Bring back the old sleep summary page

When I had my Charge 5 and the first few weeks of having my Charge 6 the app would give me a sleep summary page with, Sleep Stages, Time in each stage, Oxygen levels and Bedtime and wakeup all on a handy page. Since a recent update I now seem to get a much more basic three tiles and I have to open each one and look through for all the information.

If anyone at Fitbit HQ reads these comments, can you please either make the new Sleep screen more readable or revert to the old one? The new one is very confusing. Why fix something that wasn't broken?🤷‍:female_sign:


Helen Demore
First Steps

I miss the moon, I miss dark mode and after 15 loyal fitbit years I'm now looking at a garmin watch.

Why would you alienate users Google, imagine the power you could have harvested from us happy fitbit users. 

Instead you've annoyed pretty much most of us 😢

First Steps

My goodness what were developers thinking I cannot make heads or tails

of this new sleep app info! It doesn’t even record sleep accurately. Obviously they are not users of the Fitbit to which I have been extremely loyal. Please bring back the sleep app in its prior version and never feel an update is necessary. 

Seems a waste of time to keep posting on this site. No response from Fitbit… they already have said they have no intention of changing back and they really don’t care that everyone is upset. Discontinuing Fitbit in other countries and their lack of any meaningful response to everyone seems to indicate their level of concern for Fitbit customers.
Just go with another watch… There are many others out there.. Stop wasting your time with Fitbit!

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps
  • New sleep chart is dog-ugly and hard to read. Does Fitbit even bother to do usability testing with actual users before rolling this sort of change out? Please bring back the old one or have it as a user selectable option! Please!!!

With each update the application gets worse and worse. It seems that the guys have drawn cartoons before and simply don’t understand how to show technical information on the screens. I’ve unsubscribed from premium, but I’m still wondering what else they can do.


The new sleep summary app is horrible horrible horrible does not give accurate data or easy to read data and does not have restoration data. I was happy with my Fitbit before but I will not keep my Fitbit now if this does not get fixed. Thank you!

I'd return to Premium if old APP be available. (yes I'm ready to pay to get normal dashboards back)
I guess there are more people like me .

First Steps

Bad design, horrible step back

First Steps

I  used your “Updated Application” of my Premium Fitbit for several days before responding to you with my impressions.

It is a Hot Mess. Starting with No Color, just black, white and very light gray. It is difficult to read, and in some cases impossible to read eg Sleep Stages BENCHMARKS. There should be 3 easily visible ranges but you have such lack of color and differentiation! It is dull, boring, difficult & time-consuming to read, a real Slog!

The recently discarded version of Premium Fitbit was WAY better than this. Lots of great color and graphics and easily read. Please do us all a favor and bring it back!  If you stick with this, I will not be renewing and may even ask for a refund.

Thank you,

First Steps

Please return to the prior format for presentment/graphics for sleep data.  The new format is not easy to read, has less data, and did not improve the prior product.  

I did not request the change and do not understand why - given the huge number of users who feel like I do - Fitbit has not already returned to the prior, superior format.

Please make the change back to the prior format.  It was a hugely satisfying and effective part of my daily wake-up. With the new format being so weak, I start my day frustrated and p.o.'d at Fitbit/Google.  

Not every change is good. So, please just acknowledge your mistake and go back to what your users want and are paying for.

Thank you


Does anyone know of another brand that would have more accountability to their customers and another product that they like?

First Steps

From my multiple calls to customer service, there is no plan to fix the sleep app and no interest in doing an update.  Very frustrating.  I will now return the brand new Fitbit I just bought to replace my old one.  Not going with Fitbit ever again.  

I contacted Apple as well and was refunded my premium subscription.
Sent from my iPad
I contacted Apple and told them Fitbit changed the sleep format on Premium that I had originally paid for so I wanted my money refunded, they refunded the money within 2 days.
Sent from my iPad

Thank you so much!!!! It worked!


I don’t use Google. Is there a way to reset to the old sleep graft without going through Google?

Recovery Runner
Do yoy have an Android or IOS phone. So far Google hasn’t responded yet.
Do you think this will work in iPhone?

And to be clear this installs the old version with the sleep chart?
Recovery Runner

I just wanted to say I AM NOT a fan at all of the new app. Things that were so easy to find, now have to be searched for, sometimes unsuccessfully! That’s just my 2¢.

First Steps

I bought Fitbit instead of Apple Watch because of the sleep data with excellent clear graphics. Now that is ruined. The update looks much more primitive, difficult to read, with much less information . How is this an upgrade?

First Steps
The sleep tracker change is ridiculous and I want to change back to the old version. It was user friendly but not this new one.
First Steps

I completely agree. The new sleep layout is hard to read and less informative than the prior layout. 

Recovery Runner

I definitely agree. You know what they say…if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

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