Macros in grams in the app

Hey everyone!
I have got a Fitbit Charge 2 and I have already downloaded the app into my iphone. As long as I am tracking the macros, I would appreciate if the app shows me also how many grams of protein, fat and carbs I eat, not only the percentage as it does now. I know I can check it in the dashboard on the internet via my macbook, but I think it would be really useful to make it possible in the app as well. What do you think?

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Moderator Alum

Hi @Mattclark, thanks for explaining why you would like to have this option on your Fitbit App. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has a lot of votes. As the more votes and comments an idea has the more visibility and momentum it gains. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.


Looking forward to see you again in the near future.

I would love to have the option to see my macros as grams and percentage. I think that´s what the app is missing!


I would like to be able to see my food macros in grams instead of percentages. I am trying to limit my carbs and would like to easily see how many I’ve consumed each day 

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Moderator Alum

Hi @Drnora, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us,this feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here as it is not currently planned.


Access to protein, carbs, and other macros in app.  Currently the app only shows the percentages.   I want to see the number of grams of each, the percentage means nothing.

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Moderator Alum

Thank you for sharing your idea with the Community @mdrons! This feature suggestion already exists so I’ve merged your post with this one as it is not currently planned.

First Steps

Many diet plans specify food intake in grams. I would like to suggest Fitbit offer a toggle switch for the user to view nutritional intake as a percent of total or total grams. Secondly, it would be nice if the user could see average nutritional intake  for various periods of time  as one can do with other features in Fitbit. And last, I would like to see Fitbit ad a feature to allow user to report erroneous nutritional information in your database. Thanks for your consideration.

First Steps

Hello... it would be nice if the macronutrient breakdown in the fitbit app gave both the percentages and the actual grams of the macros, like it does on the main dashboard online.


Not sure why this seemingly simple ask hasn’t been added, as it would allow users to stop using multiple apps, integrate and simplify use and improve user satisfaction, but it would be really great to be able to see how many grams of macro nutrients one consumes in a day. A lot of people out there track carbs or protein and giving this data in percent of calories is basically unusable information 

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Moderator Alum

Hey @Cvance1126! Thank you for sharing your idea with the Community. This feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here as it is not currently planned.


As usual, more requests for this very popular option thrown into a locked
thread that can no longer be discussed. If post count is what determines
what features are added, it seems like Fitbit is intentionally keeping them
down on this request.

First Steps

Show Marco nutrient calorie and exact gram amounts instead of only percentages. this is a very easy update and essential for more advanced fitness enthusiasts.

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Moderator Alum

Hi @Wigglet, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us, this feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here as it is not currently planned.

Recovery Runner



I just started Keto and am tracking total grams of carbs on a daily basis.  I was happy that the WEB site for fitbit will break down the total grams for your carb, protien, and fat taken in for the day, based on your inputted foods.


The mobile app just shows % of calories for these categories, with no details on the GRAMS.  Can we get grams to be listed on the mobile app?  That would keep me from having to use my computer to get these values and for monitoring purposes.



First Steps

Instead of just having the percentage of macros eaten per day, it would be nice to have totals in grams for carbs, fat, protein, etc. for those who count these.

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Moderator Alum

Hello @Mk29! Thank you for sharing your idea with the Community. This feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here as it is not currently planned.


The fitbit mobile app already shows the percentages of the macros ate on the day, it would be nice to see also the grams that corresponds to that percentage as the fitbit web app shows.

That is very  handy if you want to know if the daily protein intake is meet or if you are following correctly your particular diet.

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Moderator Alum

Hi @Dale_chile, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us, this feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here as it is not currently planned.

First Steps

I’d like to see how many grams of protein I’m getting in per day, but right now I only get my percentage.  Even an approximate number would be beneficial.

Recovery Runner

please make it so that the food log not only shows percentage of macros eaten, but also shows macros in grams. Also, would be cool if you could see the macros in each meal/snack that you log, as opposed to just calories!

Please please!

First Steps

I know this has been suggested before but it seems to be continually shoved off into the “Not Currently Planned “ pile which is ridiculous. Tracking macros in grams is literally one of the simplest mechanisms people often use when tracking their food intake. Make it happen, FitBit.

First Steps

Retrospectively realizing my spelling error in the title! *does not dose

Base Runner

Android Dashboard - Suggestion for a tweak in the Log Food/Food Log screen.


It is great to have the Macronutrients circle/pie chart and the percentage of calories for each macro. However, it would be a BIG improvement if it would also show the total grams of each of those macros. 


This could be done right below the percentages (best choice for easy access to info) or when you flip over on the top chart to the breakdown bar chart. When you tap a date now you get the percentages, since we already have that on the food log screen, tapping here on the bar could give total grams instead.  


I know both the macro percentage and total grams is available in the web dashboard, but having it immediately available in the app would be great. For increasing numbers of people their mobile phone is the only connected device and accessing the web interface on your mobile screen is not efficient.





First Steps

It would be great if the app calculated  carb/protein/fat in grams as the percentage macro calculator doesn’t cut it and having to go back through individual foods to add them up is a nightmare. I use a different app now for nutrition to count these but would be great if it was available on the Fitbit app as it’s stored all my other data. 

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Moderator Alum

Hi @Spidermonkey19, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us. This feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here. At the moment it is not planned to implement it. Nonetheless you can still add your vote.

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