Customizable vibrations pattern for Silent Alarms

Could we please have an option to select from a list of possible vibration patterns for our Silent Alarms.


Selectable Vibration Patterns


  • Flex Default (3 long, pause, repeat 3 long pattern until stopped)
  • Charge Default (3 long, pause, 3 long, snooze for 9 minutes, 3 long, pause, 3 long)
  • [NEW] Rapid (3 quick, pause, repeat 3 quick pattern until stopped)
  • [NEW] Rising Scale (1 quick, pause, 2 quick, pause, 3 quick, pause, 3 long, pause,repeat 3 long until stopped)


The patterns and repititions seem to differ between the Flex and Charge without any ability to change them back. I found the Flex vibrations to be a little too harsh and I felt they had the potential to wake up my wife.


I would personally be happy if the setting was per configured alarm or globally for the tracker. Either way, having a few selectable options for the vibration would mean that users could choose how they are woken up!


If you feel this is a useful suggestion please vote for it






Moderator Edit: Title, Format & Labels 

bigAPE | Melbourne, Australia | Software Developer

Flex - Charge - Charge HR - iPhone 6 - Apple OSX

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

I agree for a longer alarm
First Steps
Yes, longer alarm would he very helpful. It goes off too quickly. Hitting the button to turn it off/ put it in snooze mode would be much better, otherwise it is useless sometimes when going off after vibrating 3x.
First Steps

I just bought my Fitbit Charge HR yesterday and i have been wearing it till now. 

I feel it would be helpful for people who are in meetings to have the options for the tracker to vibrate more than once. 3, 6,9,12 vibrations for eg. It would be a great help for those deep sleepers who needs more than a single vibration to wake them up like ME! hehe! 

It would be nice if the silent alarm didn't stop until you stopped it... Because 2 times isn't going to get me out of bed.
Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

I really like your idea of being able to custom set the alarm duration and snooze interval. Everybody sleeps and wakes up differently, so I can see a huge potential benefit for a feature like this.

Also, I would recommend up-voting or commenting on this feature request for Idle Alert if it is a feature that you are interested in.

Thanks for sharing your idea, I'll be sure to relay it on for further consideration.

Recovery Runner

@DerrickSI have already voted the Idle Alert awhile ago - I'm really looking forward to it 🙂 that post is 2 years old and still nothing ... come on, let's do it 🙂 and the "smart alarm" as well (


Once you implement them, Fitbit will fear no competitors!! (even if I understand there could be some patent issues ... I'm sure that you can play in a clever way using the HR instead of the accelerometer - as simple as that!)



First Steps
Does anyone else sleep through their silent alarm?! Iove the idea but I just don't wake up right away. Then it turns off after about 5 seconds and then I defiantly don't wake up. I feel that the vibrations should last until you turn it off on your Fitbit, or the vibrations should be more intense.
First Steps
Yes, please! Custom alarms with intensity and duration settings. 👍💪😃
First Steps

I think I must be one of the only people out there who thinks the silent alarm vibrate is way too violent?!


It wakes me with a jolt and I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack every morning. Being able to moderate the vibrate strength would be fantastic.

First Steps

I would have to agree. I don't my FitBit's two vibrations are going to do anything for me. Let it go off until I snooze it!

First Steps

I would also like to be able to click one box to set my alarm for 'everyday', rather than having to tick each box for each alarm. Maybe this feature is available on other fitbit models. I have a fitbit flex, as my needs are basic in most respects.

First Steps
Hello. I would like to recommend to change the way the silent alarm works. Right now all it does it is vibrates for 5 seconds and then it shows alarm time on the screen and you can torn it off or snooze.
So the problem is the 5 seconds of vibration never wakes me up. I'm sure there is lots off people the same way as I'm.
What I'm suggesting is for the alarm to vibrate until it's snoozed or turned off. Or vibrate for 5 seconds then have a 10 seconds pause and vibrate again until snoozed or turned off so it will save bettery life.

Thank you
Not applicable

Perhaps, it would also be good if the vibration time can be customized. Difficulty in waking does vary from person to person.

Status changed to: New
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

@Bob_T@Prikinte Having a longer vibration for the alarm is a great idea that will benefit a lot of users. I think that this will ensure that every user will wake up with the alarm the right way. We will definitely review the idea further. Thanks to everyone that commented on this! 

First Steps

I can't believe there has still been no development with this idea...i'm just reading post after post about it but still nothing has changed in the software update.

First Steps

Surely it would be an easy fix to extend the duration of the alarm more than 11 seconds....yes I understand this might compromise battery life etc. but I'm sure the majority of people will be much happier to advertise this function if it actually worked! 
and what's with the snooze time being 20min?....I don't know any other clock that has such an extended wait....i'ts not working guys, listen to the complaints. 

Obviously i'm not impressed at all with this function given the easability to change it in a software update and how much we're all paying for the fitbit devices (especially the surge)

there's a snooze?!?
Not applicable

I sometimes wake before my alarm and would like to swicth the alarm off instead of waiting for the actual alarm to vibrate.


Moderator Edit: Added Labels

First Steps

 Any Update on improved alarms??

First Steps

It would be helpful if we can customize the vibrate options for different features of the fitbit. The advertised uses for the fitbit alarms are a silent morning alarm and a subtle reminder, however I've found for the subtle reminders throughout the day, the continuous alarm vibration is rather annoying. If I don't have it set as an actual alarm to wake me up, one vibration (such as the one used for a phone call) will be enough to alert me and get my attention, and the watch won't vibrate more than it needs to (using less battery). This could be a switch or an option in settings when creating new alarms for what kind of vibration to use (short, long, snooze...).

It would also be nice to customize the phone call alarm. Usually when my watch vibrates once I don't think I need to urgently check it, when in reality I am getting a phone call and I should check my phone or watch to see what it is. In this case, continuous vibrating would be best because I would check my watch sooner since the phone call may end soon.

I've also found that continuous vibration for goal reached is a bit much. I only need a small vibrate to get my attention that I should look at my watch and see my goal is reached, rather than a continuous vibration, as if it is important that I check my watch immediately.

To me at least, it is almost as if the current vibration settings are reversed from how it would make sense to set them. In order to accomodate all users, we could simply use a settings option for what kind of vibration patterns we would like for different features, without taking away from any of the current functionality.

Thank you for considering this feature request.


Moderator Edit: Subject for clarity

First Steps
I agree. Definitely needs to be possible to have a stronger vibration notification.
First Steps
Agree as well. I'd like to be able to set regular reminders at certain times of the day a bit like a clock chime, but the current reminders are too intrusive as they require action to avoid the snooze function kicking in. They're great to wake up to though 🙂 my phone's alarm had been feeling a bit neglected since I got my Fitbit.
First Steps
Surge needs to be included and allow for longer, more powerful vibrations.
First Steps

The is the one feature that I really, really want from this device.  A simple option in the alarm setting to select between "vibrate three times," the default setting, and "vibrate until deactivated" or something like that.  The alarm is completely useless to me as is.


*crossing fingers*

First Steps
Agree more vibration options please when incoming call
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