Dynamic retrieval and display of all daily nutrition values

Here is an opportunity for Fitbit project managers and developers to provide a greatly needed service to their device users, many of which would appreciate Fitbit’s assistance in managing their health.


Many of the users of Fitbit devices have real health issues and have to monitor different elements of their nutritional intake throughout the day. Other users have also voiced their desire to have a dynamically viewable recap of just where they stand at any point in the day.


Individuals with heart issues quite often need to be aware of their sodium intake or risk heart failure. And if truth be told, everyone else should be a little more aware of their sodium intake, as well.


Diabetics and pre-Diabetics need to keep abreast of their sugar intake throughout the day, not just at the day end. And for anyone wanting to lose a little, or even a lot, of weight should be watching their sugar intake, because what sugar cannot be used by muscles gets stored as fat.


Many people are literally afraid to eat out with friends or family sometimes because they are not positive about their current daily intake of a particular nutrient. Many spur-of-the-moment social opportunities are lost because they don’t know their current sodium or sugar totals for the day.


Why not, from the food log page of the Fitbit app have the Macronutrients icon be a touchable hotspot that would display this:


Daily Totals.png


The data in the graphic represents my actual intake on 1/19/2018 with the exception of vitamin and other base elements, but all of the information is available for quick retrieval from the Fitbit servers. And to quote Fitbit, “Your data belongs to you!”


I personally would be quite happy if that is all that was done, and as a first release it would be great. But it would be totally feasible to incorporate other requests for allowing the entry of target values for many of the nutrients shown in the label above. Values such as Calories, Carbs, Protein and Sodium. A new column next to “% Daily Value” called “Your Target” or just “Target” could be added.


Thank you Fitbit for having the Custom Foods creation capability that allowed be to create a food that actually represents my booked food totals for 1/19/2018.



Moderator Edit : Labels

RETIRED Enterprise Computing / "IT Guy" - Southern California - Marine Staff Sergeant 1970-78
Apple Watch 6 - iPhone 8 (iOS 16.7.8) - FitBit app 4.20 - MacBook Air (macOS Catalina)

I agree totally.  Newly diagnosed with diabetes it essential to keep a running total for sugar.


There is a website called Chronometer that tracks micros and macros for people to be able to see that they are eating the right nutrients for the work they are doing. It's simply chronometer.com realizing I recently went too low with my magnesium and potassium balance helped me to understand why my sleep was off and my heart rate was up. It also helps me track my protein intake. A partnership with this app would allow people to input foods and have it load into the chronometer app directly so they can see how well they are doing getting the vitamins and nutrients they need while increasing their work outs. Or fit bit could just add a chronometer to their features



Moderator edit: added labels 


I absolutely agree! It would be nice if the detail info/sub-category info from the food labels also would show up in the tabulation, such as SATURATED FAT, CHOLESTEROL and SUGAR. Please get that updated as soon as possible.


(Obviously I understand that if the detail info is not entered (e.g. for a user-entered item), then there is nothing to add up.) 

First Steps

agreed ...................


This needs to be a feature!!! Otherwise, it seems like a waste.


We are already logging food that has nutritional content listed, so the data is there. Please track and display the daily intake of these nutrients for us to see! 

First Steps

Would be a good idea to show daily fat as unsaturated and saturated fat 


That’s great. My thinking exactly. Thanks MrMarv 

Not applicable

I too would like to see sugar in the "Daily Total" section.  I would also like to have two sections for fat, one showing healthy (unsaturated) fat and unhealthy (saturated and trans) fats show in the "Daily Total" section.


I would like to be able to see daily totals in the app.  Currently you can only see your daily totals on the dashboard at fitbit.com.


Thank you, Fitbit, for taking this into consideration and implementing it ASAP.

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Moderator Alum

That’s an interesting idea and could be useful, thanks for sharing this suggestion.


Please note that the online dashboard will show your fiber and sodium under your "Daily Totals" on the Food Log. 



Daily TotalsDaily Totals


Not applicable

That would be great and the earlier it is implemented, the better as many of us don't know how much sugar we are having, hence try to have little, then end up binging on it which is much worse than the amount we were used to eat.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Nice suggestion, thanks for sharing. We look forward to hearing what other community members think. 

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Nice suggestion, thanks for sharing. We look forward to hearing what other community members think. 

First Steps

Specifically, I'd like to track Micronutrients AND track daily goals against some of them

First Steps

I can find my fiber and sodium daily totals online, but not in the app.  Since I use the app to track my food, this doesn't help me keep track of where I am at for the day with my fiber goal.

First Steps

Yes please! I need to track grams of carbohydrates and protein per day as a total and not just a percentage. Please add this simple addition tool for our daily values so we can actually track our intake properly. Thank you!

Recovery Runner

This is a fantastic suggestion that I would absolutely love to see implemented. I really hope this is taken into consideration.

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Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Nice suggestion, thanks for sharing. We look forward to hearing what other community members think.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Nice suggestion, thanks for sharing. We look forward to hearing what other community members think.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Nice suggestion, thanks for sharing. We look forward to hearing what other community members think.

Not applicable

Nice suggestion, thanks for sharing. We look forward to hearing what other community members think

Recovery Runner

I know there’s a Nutrition Tab with more info but it would be nice to see the totals of sugar, fiber and cholesterol intake during the day. It woukd be nice to see macros in grams. I’ve used an app that breaksdown all of this information but it isn’t compatible with fitbit. (Fatsecrets)


Moderator Edit: Added Labels

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Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Nice suggestion, thanks for sharing @Jennylinda05! We look forward to hearing what other community members think.

First Steps

I love that Idea as of right now i have to use 2 other apps to track my sugar and sodium intake.  That is a feature i would love to see in the near future or sooner... 

Recovery Runner
Fatsecrets has a lot of info. Il

Get Outlook for iOS

I need Fitbit to implement this ASAP! Love the idea! 

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