Continuous Glucose Monitoring

New blood glucose measuring technology is rapidly advancing with more non-invasive methods looking likely to enter the market this year. As a Type 1 Diabetic it's a real pain (literally sometimes) to have to hurt my finger several times a day to get a glucose reading. One of the new methods of non-invasive glucose monitoring is using a laser to measure the amount of glucose in the blood. If Fitbit could somehow integrate similar technology into the wrist watches it could open up a significant revenue stream and also would help improve diabetic glucose monitoring. The benefits of this would be enormous for health departments, particularly in the UK where Diabetes is becoming more prevalent and people are suffering health issues due to poor diabetes management. Also add insulin reminders.


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Not applicable

It is not possible to monitor blood pressure levels with a Fitbit device. 

First Steps

Add blood sugar inputs to app. Link to glucometer apps such as OneTouch.

Report carbs in grams as well as %. This is necessary for relationship to blood sugar tracking.

Add reporting that can be provided to doctors.

Take a look at the One Drop app for ideas.


I was thinking the same but it's also useful for non diabetics, people who are dieting and exercising glucose a good statistics to know. Also collecting this data would be useful for companies for medical research, dieting and performance enhancing.


New blood glucose measuring technology is rapidly advancing with more non-invasive methods looking likely to enter the market this year. As a Type 1 Diabetic it's a real pain (literally sometimes) to have to **ahem** my finger several times a day to get a glucose reading. One of the new methods of non-invasive glucose monitoring is using a laser to measure the amount of glucose in the blood. If Fitbit could somehow integrate similar technology into the wrist watches it could open up a significant revenue stream and also would help improve diabetic glucose monitoring. The benefits of this would be enormous for health departments, particularly in the UK where Diabetes is becoming more prevalent and people are suffering health issues due to poor diabetes management.



I have type 2 Diabetes and use the App Glucose Wiz to record my blood sugar levels. That app sends the readings to my HEALTH app on my iPhone. 

Why can Fitbit not allow me to input the information, in the same way as I can record liquids or what I eat or take the information from another app like Glucose Wiz. 

I love my Fitbit Charge2, it really motivates me BUT why does it not help me in recording my blood sugar levels.


New blood glucose measuring technology is rapidly advancing with more non-invasive methods looking likely to enter the market this year. As a Type 1 Diabetic it's a real pain (literally sometimes) to have to **ahem** my finger several times a day to get a glucose reading. One of the new methods of non-invasive glucose monitoring is using a laser to measure the amount of glucose in the blood. If Fitbit could somehow integrate similar technology into the wrist watches it could open up a significant revenue stream and also would help improve diabetic glucose monitoring. The benefits of this would be enormous for health departments, particularly in the UK where Diabetes is becoming more prevalent and people are suffering health issues due to poor diabetes management.


First Steps

Hi I suffer from hypoglycaemia and my blood sugar can drop at any time leaving me feeling very unwell. It's scary if it happens and I'm out alone. Having a warning to say my levels are dropping would be amazing.  It would also save me alot of doctors appointments for other problems that are due to weight gain because of my sugars dropping. I just want my life back.

@LMcC88 wrote:

New blood glucose measuring technology is rapidly advancing with more non-invasive methods looking likely to enter the market this year. As a Type 1 Diabetic it's a real pain (literally sometimes) to have to **ahem** my finger several times a day to get a glucose reading. One of the new methods of non-invasive glucose monitoring is using a laser to measure the amount of glucose in the blood. If Fitbit could somehow integrate similar technology into the wrist watches it could open up a significant revenue stream and also would help improve diabetic glucose monitoring. The benefits of this would be enormous for health departments, particularly in the UK where Diabetes is becoming more prevalent and people are suffering health issues due to poor diabetes management.


First Steps

Would love to see FitBit licence this technlogy and deploy it once it's available... this would be a game changer for Type 1 Diabetics like me: 


I succeeded for 1 week to get my Glucose monitoring results from XDrip+ (from my Samsung Galaxy A3) running on my Fitbit Versa using the watchface Flash CGM. I was so excited (!), but from the 1st of July the connection wasn't possible anymore. I can' t even synchronise my Fitbit app anymore at the moment. Then it close down. I tried everything. Does anybody have solutions for this problem? I know it can work and I was so happy with it. 

Recovery Runner

Yes please add diabetes glucose check/monitoring to fit. bit devices!  I am type 1 and looking forward to a time when I can stop poking my self!  Thank you!

First Steps

My cousin is a teacher and has a child in her class who is diabetic.  She suggested that if her fitbit could show the person's blood sugar level anyone seeing the fitbit could tell if the child was having a low blood sugar episode and help them quicker.

I have been with a diabetic who had a low blood sugar episode and it was initially thought she had had a stroke.  All she needed was to get glucose back into her system and be aware as her blood sugar is dropping so she can keep it at a higher level.  This would alleviate misdiagnosis and get help to people more easily


There are many diabetics that use fitbit. I am one such consumer. I often forget to log my bg levels because it is not conveniently available when I check it. I think that having an app for your smart watch style fitbits would greatly benefit your consumers as well as your company. It would add a function that many people need, tracking on the go and at your fingertips.


It'd be an added bonus if they could sync via blue tooth to the major brands like one touch, freestyle, contour, and reli on... As well as other brands I may not have listed. 

First Steps

I manually add my weight. Would love to manually add my glucose checks. Up to 4 times a day with optional dosage amounts as I am on variable insulin dosages. 


Diabetes is becoming far more common and many people could use this. 


I do not want to pay for an expensive machine to continually track. I just want a simple tracker graph system. 


Thanks. Love my Fitbit!


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Moderator Alum

Hello @Ginieniel! Thanks for sharing this suggestion, I moved it to this similar post so you can add your vote to it. Please keep sharing your ideas with us! Woman Happy

First Steps

Okay, so now I am really, really frustrated.


I just discovered that I can monitor blood glucose - as many times a day as I choose to, I can monitor oxygen saturation, stress levels, blood pressure, etc. all on my Samsung Galaxy S9+ on Samsung Health App as well as everything else my Fitbit Charge does except automatic heart rate.  

I love my Fitbit and have been begging for these simple features for over a year.  Can it be that tough to program them into the Dashboard?  Or, at least is there a way to connect the two and show the results on my Fitbit Dashboard - same with Lose It!  


It's time you listen to our needs, please, and make these few simple changes. I am really considering changing and telling all of my friends to as well if you can't be a little more responsive to even simple needs.

Not applicable

This is similar to the idea at This thread should be closed in favor of that one.

Not applicable

This is similar to the idea posed at This thread should be closed in favor of that one.

First Steps
No it shouldn’t be closed as the point of the original post has been
completely missed by nearly everyone. I’m not requesting the possibility to
enter BG results. I’m talking about the Fitbit actively measuring blood
glucose levels using modern continuous glucose monitoring technology. Read
the post before commenting
Kind regards,
Lee McCrudden
First Steps

I personally would like to see more health options avaliable instead of having to use several apps everything in one would be great! Not everyone using fitbit is A1 healthy. It would be nice to track blood glucose, have a med list and notes section where u can put dr appointments And questions to ask the Dr. Maybe a bloodpressure tracker.

Thanks😀 love my fitbit

First Steps

It would be helpful if, in the app, you could enter the time a meal or snack was eaten, and also a way to put in blood glucose levels before and 2 hours after meals. I use MyNetDiary app and it allows me to do that, but then I have to enter my food in both this app and that one. That app also allows you to put in your typical range and it alerts you if you go over or under that. It’s very helpful.

Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @EboRae, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us,this feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here as it is under consideration.

First Steps

My contour next one app transfers my bg’s To apple health. Would be fantastic if the Fitbit app could show your bg’s. Not all diabetics need a CGM

Tempo Runner

@MS650265 we have a watch face that let's you get your Dexcom BG or BluCon Freestyle Libre BG on your watch.


It's on our website:

First Steps

Thanks for this. Will it let me use Fitbit NFC to scan my freestyle libre sensor? Or is it just a Bluetooth connection to the phone?

Moderator Edit: Personal info removed

Tempo Runner
It is just a bluetooth connection to the phone.
Premium User
First Steps



When exporting data the "Glucose AM" and Glucose PM" fields are still in the file. The database sill has the room. Please put a simple section in the logging for all of us who USED to use the feature before it was removed.  How many years now?  I've been a user for a long time and have seen more functionality taken out than added in the dashboard.


Please and Thank You

First Steps

After all these years of using fitbit products, I'm still very amazed that there is no way to add and track Blood Glucose Levels. Please add a tile that we can use to manually add these.

Surley it cant be that hard to add and i'm sure I'm not the only person who would appreciate this feature as ive read countless requests for this over the years.

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