Clock faces with day of the week and the month

If this has been said before - sorry, I’ve searched but nothing exactly like this has come up - so their are limited clock faces for the inspire HR.

Im literally just after something like the face ‘Just Time’ but with nicer type - I’m English and am used to the day|month display - so the month|day display always confuses me at first glance - hence why I’ve got to use the ‘Just time’ clock face, but the type is boring, but all other clock faces are month|day rather than what I’m used to. 


Im not fussed about stats showing as I’ll just scroll down for that! Just the time and date on the first screen is fine but I don’t think it’s fair I’m stuck to one clock face which boring type because I’m not used to the reverse date! 




Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity

First Steps

My Alta HR just died so I purchased the Inspire HR which I received today, really want the day of the week on there.  With my shift changes this is something I depend on a lot!

Yeah I was wanting this too.. Well don't hold your breath.. I've been waiting for 6 months now.. And they keep saying they will work on it lol

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
I want the same thing but I have noticed they have a newer watch that is
the same as the inspire hr out in fitbit watches. They won't be "fixing"
our model anymore.
Well that's news I didn't want to hear lol.. I'm not spending 100$ just to find something else wrong lol

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Yeah I agree.. This is my last fitbit product. The first quit working after
an update and their only fix was to buy this version that they didn't add
the day name in.

Forget the cutesie **ahem** cat and ant clock faces, and give the Inspire HR something practical like the DAY of the week (instead of the month).
(Alta HR already has it - why can't Inspire HR?)




MO 13


Image: fitbit



Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @libhastings, thanks for explaining why you would like to have this option. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has been updated as "Under Consideration". You can learn more about here. Keep adding your suggestions!


My Alta HR recently died so I got a Inspire HR to replace it. I’ve always had a simple clock face of ‘24 hour clock’ then ‘day|date’ (ie Tue22) underneath. This was extremely helpful as my job is sporadic so I often don’t know what day of the week it is. 
The inspire doesn’t give you an option of what day of the week it is. It’s also annoying for those of us not in the US as having month number then day number is really confusing and it currently can’t be turned off. Please can you put out some new clock faces with day as an option. Hopefully not ones with stupid animal characters on them. 

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Jadey87, thanks for explaining why you would like to have this option. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has been updated as "Under Consideration". You can learn more about here. Keep adding your suggestions!

First Steps

Please add the day of the week to a clock face! This is a very easy addition, judging by the plethora of free user created clock faces for other fitbits. Alternatively open the inspire for people to create clock faces.


Honestly it has been a problem for almost a year and you still haven’t fixed it? What are you doing?

I just bought my new Inspire HR as an upgrade of HR Alta. I’m so disappointed especially after seeing all users saying the same thing ages ago!!!

All you have done is saying you’re working towards it and it’s under consideration?

Is Inspire HR really an upgrade without this important function???

FitBit is a watch. And it’s not doing the part to help users at all. You are taking away the clock functions! I’m so so so disappointed honestly. Please add day of the week and take out the month or move it somewhere!


You should offer customisation functions for clock face!


Moderator edit: all-caps


It was moved to under consideration last year in May. Is it a joke?

We are in 2020 and it’s February now. What did you do?


Moderator edit: all-caps

Base Runner

Wow Fitbit just doesn't care

Base Runner

The people posting here are a tiny percentage of those mad at this missing feature


Totally! Seriously I was like, once I saw all the clock faces and couldnt find day of the week


Moderator edit: all-caps

Recovery Runner
Hey Google....
First Steps

I recently “upgraded” to the inspired from the ta and I can’t believe the day of the week is not available. I feel like I’m taken a step back. Please add this feature to the clock face on the inspire! 


Still no day of the week.. WTH 100$ watch and I can't get this SIMPLE FEATURE.. The 25$ watch for my son has this feature. For months I've been asking.. Why is this not fix yet.. I'm not the only one saying something... For inspire HR





I would really love it if there were a clock face for the Inspire HR that displayed the day of the week (Su, M, Tu, W, Th, F, Sa). I tend to use Simple Stats or Stats Heavy right now, so if this were added to either of those that would be awesome!


However, I would probably switch to any clock face with the Day & Date.



I have been asking for this request for a long time for the inspire HR.. Lol and I've got nothing the past year.. Thinking I might  need to upgrade

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
I have been requesting this change for about a year. this option request is falling on deaf ears. I will just get a new model next time and probably a different brand. If this option was impossible to do then that is all fitbit would have to say but they keep this going about asking for new option.
First Steps

Yes please! A clock face with the day of the week (Su, Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa) or the option of having the international date format DD/MM

The day of the week option worked nicely in the Alta HR, so it doesn't make sense it was not included in the inspire family.

Yeah I've been trying for a year now.. Don't see it happening
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
First Steps

People have been asking for this for years according to this forum!  Please, with the COVID19 at home, it's harder than ever to remember the day of the week.  You do this for other fitbits. Please do for Inspire HR.  THanks and stay well.

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @MahgieW. Thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about having a clock face for your Inspire HR that shows the day of the week with us. This idea was already requested in the Feature Suggestions board, so I’ve moved your post here. The status of this request has been updated as "Under Consideration", so don't forget to add your vote to show your support! To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

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