Bring back the old sleep summary page

When I had my Charge 5 and the first few weeks of having my Charge 6 the app would give me a sleep summary page with, Sleep Stages, Time in each stage, Oxygen levels and Bedtime and wakeup all on a handy page. Since a recent update I now seem to get a much more basic three tiles and I have to open each one and look through for all the information.
First Steps

i am so disappointed with the new sleep update on the app. It is so hard to read the sleep accuracy by the exact hour. It is very vague. Please change this back. 

First Steps

I bought my first Fitbit 10 years ago for the sleep reporting and was an enthusiastic user until now. Last month I spent $190 to "upgrade" form Versa 2 to a Versa 4 and encountered the new sleep reporting - the loss of useable benchmark in particular. If Google is trying to push us off of Fitbit then I won't be replacing it with another Fitbit/Google product. Developers should just write code and keep fingers out of product design. I know. I was one of those culprits for 35 years.

First Steps

Agreed. The old sleep summary page was so much better. Often my Fitbit records that I'm asleep when I'm watching tv before bed. The old sleep summary page made it easy to edit what time I actually went to bed and drag a finger along the graph to pinpoint the time when sleep actually began. The new one is hard to read and hard to edit. 

When I have long wakeful periods in the middle of the night, the new summary only graphs the first sleep, and puts the 2nd sleep in an "other sleep" box that is hardly noticeable and can't be viewed with the first. 

The colours in the new one are hard to see. You can't interact with it the same as the old one. It's clunky and definitely a step backward. Please bring back the old sleep summary.

First Steps

I couldn't agree more.  The new sleep graph is extremely hard to look at and understand.  The old graph was very efficient to look at "at a glance" and comprehend what it's saying.  I hate when they change an app to try to "improve" and then tell us, "sorry, you're stuck with it". By adding more features, you don't have to change the old, you just have to add to it.  It doesn't have to be soooo complicated!!!  Please stop and bring back the old.

First Steps

I feel the Same!!

Recovery Runner

@Stephab That ‘other sleep’ thing really annoys me too. It’s hidden at the bottom so I didn't even notice the first few times I checked in. 


Fitbit. Please return to the last version of the sleep reporting. The new version is difficult to read and not intuitive. 

First Steps

I agree! It’s now impossible to see what time I woke up without the hourly benchmarks— this is a huge step backwards 

First Steps

I am so tired of Google changing things just to change them. The sleep tracking module was the only reason I subscribe to Fitbit premium. But this new UI change has rendered that uncessesary. If they don't fix the app prior to my renewal, not only will I not be renewing my subscription, I will be looking for another fitness tracker.

Does anybody have experience with a sleep tracking solution that works well for them?

First Steps

@ChloeEliz Yes! It took me too long to find the other sleep thing, I only persevered because the math wasn't mathing! Fitbit: you slept 6 hours. Graph: 3.5 hours... It's not useful at all.


Sent from my iPhone

After examining the feedback, I’m compelled to provide additional insights. While the data consistency across website platforms remains intact, the recent app update prompts an opportunity for the Google team to reevaluate its functionality. Notably, the inability to rotate the data chart horizontally on mobile devices impedes clear visualization. Instead, the vertical compression of data results in a cluttered interface, hindering the accurate portrayal of trends. Moreover, the inclusion of a dotted line may present readability challenges for users with visual impairments.

I rely on other devices to access the preferred view, but the transition from an easily readable interface to one that is more complex and crowded with overlapping data necessitates additional clicks to retrieve previously accessible information. If the app intends to offer more comprehensive information, it would be beneficial to communicate this to users and potentially capitalize on new sales opportunities upon updates. However, if there are no imminent plans to enhance features such as oxygen levels or simplify benchmark and 30-day views, offering the option to revert to historical views could mitigate user frustration.

This feedback provides valuable insights for consideration, particularly in maintaining a balance between innovation and adhering to fundamental product marketing principles. As a fellow corporate Marketing Manager specializing in digital experience, I understand the pursuit of industry standards, but it’s imperative not to overlook the importance of foundational product marketing and protocols.

Excellent points. Thank you for this!
Sent from my iPhone
Recovery Runner
Good points, well made but I doubt they are listening. It would appear
that we are collateral damage.
First Steps
Most of us were happy with the previous version. Many chose FitBit BECAUSE
of the good sleep data. Particularly the graphics showing breathing
patterns during the hours of sleep. So now that data is no longer
available, making it useless to those who chose this tracker specifically
for the breathing pattern. It is very poor customer service to "update" an
app and lose that valuable information. Updates should improve the app, not
destroy it.
Base Runner
If you hit the 3 dots and select delete, does that not work?


Jim Ryan

The visuals of the sleep info are confusing and unappealing! Bring back the old look! The new app is jumpy, clumsy, and not fun to work with.

The change to the sleep summary info was completely unnecessary and certainly not an improvement. In fact, it's quite the opposite. The dark background and curvy lines made sense. Now, it's jarring first thing in the morning and choppy. AND I WANT THE LITTLE SMILING MOON BACK!

@Glensgal. Today I received a sleep score of 90 for the first time, There
was no smiling moon to greet me. 🙁
First Steps

The new sleep layout is HORRENDOUS. It’s so unpleasant to look at and difficult to read I stopped checking it. I used to love seeing how my sleep was each night and now I don’t even bother. If this doesn’t change I won’t be getting a new Fitbit. Seriously, are you guys trying to make people switch to a different product? If so, great job. 

It’s interesting how many people have commented on the motivation that lay in the old graphics which were scrapped in this update. I used to find the moons were encouraging even if I hadn’t had a particularly good night’s sleep. It really was user-friendly. And the new all white display is very tough on the eyes on waking.
I also would like to have back the “typical range for women your age“ which has been replaced with “typical range for people like you “ which is frankly meaningless.
Sent from my iPhone
Recovery Runner
90 Wow, well done. I’ve lost the fireworks when I reach 80 which is a very rare occurrence for me.
The Fitbit team assure(sic) me that there is a bug on the benchmark graph, they are working on it and it should be restored in due course.

Sent from my iPad
First Steps

Totally this. If I wake up for an hour or so, I still want the rest of my sleep analysed! It used to do this! It's a downgrade.


I completely agree about the new sleep app. It's inreadable. I've never had cause to complain about Fitbit but this upgrade is SO awful I simply had to comment. Please, please revert to the old one.


If anyone at Fitbit HQ reads these comments, can you please either make the new Sleep screen more readable or revert to the old one? The new one is very confusing. Why fix something that wasn't broken?🤷‍:female_sign:

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