Bring back the old sleep summary page

When I had my Charge 5 and the first few weeks of having my Charge 6 the app would give me a sleep summary page with, Sleep Stages, Time in each stage, Oxygen levels and Bedtime and wakeup all on a handy page. Since a recent update I now seem to get a much more basic three tiles and I have to open each one and look through for all the information.
Tempo Runner
GREAT!! that was my purpose in trying to help. We really shouldn't be under
the thumb of Fitbit.

Thanks, golferhcw. Everybody can simply find the version. I do not say "google" it.  

If it went before a focus group it had to be someone that didn’t use the
product and didn’t care about the reason you look at sleep analytics.
Recovery Runner
Where did you find it, playstore only has latest version.Sent from my T-Mobile 5G Device
First Steps

1,352 Comments (who knows how many have been removed) and 1,861 upvotes at the time of this posting. I would like to just share my experience in dealing with Google the last 23+ years. Over the last 6-8 years, this is how it goes. Product changes that make no end-user sense, or a UI / feature downgrade, and worst of all, and end-of-life announcement of a functional, and often beloved, product with no valid replacement designed.... this is Google of 2024. Their messaging is falling on deaf ears now (with this customer) and Google appears to be so **ahem** big it does not matter to them because WE are not where they make their money per se. But they are living up to their original mission statement: "To organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.” Let it be known, the delivery of YOUR data to YOURself is NOT their mission. They are aggregating and organizing this data for THEIR benefit and profit. Despite privacy conditions and feelings like this fitness and sleep data is YOURS, that's a wolf in sheep's clothing statement. Google is starving for your data to parse and re-distribute and sell at their gain. For over half my life I decided to pick a company and go 'all-in' and give into the lesser of two evils, at least my data will only be known, managed and sold (hopefully anonymously) by one organization. But after over 5 years of frustration and yelling and screaming into a bottomless well, following this post closely, this is my last straw. I no longer will allow them to track my fitness and sleep data, it's just creepy now. You, the customer, can choose to do the same. I have been wearing an Oura ring for about a year (I have a documented sleep disorder and need the analysis) and will say that the sleep data and visualizations in their app is far superior to Fitbit/Google. I know this sounds counter-intuitive to my previous point but I needed this data and analysis to be more reliable to have for my recurring sleep doctor visits. I say this to throw out that while I am just as skeptical of Oura's privacy of my data, it is a solid platform for sleep tracking. The second point is that YOU, the customer, can decide not only to stop buying Google hardware (I doubt they even care or notice) but, more importantly, cut them off from the never-ending water hose of data you are throwing in to their ecosystem. If enough of us do that in protest to this lackluster response to our concerns and frustrations, they WILL notice it. This is a bittersweet post for me having been so nonchalant with Google, and after owning lots of their hardware and thousands of dollars spent on subscriptions and media over the decades, this is for some reason the nail in the coffin. Shame.

Tempo Runner
we must support each other, Fitbit Support will not

My problem is I wouldn't be able to switch to a different device. My Fitbit and the premium account that comes with it, was provided by my insurance company. I am on a special needs plan that provides extra benefits, like the Fitbit. So if I wanted to switch to the Oura ring or another device. I would have to pay for it myself and at the moment I don't have the money for that. I am disabled, money is extremely tight, a lot of medical expenses because of my chronic illnesses that I have. The reason I have the Fitbit to begin with was to track certain health issues that I have, the main one being I have chronic insomnia and my sleep doctor likes to see my sleep logs. The Fitbit was the perfect way to do that because it showed him exactly what he needed to know. But now It does not.

First Steps

The previous graphic was much easier to read. The new one is confusing with all the dotted lines. The new one does not include naps of an hour of more. The oxygen graph is missing.

Whoever got the job of redesign, a corporate blunder, did not use the previous graphic or they would have seen that simpler and clearer is better. Please, if you can't go back to the old graphic for some corporate reason, copy the old design and change the colors so it will look different but not function. differently. I looked at this graph daily. Now I skip it some days because deciphering it is too much trouble. If this is Google's fault, shame on them.

Shame on Google - ‘Do no evil’?
Recovery Runner
My question as well!!!??? 🤷🏻‍:female_sign:🤦🏻‍:female_sign:

Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery!
Today is a gift!
That’s why we call it the present!
Enjoy your gift of today!

Where did you find v3.90?

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
Get Outlook for Android<>
Here is another complaint about this idiotic downgrade. Before I wanted to see how many steps I had each day. I clicked on steps and could scroll down for as far back as I wanted and see my daily number of steps for each day. Now some idiot decided it’s only one day!!! Then if I want to see each day I click on week but duhhh I can only see the days of that week. So we click on week to see days!! Oh yea that makes sense. So what happens if I click on month. I get the average steps for weeks. Like really!!!??? How does this make any sense at all. I will be sad to lose all of the history I have accumulated over the past 8 years or so but I can’t really see it in any way that makes sense so I guess I’m losing nothing moving to Garmin. Such a shame.
You should complain to your insurance company. Since you can’t get the data you need anymore.
Stepping Up
Amen sister!

Sent from my iPad
Recovery Runner
In my online dashboard community page there is the option to export data.
I don't know how it works or what format it takes. I am just running an
export (as a test) but Google says it may take hours to prepare.

Then once you have the data you may be able to transfer to your new tracker.

BTW I'm thinking of going Garmin too.
Recovery Runner

I found a fix for the sleep app out on several sites (Facebook, X ..). IT WORKS!! happy user again

First Steps
Please share, thank you.

I also REALLY dislike the changes to the sleep feature, as does my husband. One of the main things I use it for is monitoring my sleep. The new set up is such a step backwards from where it had been! I can no longer view each stage separately. Also, the sleep timeline is so small and jumbled together, it is just not user friendly anymore. I am very disappointed. I have been giving it a chance for a couple weeks now and am just not interested in it anymore. I’m sorry to say, unless some of the features from before are brought back, I’m afraid my husband and I will likely be looking for a different device. I am sure we can’t be alone in this. 😔

Recovery Runner
you need to search Facebook or X
Stepping Up
Please share the fix.

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
First Steps
Unfortunately not on either. Got kicked off Twitter in the great purge,
never interested in FB.
Recovery Runner

What would it take to get the new Fitbit owners to restore the essential sleep feature of Fitbit?  The new sleep monitor feature is ugly, awkward, useless, and very stupid.  The old one was very user-friendly and extremely useful.  I purchased well over a dozen of these devices for myself or family,  often, primarily for this useful component.  I used to think Google was a leader in useful computer based products— do something.  

Recovery Runner

My original Fitbit finally gave out late in 2023 and I have an Apple Watch but I loved (past tensethe Fitbit sleep app so much that I bought another Fitbit and actually wear both.I thought info presentation was better on the Fitbit tracker than what comes with the Apple Watch, Plus the new inspire that I have the battery lasts for almost a week without a charge but this new sleep and everything display is just so awful, it makes me sad Fitbit would deliver something this hideous it’s almost like they hate their customers but I’m gonna make an effort to figure out the Apple Watch. it’s just so disappointing. I have to figure out a way to charge it before bedtime and it’s just an added bit of stress that I don’t need right now. Shame on your Fitbit for giving Customers such a lousy product change. 

I know. It makes no sense.
I wish I had your positivity. Truly.
Thank you. Have a great day.

Yes, please bring back the old one or at least add the ability to shows how much time I spent in each sleep zone like the old one. it shows the start and end time, but does not say "33 mins" of deep from 12am to 12:33am

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