Dynamic retrieval and display of all daily nutrition values

Here is an opportunity for Fitbit project managers and developers to provide a greatly needed service to their device users, many of which would appreciate Fitbit’s assistance in managing their health.


Many of the users of Fitbit devices have real health issues and have to monitor different elements of their nutritional intake throughout the day. Other users have also voiced their desire to have a dynamically viewable recap of just where they stand at any point in the day.


Individuals with heart issues quite often need to be aware of their sodium intake or risk heart failure. And if truth be told, everyone else should be a little more aware of their sodium intake, as well.


Diabetics and pre-Diabetics need to keep abreast of their sugar intake throughout the day, not just at the day end. And for anyone wanting to lose a little, or even a lot, of weight should be watching their sugar intake, because what sugar cannot be used by muscles gets stored as fat.


Many people are literally afraid to eat out with friends or family sometimes because they are not positive about their current daily intake of a particular nutrient. Many spur-of-the-moment social opportunities are lost because they don’t know their current sodium or sugar totals for the day.


Why not, from the food log page of the Fitbit app have the Macronutrients icon be a touchable hotspot that would display this:


Daily Totals.png


The data in the graphic represents my actual intake on 1/19/2018 with the exception of vitamin and other base elements, but all of the information is available for quick retrieval from the Fitbit servers. And to quote Fitbit, “Your data belongs to you!”


I personally would be quite happy if that is all that was done, and as a first release it would be great. But it would be totally feasible to incorporate other requests for allowing the entry of target values for many of the nutrients shown in the label above. Values such as Calories, Carbs, Protein and Sodium. A new column next to “% Daily Value” called “Your Target” or just “Target” could be added.


Thank you Fitbit for having the Custom Foods creation capability that allowed be to create a food that actually represents my booked food totals for 1/19/2018.



Moderator Edit : Labels

RETIRED Enterprise Computing / "IT Guy" - Southern California - Marine Staff Sergeant 1970-78
Apple Watch 6 - iPhone 8 (iOS 16.7.8) - FitBit app 4.20 - MacBook Air (macOS Catalina)
First Steps

It is one thing to track your calorie intake but it is a greater health concern to make sure those calories are fulfilling your body's required nutrient intake.  I would love for both the smartphone app and the website to offer a section with daily totals of carbohydrate, fat, protein (already offered on the website) AND vitamins and minerals.  It would also be great if the daily totals were further broken down to show the amount of each type of fat (saturated, mono/polyunsaturated, trans), amount of whole grains, amount of added sugars, amount of fruit and vegetables being consumed daily.

Ex: Average daily intake should be 20-35% cal from fat (10% saturated, 2g trans, cholesterol less than 300mg), average protein intake should be (0.8*body weight in kg) grams, 3 oz whole grains, 2 cups fruit, 2.5 cups vegetables, added sugar less than 6.5tsp women and 9.5tsp men, etc...

Nutrient information like this can get confusing for an individual and there are programs (choosemyplate.gov) that offer this information but it would be great if fitbit could have this information combined with the activity and calorie intake goals.

First Steps

To clarify, nutrients I think fitbit should also track are:
vitamins A, E, B(s), C, D, K
zinc... etc

First Steps

Fitbit food log should track a daily total of saturated fat and cholesterol.  People interested in health should be tracking those numbers.

First Steps

I would love to see daily total of macro intake on the mobile app similar to whats on the website


Yes please! In fact, I would like the mg of Iron consumed each day on the Food Log page; with the Carbs, Protein, Fiber, etc. But it is important that it is expressed in "mg" rather than "%" since the percent varies according to age and gender.

As is stated on the choosemyplate.gov web site: "Iron is used to carry oxygen in the blood. Many teenage girls and women in their child-bearing years have iron-deficiency anemia"

I think that women need about 33mg and men around 14mg - but will vary with age as well. It is vital for good health to consume this amount on a daily basis as the body is unable to store Iron. Smiley Very Happy


Hello. I have some feedback about Fitbit for Android…
Please provide the calories breakup in terms of protein, Carbohydrates and fats, sodium, etc in Android application so we can view it on daily and weekly basis.
Also provide weekly report in Android app. Monthly and quarterly reports subscription via email.


Please up vote this idea to get it implemented by Fitbit folks. Looks like they need inputs from many users to implement it. 😞

First Steps
I VOTE FOR THIS!!! It's not pleasant using my fitness pal AND my fitbit. ..which I love...but if it comes down to it I will go with the app and gear which allows me to track Macros/micros. PLEASE FITBIT DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE....
First Steps

I have to track my saturated fat intake for cholesterol monitoring. It would be great if there were a way I could see this on my dashboard. Is there a way that this could be added or a feature where you can track any metric related to food (protein would be great too)? I know that 3rd party apps can do this, but it would be great if the fitbit app would do this. Plus, it would give people fewer reasons to get used to other apps, and therefore less likely to switch to devices from other manufacturers.



Moderator edit: Labels

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Moderator Alum

Hi there, It looks like a great suggestion to implement in the mobile app. If some of you are not related to the Online Dashboard,  this option is available already by going to https://www.fitbit.com/foods/log and as long you log your food intake, your Dashboard will separate the daily totals  in calories, fat, fiber, carbs, sodium, protein and water as will provide the percentage of Daily calorie composition. but this is not available in the mobile so keep voting to make this idea popular.


Thank you for your participation and for your suggestions.

Status changed to: New
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Moderator Alum

Thank you for contributing your idea to our Feature Request forum! This post has been archived due to inactivity, and can no longer receive votes or comments. 


Exactly what I came on to ask for.
My doctor has asked me to track my SATURATED FAT intake. I'd prefer to do this on fitbit so everything is in one place but am currently having to use another app for it.
Fitbit already has a breakdown of the macronutrients (Fats, Protein, Carbs), so I don't see it as very hard to seperate the fats further into Total Fats and Saturated Fats. 
Hoping it is added soon. 

First Steps

I would like to see protein totals and be able to select other nutrients on phone app or computer app
Thank you


Moderator Edit: Added Labels


I was just asking this the yesterday as well!


It would be fantastic if it had more detail than protein, fat, and carbs. It would be helpful to have it sort out sugar, sodium, and fiber as well. that way you know when you really need to pay speicific attention to one of those. 

First Steps

Yes, moderator - kindly read again.  We need to be able to track SATURATED FAT please.  For those of us trying to manage cholesterol, this is very important ... just tracking total fat is (almost) meaningless for this pursuit.

First Steps

I want to be able to track protein as well!!

Stepping Up

I am new to Fitbit and I've bought myself the Fitbit blaze as I am currently competing in bodybuilding and it is vital that I can keep track of food stats also the sugar and saturated fats that I am consuming. There is sodium on there but isn't as essential as sugars or saturated fat. I think this would be a really important feature on the food log and would benefit a lot of sportsmen/woman in all sports or who just want a healthy lifestyle if the daily totals for these two items were on. I don't think it would be too difficult as the daya is already on there just not on the daily totals section. Regards.

First Steps

Moderator - its been almost 18 months since this was posted. Any update on the adding the tracking of Saturated Fats to the Dashboard? Adding it to the mobile app would be ideal, but I'll settle for the dashboard in the website/login. Thanks. 

Recovery Runner

I would like to see micro nutrients available on the app.  As a Nutritarian this is very important information for me.  As it is if I want to see the micro nutrients I have to log my food intake into Livestrong- My Plate.  I would rather just use the Fitbit app.  


Thank you,


First Steps

Tracking Saturated Fats is an important concern to many Fitbit Charge 2 owners. Please make this available soon.

First Steps



Show "fibre" with in the main screen along with carbs, fat and protein.  Fibre plays a very important role in digestion.  For those of us who can't eat wheat, we have to get our fibre from our vegetables and other natural foods.  Being able to track fibre on the main food screen is very, very important.  Please add it or let us know if this is possible already.  Cheers, V

Recovery Runner

I've been using the food tracking feature on fitbit for a few months now, so that I don't have to use two separate apps. The downside is that it doesn't track fiber, iron, sodium, b-vitamins, etc. 


This is a huge issue for people with health problems who are required to get more or less of some of these nutrients. Its a problem for me because I'm vegan and would like to be able to track my iron and b-12. I'm also curious how much my fiber intake went up since going vegan. 


Most of the foods being tracked already contain this info, so I would love to be able to see daily totals! Thanks!


Moderator Edit: Title for Clarity

Not applicable

It is very important to a certain segment of users that access to other nutritive values be incorporated into the feedbacks from our FitBits.  Specifically, calcium, VitD, Iron, etc.  These are available on food labels, but we should have a running total (daily) as for other micros already available in FitBit Tracking.

First Steps

I would love to see further breakdown of the food I log, such as sugar content, fiber, iron, sodium, etc. and have the comparison chart for what is recommended daily so I can see where I compare on a day to day basis.

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