Let us delete in-app notifications/messages

This is clogging up my iphone. I have a year or more worth of useless Fitbit notification messages I'd like to shed. I saw a 'solved' notice in here from a year ago stating it was resolved by stating there is no solution. This is simply ignoring the myriads of request/votes of customer requests/concerns to fix it. Fitbit should have had a REAL solution by now and apparently do not. In reality this problem has not been resolved but simply is being ignored by the company/moderator. The solution 'solved' to put a vote in ideas does not address the real concern or issue at hand. What's the point of a community forum if Fitbit does not listen to its customers? The thread should have flagged Fitbit/moderator to produce a real fix, we're still waiting.


I see many requests for the ability to delete notifications which I agree is functionality that is needed, especially not knowing the effect on our phone devices. How many votes does it take to get this request a higher priority?

First Steps

It isso very frustrating to have these unwanted notifications takkng up storage on my phone. 

Please give me a way to delete these. 

I don't want to delete fitbit app but will definitely do so if these cannot be removed. 

Thank you 


First Steps

We should be able to delete some notifications that's on the bottom right of your dashboard. that's tells us if we met our daily goals and etc. it's pointless and I'm sure 100% of the Fitbit world feels the same way so help us delete them or get rid of the notifications all together!!!!!!! THANKS 

First Steps

Delete the notification on the on the dashboard 
We should be able to delete some notifications that's on the bottom right of your dashboard. that's tells us if we met our daily goals and etc. it's pointless and I'm sure 100% of the Fitbit world feels the same way so help us delete them or get rid of the notifications all together!!!!!!! THANKS

First Steps

I too would like to be able to delete notifications in the app.

First Steps

is there any idea when we will be able to delete them for ourselves? like maybe in the next update?

First Steps

Fitbit obviously doesn't care. The next step should be to voice concerns with BestBuy, Verizon, Dicks, Target, and any stores that sell Fitbits. Honestly, that's just too much time and effort. Maybe I'll just delete the app and try a different device..

Agree agree agree - please allow deletion of notifications!

Exactly! Why is it taking so long for this Super Mega company to do this.
NOT good to have something that irritates customer with such an easy fix
Recovery Runner

I would like to be able to delete notifications after reading them.  I just spoke with your chat support person and was told that option is not available,  that I must just turn off the notification.  Currently I receive a lot of notifications from a step challenge.  Please, would your IT people develop a delete button for the notifications so I do not need to just turn them off?  Thank you.


There are a lot of notifications from the past months that I would like to be deleted.

Stepping Up

With everything that is so good about your product, the inability to delete notifications is quite a letdown.  While I appreciate the motivational intend, I do not need to keep them stored on my devices and find it very irritating.

So many of us asking Fitbit to do this simple thing yet don't.
Stepping Up
Dear Jogger,
Perhaps if more people request it, the company would listen. Thus far, the list of requests is not very long.
First Steps

I agree.  This is so annoying that something so simple was not thought of during the design.  I know you can fix this if you wanted to make the investments.  Just fix it with a patch.  Otherwise, you are likely to loose customers.  I have three Fitbits and like then all except the issue noted.

First Steps

Add option to delete messages! I am getting inappropriate messages and extremely annoyed that I can't manually delete these obscene messages!!! Please update app ASAP!!!!!!

First Steps
These notifications are annoying. I will probably delete fitbit app if they don't fix this. In the meantime, I suggest you stop looking at the notifications. I never look at them. Just infuriates me that I can't delete unwanted messages on my own phone.

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

I finally logged out of the app and back in.  The notifications and messages were gone, but it seems like some other data was missing too.  Not enough to keep me from logging out again to get rid of the **ahem**ed annoying unwanted space eating notification and messages!

Stepping Up
If its that simple, why couldn't Fitbit just TELL US!!!  Or are they really just ignoring all the complaints???
Step up to the plate, Fitbit - you have great products, just listen to the comments when something is wrong.
First Steps
I tried it twice and it did not delete notification for me???
First Steps

Users need to be able to delete notifications from Fitbit. They are supposed to be deleting after thirty days but those on my app go back to the first day I began to use my charge 2. We should have option to immediately delete these notifications. 

First Steps

When I logged out and back in my messages disappeared but not my notifications.???

First Steps
Thanks for info. I will log out of app tonight. Anything to get rid of the notifications

Sent from my iPhone
Stepping Up
Didn't work for me.

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps
I will give it a try anyway as I am desperate!!!

Sent from my iPhone
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