Clock faces with day of the week and the month

If this has been said before - sorry, I’ve searched but nothing exactly like this has come up - so their are limited clock faces for the inspire HR.

Im literally just after something like the face ‘Just Time’ but with nicer type - I’m English and am used to the day|month display - so the month|day display always confuses me at first glance - hence why I’ve got to use the ‘Just time’ clock face, but the type is boring, but all other clock faces are month|day rather than what I’m used to. 


Im not fussed about stats showing as I’ll just scroll down for that! Just the time and date on the first screen is fine but I don’t think it’s fair I’m stuck to one clock face which boring type because I’m not used to the reverse date! 




Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity

First Steps
Well why can’t Fitbit get on with this already and get this done???
There are many people that have been asking for over a year.

Get Outlook for iOS
I am just going to get a different fitness tracker. Fitbit doesn’t seem to care about customer needs.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10
That’s alright I am just going to switch to another brand fitness tracker since FitBit does not want to respond to consumer requests.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10
First Steps

Thanks for "considering" the addition of the day of the week to the Inspire display. It's particularly relevant during "Social Distancing" and staying home from the office. I have no idea what today is! Or, any day!  

Fitbit has been considering this for over a year
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
I have given up on fitbit and switching brand of fitness tracker. Wish they would have taken our suggestions seriously or if it was impossible to do, they should have told us that.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10
I have given up on fitbit and switching brand of fitness tracker. Wish they would have taken our suggestions seriously or if it was impossible to do, they should have told us that.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10
Base Runner

Thanks to Fitbit, I don't know what day it is! It was a mistake trusting them and upgrading from my Alta to Inspire!


Edit: had to edit tweet so it could be seen by more people. Please relike!

Hi all. Hopefully when a new comment or suggestion is made you all get email updates like I do. If so, and you’re reading this, we need to get their attention. They’ve ignored us for too long. Please see, like and share my below tweet. Hopefully if they see we’re taking it on to a different platform they’ll listen. Thanks

First Steps

I’m working from home due to COVID19. It would be helpful to see the day of the week on my clock face when I first wake up. I’m guessing this feature would be useful for folks who have irregular schedules as well. This feature has been under consideration since at least April 2019. Please add it soon. 

First Steps
Can you please ad the day of the week? I don't even understand why I can't make my own "clock style".
Why I need to come here to ask for it.. I had a cheap alternative for 2 years before the Fitbit Inspire HR and I had the possibility to do what I want with the display.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Davidd0107, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to see clock faces with day of the week for Fitbit Inspire. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has been updated as "Under Consideration". You can learn more about it here. Keep adding these suggestions.

First Steps

I would appreciate this addition. I am wearing my Inspire HR for the first time today and am already missing this feature that I had on my Alta. 


I love the format: TU 16 -- as a SAHM, I obviously know the month, but not the day of week or day necessarily! I look at my wrist everyday to see which day it is so I know which slot to open on my meds container!


Is there a timeline for this addition now that it's "under construction" ?



Stepping Up

This has been under consideration forever. It doesn't seem like a hard thing to do. With quarantine, every day just blurs into the next and I really NEED this feature. It will be essential for when virtual school starts and I need to know what online classes my kids are supposed to be doing each day. PLEASE, FITBIT, JUST ADD A CLOCKFACE WITH THE DAY OF THE WEEK. 

I have been asking for this for over a year.. And it just so happens my inspire hr has died TODAY.. I wanna buy a different one but due to lack of work.. I can't spend 150-200 on a watch.. So I'm going to have to buy an inspire.. Please oh please get a clock face with the date.. It will come in soo handy

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Base Runner

They put out a new update

Recovery Runner
Swipe up the next screen.. Surprise!!
Recovery Runner


Recovery Runner


 Shows the time when charging now. 

Base Runner

Wow but there's no way to make it the default! What kind of tease is this!!

Recovery Runner

I just leave it at that screen.

Base Runner

It times out tho so next time you check it, it's gone

Recovery Runner

Yeah.. I just realised it times out after quite a while.. 


But since now the function is available in the FW, perhaps the clock face team might now be able to create something that has shows the DoW.


Or even allow a 'no clock face' option and have the 2nd screen with the DoW as the default. 🙂 

Base Runner

Exactly but it'll probably take another year

Recovery Runner

I'm just glad now there is something. Waited more than a year for this! I was a bit disappointed with this FW release until I accidentally swiped up! Hahaha.. 

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