Integration with Google Fit

I'd very much like my fitbit data available in Google Fit. I use a different app for food logging, but Fitbit's step counter, sleep tracker, and aria are great.

If their data was available through the new Google Fit it would be fantastic.

Moderator edit: Added labels.

First Steps

+1.  Integration into other fitness apps would be great.

First Steps

FitBit will not be the one true fitness tracking platform.

Open up your data to Google and Apple.


1+ | If this feature does not happen soon, I'll be abandoning Fitbit for Android Wear in my next upgrade.

First Steps

Please add Google Fit integration so I can track everything including weight with the Aria) from a single app natively. Also the Polar Flow app would be nice. Currently have to use my fitness pal to integrate everything.

First Steps

It would be great if my fit bit. Alto would work with google fit 


First Steps

Please... Let there be data sharing with Google Fit!

First Steps

I believe it is imperative that fitbit should be able to connect with Google Fit.

Google provides a lot more insight by tracking variables that can't be tracked by fitbit bands and I'm not just talking about steps or HR or excersise.

Combination of the data provided by fitbit and google would definitely translate into better insights into one's fitness and lifestyle and all three parties i.e. User, Fitbit and Google will benifit from this collaboration.

My two cents.

First Steps

3 years and sitting the top 5 requests, why has this not been implemented yet?  I'm using the FitToFit app found in the Android App store to handle at least the steps.  It's a manual process (quick though), but at least all my Fitbit steps get entered into Google Fit with the rest of my data.


Still nothing! That's ridiculous, it's a clear business strategy to block the world's most popular fitness app and force using their own app 

First Steps

This is a needed function for fitbit

First Steps

Can we please have the Fitbit android app integrated with google fit?


I believe we have enough number of audience who are requesting this.

It is only fair!

Recovery Runner

I haven't purchased an Ionic yet, as I'm waiting for the early days wrinkles to be ironed out. In the meantime, I thought I'd suggest Google Fit integration.


Please support Google Fit. Thanks!

First Steps

Any progress? It's been three years. Is that normal?

First Steps

Why hasn't this been implemented yet?

Community Legend

Did you add your vote to the request to sync with Google Fit. Starting s new suggestion will simply push the original request to the background,  thus restarting the count from one.


Another note, this request would require more then a usual  Fitbit link, since Fitbit has an open API and encourages others to link up. It will require communication between the two accounts. Both Fitbit and Google Fit have open API's, both encourage others to link up, neither will be willing to link to thirdvparties without some prodding.


First Steps

Google Fit + Fitbit = Thousands of happy users!

First Steps

What is holding you back since 2014??

First Steps

I really want this. Most health tracking apps on Android talk to Google Fit. I use Noom, and it can talk to Google Fit. This would be such a boon (help).

@Enthusiastic wrote:

I'd very much like my fitbit data available in Google Fit. I use a different app for food logging, but Fitbit's step counter, sleep tracker, and aria are great.

If their data was available through the new Google Fit it would be fantastic.

Moderator edit: Added labels.

Not applicable

This all I need to improve my experience with Fitbit

I love Google apps and I would like that Fitbit's app can sync with Google Fit app.

First Steps

I am a former Pebble user and bought the Ionic since it was the first FitBit to integrate Pebble App Store technology.   So far really disappointed in the Ionic.  Fitbit integrated with Google Fit, but the Ionic doesn't.  Considering returning it and keep using my Pebble.

First Steps

When will this integration be implemented?

First Steps

Please add Google Fit

First Steps

I will buy Fitbit products whenever these sync with my Google Fit account. Come on.

Stepping Up

Would be very appreciated.

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