Change alarm message from "Look Alive" to something else

When my mum passed away, your "look alive" alarm was a constant reminder and made me feel crap.
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Absolutely 100% agree that "Look alive" is an unacceptable wake up message and super painful for those of us who lost someone they love. Absolutely crazy, that Fitbit messenger recommends I respond to a messag from 2021 to vote for an alarm message to be changed, which still hasn't been done TWO YEARS later. 

Wake up Fitbit, this alarm message radiates negativity and reminds us of our and other mortality, it's crazy you do not realise this yourself. Allow us to change this, or simply change it to; wake up/time to get up/ carpe Diem etc

First Steps

I agree. I actually don't use the alarm on my watch just because I don't like the "look alive" message. I don't know why in particular. I just really don't like it and wish it could be changed. 

First Steps
It's been over two years of Fitbit ignoring this... And unsurprisingly my friend's suicide isn't something I'm going to just *get over* I'm now the owner of a fruity named company's watch instead. After about 10 yrs of being loyal as heck to Fitbit. Literally all they had to do was change one single line of coding somewhere and I can't believe something so simple can't be achieved, I suspect being owned by a huge company now with zero vested interest in consumer rights or choices may have something to do with their drastic decline in functionality.
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