depth, (previously) smartly presented sleep features and will absolutely not renew premium if it isn't reverted. I hope Fitbit pays attention and takes action; otherwise they will be losing many Premium members...

First Steps

Echoing most sentiments here. Please revert back to the original sleep charts. The new chart is confusing and hard to read. 
I do not submit feedback and have been a Fitbit user for 9 years and I only today accepted the terms to comment here. This is how much of an impact it was to me. 
Please go back to how it was before. Thanks. 


The sleep section is now useless to those of us with sleep issues.  Where is the time of day and length of time in each sleep segment? I could previously compare the time of day of each segment with the heart monitoring to see how the heart rate is affected by the sleep patterns, now that is impossible to do. This is the main reason I use Fitbit.  Without this data it is a step back into the last decade.  Your app updates should offer improvements, not take vital health information away.  I realize my input will be ignored by app developers, but we are in the ICE age (Information, Communication & Education) for goodness sakes.  We don't want cute, we want important vital information from a health tracking app.     

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