Idle Alert

I would love to have an "Idle Alert" feature added where the device would vibrate if you've been idle for a certain length of time.

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Base Runner
The Blaze, Surge, Charge and Charge HR should get this feature. It's just a matter of changing the Firmware for one of these and pretty much copy and pasting for the others...
Recovery Runner

So to get this feature

1 you need to buy a new one

2 you lose heart rate

3 you lose stairs climbed


really...  not gaining fans this way

I think claiming implemented is a lie...



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Seriously how can u say implemented when its a new device u created and not implemented it


Stock TANK coming soon



This announcement disgusts me. I bought a product expecting it to have a feature "reminder to stay active" is, as it has been pointed out, very misleading. Then, after Christmas, after I'm sure hundreds of people have bought a fitbit, also expecting this feature, you announce "oo look shiny new product for you to spend extra money on for a feature you thought you were getting anyway".

Recovery Runner

Will this be a firmware update to other fibits such as the ChargeHR? I have no problem upgrading to blaze if it has the reminder feature, but I'm not going to downgrade to alta, I need the HR monitor for workouts.

Also I won't be upgrading to blaze if there is no way to turn off hr on the device - I need to be able to turn hr on and off on the device as currently its a nightmare to turn off the feature especially in a low/no signal area.

Base Runner
@fitSan of they don't do it, I'm not buying anything from Fitbit again. It's an easy implementation at this point...

Was just about to buy a newer model, with heartbeat and such...
Nevermind now.
This feature should have been in the first Fitbit, and all.
To only add it to newer and leasure featured models and not backort is icky.
I'll just go with a Gear.

Now I don't need to spend time on my Raspberry Pi or Android making a special App that combines Fitbit and S-Health data.  

Thanks for saving me time, and informing me of your filthy customer service.


This is very disappointing. its not like the new model is even a proper replacement so i wont be buying one.


I've been waiting for this feature since the spring when I bought my Charge HR.  Fitbit, please reconsider adding this to the older models.  Will not be buying the alta.

Tempo Runner
Apparently it is going to be added to the Blaze by Firmware update.
Base Runner

@Koshka Where did you read that? 🙂

Does the Blaze do stairs? Heart rate? I suspect it would be too large for my very small wrist, anyway..
Recovery Runner
Blaze does do stairs and heart rate, but to my knowledge, they have not said it will have an idle alert. They said they may add it via an update...

Sent from my iPad
Recovery Runner
This has NOT been implemented. Adding it to a new product is NOT the same
thing as implementing it on existing products which is what everyone has
been asking for these past 3 years! If you aren't going to support the
older devices then why are you still selling them?!
Recovery Runner

Alta which is new product with alert does not do... stairs or heart rate it is a down grade... and blaze they say they might add alert but it does not have it at this time and they do not have a time frame...



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First Steps


Has Fitbit Corp responded here or anywhere else on their apparent indifference to customer requests for this important feature to be added to purchased products?

Do they claim it is not technically possible via firmware update to some models?

Do they concede that NOT providing firmware updates to all models (where it is technically possible) is an attempt to entice current users to purchase another device? 

Kuroshii put it very well yesterday.

Is there any way to search 

Base Runner
Please add the same feature AS in the fitbit alta!
Tempo Runner

No way are fitbit adding it to exisiting trackers! You're dreaming. Fitbit's answer is simple

"go by a new tracker if you want this feature" You'll have to pay for this one folks.

Yes, but the Alta doesn't have a HR monitor or a stair climb tracker. So
in a year or so, they'll release a new, improved Alta with one of those
features and expect everybody to throw away their devices and buy the
new one.

Then people will complain that it is not water proof, so maybe a year or
so later, the;ll release another new, improved model and...
Recovery Runner

Can this be backported to the Charge HR in a future firmware update? The Alta looks nice but doesn't have heartrate sensors. 

First Steps
I would love the idle alert to be added to the charge HR. The Alta doesn't have heart rate.
First Steps
I would love for the charge HR to have the inactive alarm feature to be added. The Alta doesn't have the heart rate feature.
Recovery Runner
Am actually thinking of selling my Charge HR and getting the Garmin ine,
does everything the Fitbit does AND has the idle alert. Just won't tell a
home that's interested in buying it what's wrong and why I'm selling.
Stepping Up
+1 from me for the feature. I see it in SHealth and I will be so happy if my Fitbit HR has it! Thanks!

Why is this marked as "Implemented"? This is a feature for a new product and not "implemented" in your existing devices...


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