Idle Alert

I would love to have an "Idle Alert" feature added where the device would vibrate if you've been idle for a certain length of time.

Moderator edit: Added labels.

How is this helping people with other versions of Fitbit?
First Steps
hahaha, Fitbit's way to accomplish their mission "To empower and inspire
you to live a healthier, more active life", is for you to go running to buy
a new product, ..., otherwise they don't care!
Recovery Runner
Are you pretending that software can't be updated on older devices to include "move" reminders?
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

@Eheizyk @rem810926 @eaas @heleneheras @nelliebarr @cstizza

We were excited for Reminders to Move on Fitbit Alta,
which will help keep you active with hourly mini-goals. We’re also working to make this feature available in a future firmware release for Fitbit Blaze, but don’t yet have an estimated delivery date.

At this time we don’t have plans to add the feature to our older trackers, but we’re always reevaluating our development priorities with our customers’ needs and interests in mind. 

Stepping Up

At this point, this announcement is pretty amusing. Even funnier is the changing of the status of this feature request to "Implemented." This hasn't been implemented for anyone yet nor will it ever be for the folks posting in this forum.


I understand that Fitbit is in the business of making money, but I don't think this is the way to go. While I can't get the money back that I spent on the Charge HR, when the time comes to replace my fitness band I can say Fitbit won't be getting my business. Every other company gives customer the basics off the bat, including cheap Chinese brands (see the Mi Band). I think this decision will cost you in the end, Fitbit.


Moderator edit: promotion/advertising.


Boy if that isn't a great big smack in the face of current customers faces. I bought my charge HR less than 6 months ago and it is now absolete in fit bits eye. I will never buy another fitbit item again. "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!"


"with our customers’ needs and interests in mind." 


Just gives me a warm fuzzy feeling all over!

Recovery Runner
Wow, big fat shame on you Fitbit. I bought mine 6 months ago and bought the HR for my husband to months ago. In other words, need to buy a total new device for something so simple. This really disgusts me.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone
Base Runner

This should also be able to be implemented for older (aka currently available) trackers through a firmware update.  The same is true for other features like Text notifications. I'm going to stay positive and hope that these will all be updated for those with the Charge  and Charge HR within the next couple months (potentially when the Alta is actually released to the market). But everyone's enthusiasm for these new features is great!

First Steps

This is horrible resolution. Obviously we all want it on our existing advice via firmware upgrade. Not satisfied at all. BOO!

They really should implement it on existing trackers. It would make us all

Sent from Rachel Malseed
You really should implement it on existing trackers. It would make us ALL
very happy.

Sent from Rachel Malseed
I've just downloaded Mindfulness Bell from the Google Play store. You can adjust the times and intervals at which the bell rings, and it is silent when your phone ring is muted. This will do me for now - but I sure don't plan on buying from Fitbit again at this rate.

fitbit does NOT care what makes us "happy" they already have our $$, they will never get any more of mine!



I'm just glad we finally got a fairly straight answer on whether or not they plan to update the existing trackers. While I would have still been disappointed to have heard it up front, I would have respected the honesty and transparency.


Instead, the behind-closed-doors decision to only add this popular request to new products feels kind of like the forum members have been "milked for ideas" instead of "rewarded for feedback".


A subtle difference, perhaps...but it says a lot.


Recovery Runner
Well said 👍

Except it isn't implemented, is it? Charge HR still doesn't have this feature, and I don't understand why seeing as we can firmware update the Charge HR. The Alta doesn't have a heart rate monitor, so I won't be buying one.


So it's been implemented as a marketing ploy for the Alta, but not as a feature for (in my case) the Charge HR. Terrible way to build a loyal customer base. Smiley Sad My wife was considering getting a new fitbit - she has a One, but wanted heart rate - I'm going to suggest she look at the Garmin Vivosmart instead.


Yep. This "we're excited to announce" has all the cynical, corporate hallmaks of a Fine Bros "excited announcement". Given they allow firmware upgrades, this makes me want to steer clear of FitBit in the future, because I know my product is a dead end once it is bought 😞

Base Runner

Setting that status to 'Implemented' is a touch arrogant, the original poster and many since were asking for the feature to be added via software update as well Fitbit knew. Looks like an opportunity to bring out another product and charge another £99 just to allow us to have an hourly reminder with no heart monitor.

Very underhand and certainly leaves a nasty taste for all those who have recently spent £115 on the Charge HR, Im not sure if Fitbit read these comments but its decisions like this one that may well lose you revenue in a crowded market.

At least have the decency to explain why you cannot/wont implement this into historic trackers via software update, all the basics are in place are they not?


For those who wanted something at your desk, Im getting by with this which is good enough for now -

Recovery Runner

Hahaha.... called it.  "Implemented!  Solution: Buy a new one!"

I said at the time it's obvious that the request is being deliberately ignored while it's put into a new upcoming product as a selling point.


Thanks but no thanks.  I won't be buying another Fitbit device again, and will advise others accordingly.  Thanks for reaffirming my cynicism.

First Steps

I would love this feature as well. BUMP!


Smiley Very Happy
First Steps
I REALLY want to see an idle Alert function added to the Fitbit Charge HR. On my time off from work it's easier for me to forget to get up and move if I stop to do something or sit down, but I'd still like to move towards my step goals no matter what.
Tempo Runner

This is ridiculous.  I have a Blaze on pre-order and it doesn't have it.  Getting the Alta is not a substitute since it doesn't have HR function.  The idea that the only people who want idle alert are those who don't want HR trackign is absurd.


This is unacceptable...


To add a new feature uu make a new fitbit...


The request was for adding to current fitbit's.. so how can u say implemented

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