Increase challenge participants to greater than 10

We (my Fitbit friends) would like to increase the challenge numbers to include more than 10 people. Our group includes way more than 10 who are active and want play



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First Steps
We have more than 200 fitbits purchased by our company to promote healthy living. We setup challenges and only 10 can join. The limit needs to be changed ASAP. We've stopped buying new fitbits for now, hopefully this arbitrary 10 participant limit will be removed very soon.

JHK Wellness
First Steps
Please look into updating the number of people allowed to compete in a challenge. Many of us have more than 10 friends and it would be more of a "challenge" for more people were competing for 1st place.
Gurl I really hope they up the amount of ppl for the challenges it's amazing on how many friends an family you can get to challenge each

Fingers cross lol 🙂
Love sin661
First Steps
Please increase participants to > 10. We have to create two groups / week to include everyone !!
Recovery Runner
My friends and family are joining more and more, due to the 10 person limit, I am in 3+ challenges a week... very frustrating! Can we please get the ability to have more?
First Steps
Many of my friends and coworkers compete weekly with Fitbit challenges. However with the limited size of the groups many of us are forced to create more challenge groups in order to include everyone.
First Steps
I love my FitBit, but the five challenge limit HAS TO GO. Plus it takes a day to clear out the Workweek Hustles, so you can't start your weekend challenges. It's very frustrating. Also, why are the challenges limited to only 10 people? I would love to be able to add more!
I absolutely love the concept of the fitbit challenges. They are extremely motivational and help push me to do more than I imagined but I feel we are being limited by the challenges. There are so many of us that are fitbit obsessed and we have become a community. I have met many new friends just from a Facebook fitbit group and I am unable to include them all in my challenges as I am limited to only 5 open challenges at a time and only 10 people at a time. I get that we wouldn't want them to be to large and overwhelming but can we get this increased some. Maybe 10 challenges and 25 people to a challenge. I find that I am unable to get into weekend challenges for hours until the workweek hustle closes and sometimes I miss out because by time I am able to join the group there are already 10 members to the group. I also would love other challenges and maybe be able to upload pics into the challenge chats.
First Steps
There should be a higher amount of challenges you can participate in at one time and more than 10 people should be able to participate.
Not applicable

Yes please 😻


YES!!!! I am on the east coast so i have some challenges that started with west coast players and they don't end til mid day and this delays that challenge closing, so it makes it look as though I'm still in it, even if it's over!


 I would also greatly appreciate being allowed to be in more challenges with more people.  Many of us are extremely motivated by the challenges, God knows I am.  Therefore can you please look into increasing both of these for us as we would all appreciate it.  Thanks much for your consideration


I'd love see more challenges. Having to miss out on them because I'm only aloud in 5 at a time I'd annoying, especially when it's due to waiting until the others close
First Steps

Yes! I have the same issues! Would def like to be able to join more challenges!

Base Runner
I have to add to this request.. The 5 limit challenges need to be changed. Since there is a 10 person limit for each challenge; I cannot join most of them..
I agree tge challenges are very motivating and fill up very quickly with 10 ppl an increase eoukd be great
First Steps
I don't understand why I can't be in more than 5 challenges a week? I believe I should be able to join as many challenges as if like to. Can we please get more access to join challenges!?!?!?!?
First Steps
Would it be possible to allow users to join more than 5 challenges at once and more than 10 users to join each challenge? I have about 20 to 25 friends and my challenges get maxed out quickly. We are all trying to motivate one another to get fit and we have users that get left out.
First Steps

I agree this is an issue that the Fitbit team needs to come up with a solution. I work for a medical facility and it's just upsetting that some co-workers can't not be involved in challenges with other co-workers. We all have the same goals to keep eachother motovated, it just seem logical to create a way for a Team to work together and reach a common goal.

First Steps
Dude! Is it really that hard to unlimit the amount of people allowed to compete in a challenge?!? I'm starting to get fed up with not being able to play with all of my friends. Then I have to join multiple of the same challenges which also has a limit. By the end of the week I can't even join any challenges! Get rid of that limit too while you are at. If you are even at it, because it looks like this has been a complaint for a while. And no, I don't want to have to go to the website. It needs to be accessible via the app!
Base Runner

I have lost any remaining faith that Fitbit will do anything new to eliminate challenge limits. If they are working on changes, it'd be nice for them to tell us, so we could quit this endless request thread. But it sure doesn't seem like they're interested in reaching out to their customer base to let us know either way.

Base Runner

I would love to know if this is even under consideration. Members have been requesting an increase for months. Is Fitbit even contemplating this change or is this all a wish that will never come true?


Perhaps someone can enlighten me.

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Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

 These are great ideas! 


I just wanted to point you in the direction of these duplicate feature requests: 

- Add pics option in challenges

- Increase challenge participants to greater than 10


Please leave your future comments and votes in the feature requests mentioned above. This will make it easier for our product team to notice them. 


Thanks for visiting this board! 

First Steps


I would like to request for there to be a higher maximum of people for challenges. Currently, we can only have 10 people in a challenge. It would be nice for that to bump up a little higher. Example: Maximum could be 25, 30, 40, 50 etc. 


+1 I have lots of competitive friends who all want to be challenged and it really frustrating to only be able to do 10 people... and even if I wanted to separate the challenges I can't because we can only have 5 challenges!


Plus my app seems to lose is't ability to count and it says I have 5 challenges already but only have 4! 😞

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