Customizable vibrations pattern for Silent Alarms

Could we please have an option to select from a list of possible vibration patterns for our Silent Alarms.


Selectable Vibration Patterns


  • Flex Default (3 long, pause, repeat 3 long pattern until stopped)
  • Charge Default (3 long, pause, 3 long, snooze for 9 minutes, 3 long, pause, 3 long)
  • [NEW] Rapid (3 quick, pause, repeat 3 quick pattern until stopped)
  • [NEW] Rising Scale (1 quick, pause, 2 quick, pause, 3 quick, pause, 3 long, pause,repeat 3 long until stopped)


The patterns and repititions seem to differ between the Flex and Charge without any ability to change them back. I found the Flex vibrations to be a little too harsh and I felt they had the potential to wake up my wife.


I would personally be happy if the setting was per configured alarm or globally for the tracker. Either way, having a few selectable options for the vibration would mean that users could choose how they are woken up!


If you feel this is a useful suggestion please vote for it






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bigAPE | Melbourne, Australia | Software Developer

Flex - Charge - Charge HR - iPhone 6 - Apple OSX

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

Hill Runner

The alarm vibration can also be to heavy for some. I myselves wakes my spource every morning. So than make the vibration intensity custimizable som we can alter it both against more end less intense

First Steps
Would love a slightly stronger vibration for the silent alarm. I find it's not as good as Jawbone for waking you up. A longer vibration would also be better.
Stepping Up
it seems the silent alarm function on the Surge only Vibrates once then stops - it would be good if this could be configured to cycle more than once. I previously owned the Charge HR and that vibrated numerous times and did wake me up.
The Surge does not wake me up - am a little disappointed as I assumed there would be a continuos vibration until i delected snooze or disable.
Some ability to configure the alarm functions would be great.....
First Steps
I am hearing impaired, so the vibration alarms and call alert are fantastic and a key frature for me. However, the phone call alert needs to be more than a single vibration. It would be very helpful if we had the option to make it like the alarm vibrating notification --ie, repeating, and strong -- orat least choose between a couple options to make it more effective.
First Steps

Agreed!  The alarm goes off for about 15 seconds, and if it doesnt happen to wake me up, then there is no repeat.  Not sure how the alarm screen offering to "snooze" or turn it off helps....

I would love if the Fitbit surge had a stronger vibrating silent alarm. I was woken by the Fitbit flex alarms but for some reason the vibration of the surge does not wake me. The ability to adjust the time or strength of vibrations for us heavier sleepers would be a great addition!
Stepping Up

1- alarm labels (app and Charge display)

2- vibration pattern options

3- button patterns to actively choose between snooze and turning off each alarm

Recovery Runner


Very quick idea (and it should be easy implementable).


Why don't you implement the possibility to set the alarm duration (currently 30sec) and the snooze interval (currently 9min)? It would be great to have some flexibility around this!!


Of course then the Idle Alarm and Smart Alarm would be very nice features to have as well ...





Moderator edit: labels.

Recovery Runner
This would be brilliant feature and also to set a schedule for alarms
First Steps
The ability to name the alarms would be great!!!
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Moderator Alum

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So I guess I am getting used to the virabation in the morning.  Perhaps the novelty of it has worn off and I am no longer anticipating the alarm/vibrations which is a bummer because I am now sleeping through my alarms.


I did some testing while awake and the surge will only vibrate for ten seconds at alarm time.  If you happen to sleep through that without snoozing the alarm, which I have been doing a lot of lately, the alarm won't go off again...until the next morning.  This is quite different from your average clock radio becuase the radio or alarm will keep blaring until you roll your tired bones out of bed and silence it.  We NEED simple alarm options as follows:


  1. Adjustable vibration duration (10sec, 15 sec, 20 sec,..., continuous until snooze/dismiss/battery dead)
  2. Vibration Pattern Selection (Pattern 1, Pattern 2, Pattern 3, Pattern 4,..., Randomized)
  3.  Adjust snooze setting duration (1min, 2,min, 5min, 10min,... Don't allow snooze)

Please for the love of god do this as I have been forced to plug my clock radio again.

Status changed to: New
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

This suggestion sounds similar to the suggestion I would like to see in my Charge HR.  I would like goal achivement vibrations for all the goals I set, or the ability to pick which goals I want a celebration viration.  I really get excited when I reach my steps goal.

First Steps

Please Lets make this happen I would love the alarm feature and adding custom snooze times like most alarms have would be great!!

Current setting allows the alarm to vibrate for a couple of seconds. As any alarm it should vibrate until a button is clicked to end it. Otherwise If someone is in deep sleep wouldn't even notice the alarm vibration as it happened to me. I would highly recommend to set the alarm to vibrate indefinitely until the button is clicked.
It makes sense...
Stepping Up

yes, I stupidly relied on this for a few days like i used to with my Gear fit, and it didnt wake me up at all and I nearly lost my job! ha

Recovery Runner

I would love to see something like this.  Custom alarms where you can make adjustments to vibration intensity etc.   I would like to be able to create an alarm with the option to turn snooze on or off.   There are long threads in the HELP forums about people not being able to disable the snooze properly.   

Recovery Runner

Alarms snooze should be customizable. 9 minutes for snooze are really too many for me. I wish I could set that arbitrary value! And it would be great to have an option to enable snooze when pressing the button as well. Sometimes I want to stop the vibration but not stop the alarm.


Moreover, alarms repeat should be more customizable. I'd like to be able to decide some more than week days. For example, June 2 is national feast in Italy, I want that day not to have the usual alarm set. Or: I don't go to work or school one day and I know which one it is --> I want to be able to exclude that day from an alarm without having to manually disable and reenable the alarm.

First Steps

I also need this! I am a super light sleeper, and the standard vibration alarm in the morning is terrifying. It would be nice to have customizeable vibration patterns for different alarms- similar to the iPhone's vibration feature.



I'd like the alarm setting to be improved on the SURGE.

Right now it buzzes 3-4 times and stops. I have the option to snooze but if I don't press the proper button within the 3-4 buzz I've missed my chance. I often sleep right through. It should buzz continuously.


Give the person the option through the dashboard as to what kind it buzz they want. Long, short, neverending with snooze option. Give us variety!

Recovery Runner

I use it as an alarmclock in the morning to wake me up. That way my girlfriend doesn't have to wake up too.

It's been 2 times now i didn't wake up, because the vibration stops after, what is it, 2 times?

What kind of an alarm is that?!

First Steps

I love the silent alarm. I don't have to wake up my retired husband every morning. The only problem is, I sometimes turn it off when I'm not completely awake. I think this happened this morning, because I woke up an hour late and don't even remember the alarm going off. It would be nice if it required a more conscious effort to turn it off. Maybe hitting the button once puts it in snooze mode, and hitting it twice actually turns it off????

I second this feature update. Below is a similar request I posted last night: In reference to the silent alarm, can it be updated to vibrate an your wrist until it is manually deactivated? I feel like the alarm doesn't not vibrate long enough to wake up a deep/hard sleeper such as myself. Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon.
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