Lock Touchscreen to Clockface

I'm finding over the course of the day and while sleeping my Surge's touchscreen becomes switched from the watch face to one of the other screens. It would be very helpful if there was an ability to hold down one of the physical buttons to lock the touchscreen on the watch face and repeat to unlock. This would prevent accidental navigation away from the watch face. Please consider adding this functionality in a future firmware update. Thank you.


Moderator Edit: 

The latest Surge firmware update added a function which reverts Surge to its clock screen after 15 seconds. Some users would prefer to continuously view another data tile, such as Steps, Heart Rate, or Distance. This is no longer possible for more than 15 seconds outside of starting an Exercise log.


This existing Feature Request represents a good solution to the issue, and I encourage anyone who might be interested in this new feature to vote or comment in this thread.


First night out at the rink with my new blaze and it shut off in my hockey gloves. This feature would go a long way. I very was surprised to find this wasn't a feature. 


It makes me think Fitbit only designed and tested their watches on runners in sunny California.


This thread is going no where, in resolving such a simple ask.


Elon Musk tweeted over Christmas asking Tesla owners to reply with requests on improving his cars, and most he granted and even 1 or two he has rolled out already. 


If this thread which IMHO is requesting a critical requirement for a fitness device to have, is being ignored, then is it any suprise to anyone that fitbits share price is in a continual downward spiral. 


Fitbit need to listen to it's customers.



It’s true.
Fitbit has NEVER replied with 1 positive suggestion in over 2 years.
ANY other reputable company would try to provide solutions if they aren’t going to fix the clear design flaw. But.....nothing from Fitbit other than to monitor the share site for “unhappy language”

Very disappointed!!!!

Sent from my iPhone

 Why wouldn’t you bother telling us what the Feature Request is? Now I have to go search for it! The Fitbit response to this two-year-old problem has been pathetic.


Now you imply that there might be a solution and I have to go searching…


Your company is a dismal representations of customer service and customer satisfaction. 

Tempo Runner

Yes to this. Just had this happen twice during an exercise. I think they had a similar problem on the Blaze and fixed it in an update??

First Steps

I have a Fitbit Blaze and have noticed during a run that the display of the Blaze shows that the exercise is paused, i believe that this is caused by articles of clothing touching the screen and activating the Pause or even to stop the exercise. This is very annoying.

Could you please add a form of screen lock to prevent this from happening.


This "pause" problem on the Blaze is ridiculous. What good is it if you can't track your runs/workouts because it pauses constantly, especially when running outside. Please fix this. The Apple watch is looking more attractive every day.


The problem we have is the likes are only just over 1000 which surprises me, probably one of the reasons Fitbit haven't paid any attention to this thread. I suggest everybody bombards the fitbit twtter account asking for this issue to be addressed.

First Steps

My husband upgraded my Fitbit Blaze for Christmas to the Ionic which is my fourth Fitbit through the years and I am still upset to see that there is no lock option. I am having the same issues everyone else has mentioned, mostly during my boxing or weight lifting class, but I feel like the Ionic seems to be worse at pausing or ending my workout than my Blaze use to. I was told a year ago that they were working on resolving this issue and  clearly it hasn't been addressed yet. IF this issue is ever resolved does anyone know if it will be a software update fix or will we all have to purchase whatever the newest watch is at that time? I am highly considering returning my Fitbit since I haven't had it long and going with the iwatch that doesn't have this problem.


It is rather annoying that I can only go to the heart rate screen for 15 seconds (unless I start an exercise) before it reverts back to clockface so an option to lock screen would be a good one. This seems to have been under consideration for over 2 years. Is anything going to actually happen?

I've had my Serge for over two years and I only recently got an update
to it, but haven't got a glue what the update did.  The heart rate
feature is very iffy.  I am older so when I get my heart rate up to 130
I know it, but the Serge many times reads 75 or some other ridiculous
number.  Would never purchase another.
Recovery Runner
Sent from my iPad

Agree with all that above.. was doing a circuit class today and as.soon as I put some boxing gloves on, it caught my Fitbit screen and ended my workout tracking! Same when I'm running - it's freezing here so have to wear a jacket, but when the cuff catches the screen, it stops my workout so I now have to run with my sleeve pulled half way up my arm!


Should be simple enough to make it that a side button has to be held, or two pressed at once to lock and unlock the screen and would reduce a lot of frustration!

Community Legend

Oh really @JeffCollin1

This thread in itself is marked under consideration. 

Knowing what Fitbit has released, my thoughts you just don't throw a feature onto a device. Fitbit would research multiple ways of implementing and which is better. 

Suggestions that have been released that come to mind 

Notifications on windows phones, this was not Fitbit or Garmon's fault, but thanks to Fitbit working with Microsoft Harmon tracker a now also have this feature. 

Fitbit flight 

The app store for ionic 

More clock faces

A quick start stopwatch that stays on

Ability to change on time. 

Option to keep watch on slurring workouts 

Workouts in the traacker

Stopwatch and countdown timer added to tracker. 

Alta HR

The whole concept of the Charge 2 is in response to this board 

The ability to use the phones GPS

Mobile Track



Of course there have been suggestions like 

Have the watch stay on the screen that when screen went blank there was an outcry 


Multiple tracker a on one account. The cry was for something not requested. Two of the same travelers on one account. I guess this is a case of "be care full of what you ask for, you might get it".. Ask for the wrong thing, don't cry when you don't get what was not asked for. 


The Ionic is advertised and reviewed as the better fitness watch option compared to other smart watches.   Which is why I bought it.   However I can’t monitor any of my workouts due to the button issue.  Love the watch, but it’s totally worthless as a fitness watch  if this isn’t fixed.   

Are you an employee for fitbit or is this email below just your personal rant?

My frustration is watch specifically designed and marketed to track your work out that stops tracking to work out… That’s a pretty major flaw in its primary functionality.

No doubt Fitbit has done other enhancements at customer suggestion. Granted.

I continue to be and always will be disappointed in a$250 Fitbit workout watch that stops tracking my workout and thousands of other people’s workouts...... for over two years without restitution.


Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

+1 for this feature, silly this doesn’t exist yet, seems trivial compared to all the hard work the Fitbit developers have already put into their software!

First Steps

I am currently on my 3rd Fitbit, I love the way it has helped me with my fitness and exercise tracking. I was lucky enough to receive the Ionic as a Christmas present this year which I was over the moon about, however upon using the device I have found that my sessions keep pausing which is really frustrating. To the point of frustration where I am considering going back to my Charge 2! I can't believe there is no option to lock the screen whilst in workout for such a piece of equipment as this I believe that people will stop purchasing when they read feedback that this is happening. Please consider updating with this option as would hate to have to sell take the watch back. 

First Steps

So annoying that when I work out that blaze can pause itself either by accidently knocking the buttons or it thinks your sleeve or glove is a finger, my phone doesn't think my pocket is a finger so why does the blaze. 

Needs a serious think about a double button lock or similar, also the ability to lock on a.screen would good.

Do Fitbit look at these suggestions as this post is very old!!!!

First Steps

I see Fitbit still haven’t implemented a lock screen function for the Blaze! Are they planning to do this?? It is really frustrating to go for a run in the rain and have multiple run activities logged just because the rain pauses the activity!! It is really annoying and needs sorting!  


Yes please. Every time I do boxing or
anything involving bumping the Fitbit blaze my exercise gets paused and I never see the full outcome as I realize that it was paused or stopped 2 min into the exercise. It's really frustrating.

Recovery Runner

I had the same problem when I first got my Ionic for Christmas (first FitBit product I've ever used, "upgraded" from a 1st generation Garmin Vivoactive though I never had issues with it) while wearing it during pool fitness classes.  I discovered that if I had the "screen wake" setting in auto then the water would hit the screen a certain way and pause my activity maybe 10 minutes into a 60 minute class.  I have to remember to set the "screen wake" to manual, start the activity and make sure the screen times out/goes dim before I do anything in order for it to track the entire class.  If I wake the screen part way through to check my stats, I have to wait until the screen times out again before I resume moving through the water lest the water auto-pauses my activity.  How people swim with this watch without having this issue is beyond me because it has happened to me several times before I had to figure out a work around (which the consumer shouldn't have to do especially on a product costing this much).  And even with the work around I use, I'm not able to check my stats during the activity for fear it accidentally pauses and doesn't track the entire thing.  I'm with you guys, it's pretty ridiculous for a $300 device.  At this point, I could care less if I can pay for stuff with it I just want it to track my workouts accurately without having to jump through hoops to do it which I thought was its primary function.

First Steps

Please give us the ability to lock the screen on the Blaze!  I have recently started kickboxing, and am having a hard time tracking my exercise.  I will set the tracker to start, and then inevitably my gloves rub the screen and turn it off so I am not able to get accurate readings.  I love my Blaze, but it's frustrating when I can't track my exercise.


  Thank you!


I turn my Watch backwards on my left wrist when I kick box. I believe the gloves were hitting the double buttons facing my knuckles. When I turn the watch backwards the double buttons face away from my knuckles and the gloves no longer stop my workout tracking.

Too bad Fitbit has only been “considering” this lock screen fix for two years, but, in the meantime, I wish they would share the temporary solution of turning to watch backwards or wearing it on your right wrist. Both temp solutions are uncomfortable… But a temporary solution that works for me.

Moderator Edit: Personal info removed


A lock screen is definitely needed.  My Blaze pauses nearly every time I use it.  Its very disappointing.  

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