More condition/symptoms on Menstrual Health Tracking

Some obvious ones I don’t feel are listed in the conditions, things I like to note during my cycle.  A big one which a lot of women suffer with like Bloating and sleep deprivation. 


Some ideas that could be listed in conditions 


bloated (RELEASED!)

sleep deprivation (vote here!)


back pain (vote here!)

increased appetite (vote here!)

high stress (RELEASED!)

high energy (RELEASED!)

dizziness (vote here!)

decrease appetite (vote here!)


constipation / diarrhea (vote here!)

PMS (vote here!)

cravings (vote here!)

HCG levels

anxiety (RELEASED!)


the list im sure goes on..


maybe there could be a bit that allows you to write in a notes on whichever days the individual needs. Every woman cycle changes and being able to write a note when those changes happened would be good. 



I think a pregnancy mode is definitely needed also where women can log stages in their pregnancy and also make notes where needed.  And then I think maybe something for after pregnancy breastfeeding etc. 


Moderator Edit: Title for Clarity 

Moderator edit: Updated released symptoms and links to individual symptom suggestions.


I recently started using the female health tracking and so far it’s quite nice. However, there needs to be a lot more symptoms for this feature. Even if we had the ability to add a note would be great. For example, I have PCOS and there are a lot of symptoms. So I wouldn’t expect everything to be available in the app to choose, but having a note feature would make these actually trackable. 

Tempo Runner

Yes I totally agree it seems we have put up the same suggestion forward.  would be good if I could link them. I’m sure there’s a way I’m just not sure how to do it 


I completely agree with this. 

Tempo Runner

Some obvious ones I don’t feel are listed in the conditions, things I like to note during my cycle.  A big one which a lot of women suffer with like Bloating and sleep deprivation. 


Some ideas that could be listed in conditions 



sleep deprivation 


back pain

increased appetite 

high stress

high energy 


decrease appetite 








the list im sure goes on..


Maybe to aid this there could be a bit that allows you to write in a notes on whichever days the individual needs. Every woman cycle changes and being able to write a note when those changes happened would be good. 



Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Thanks for sharing your thoughts @Gabri33


Let's see what other users have to say about it.

First Steps

I agree. Many people have different menstrual symptoms and, although FitBit probably won't be able to capture all of them with distinct icons, I would like the ability to make notes about mine. 

Tempo Runner

There are some obvious conditions I don’t feel are listed in the conditions, things I like to note during my cycle.  A big one which a lot of women suffer with like Bloating and sleep deprivation. 


Some ideas that could be listed in conditions 



sleep deprivation 


back pain

increased appetite 

high stress

high energy 


decrease appetite 








the list im sure goes on..


maybe a way to aid this is if there could be a bit that allows you to write in a notes on whichever days the individual needs. Every woman cycle changes and being able to write a note when those changes happened would be good. 



Yes! I have PMDD and would love to be able to track symptoms like anxiety, depression, anger, stress, pain, etc. 

First Steps

Agreed! I would love to be able to track cravings.  I always want to eat a mountain of chocolate two days before I start.

Maybe just the options of craving salty food or sweet food would be enough to suffice?




Completely agreed! Love that the tile exists but it’s very limited right now. In lieu of an exhaustive list, maybe custom tags that can be reused and applied to relevant days?

Tempo Runner

If you only add one, make it anxiety.  That's the only one which could actually kill you, and for people with severe PMS (known as PMDD), tracking it is crucial.  Obviously we're not going to rely on the Fitbit app if we're suddenly experiencing suicidal ideation, but seeing how many anxious days we get per cycle can really help with evaluating treatment, and also being able to work out when it's PMDD, which can help with making us realise we need to take as-needed meds.  The scale of anxiety experienced varies enormously, but it's very common at some level.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @lexi83! Thanks for sharing those ideas. We wanted to let you know that one of the ideas you recently posted already exist on the Feature Suggestions Board. You can it here: Please add your vote to that existing suggestion.


You had shared a unique suggestion, so we have left the title of your original post here to reflect that idea. Please try to make sure you only post one idea per suggestion, so we can keep the board organized, easily searchable and see which idea other members are voting for. 


Thanks for participating in Feature Suggestions!

First Steps

I also have PMDD - totally agree with most everyone here! Maybe for some of the more common symptoms across the board you could add to the selection icons. But notes for "fringe"-ier cases could also be added

First Steps

I ABSOLUTELY agree with this thread. I want to take a second to say I am SO SO SO glad to see Fitbit offering this in the first place - menstrual issues affect all the other aspects of our health being tracked by Fitbit, so it makes a lot of sense.


There are a few symptoms that are a normal part of the cycle for otherwise healthy women, which I think should be included at minimum: 

Hydration Changes (bloating,water retention, dehydration/thirst)

Digestive Changes (gas, constipation, diarrhea)

Mood Changes (anxiety, depression, stress, irritability, anger, crying)

Sleep Changes (insomnia, hypersomnia, nightmares)

Appetite Changes (increased or decreased appetite, cravings, nausea)

Energy Changes (more, less, exhaustion, exercise intolerance)


Even if each of the above categories was added as a condition, that would be a start. Ideally, maybe some sub-selections could be added so that when a condition is checked, a pop-up asks for more details. Definitely include an "other" or something if the menu UI goes in that direction because I have dramatically oversimplified.


The list of things that women would want to track is probably very long, and I'm NOT necessarily including things that would be relevant to those of us with menstrual dysfunction of various kinds. I think most women affected by those conditions would accept that that kind of thing may not be able to be catered to by this kind of app and honestly, they're probably already using something more specialized and focused. But as I said, the symptoms categories above affect healthy, average women, so I think if we can work toward it, that would be really awesome.


Thank you, Fitbit, for hearing this out!


First Steps

Agree with all of this! I was so bummed to see that the list was so short. I’m still using this functionality but I hope it’s enhanced soon. It looks like a lot of regular symptoms have been suggested in this thread, but I’m sure the women on staff at Fitbit can help suggest any others.

First Steps

Under the new addition of the menustral cycle, it would be beneficial to add a notes sections under each day for women to add more detailed concerns. Not every woman is alike and not all have the same symptoms. Also, while I like the period predication aspect, I find it frustrating that it will once the predicated date arrives, it will actually log that time as a period and you have to go in and delete it. Perhaps, never make it a “hard cycle” until we log it that way. 

Tempo Runner

Sleep and hydration should be able to be shown by cross-referencing within the app. So could changes in amount of food consumed, activity levels and heart rate. Clue has done some research looking at Fitbit data, and found that resting heart rate goes up with ovulation. I've started using Cronometer to track what I eat, and it shows me graphs in a way that means I can compare them. I didn't realise before now that  my resting heart rate varies in a way that reflects how much sleep I've had. I should have been able to see that from th Fitbit app, since it provided the original data. 

First Steps

Hi Fitbit community,


I really like the option to track PMS symptoms in the period tracker. It would be helpful to track bloating/water retention as an option as well. Especially as it has a direct effect on weight. Another option is to add mood issues, as it can be helpful to know why emotional changes are present. 

First Steps

I too totally agree with these suggestions the list is definitely not big enough for symptoms. It could also use a section for how you feel to examples: angry, emotional, calm, tired and so on.

Did you exercise?

What food did you indulge in?

I do really like this app and the fact that its in with all my other fit bit stats so hoping to see more options for the female health! 

First Steps

Mood changes, please!

First Steps

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS BEAUTIFUL AND HOLY DO THIS!!!  Please, at the very least, let us leave a comment about the day.  Please give us more options in our symptoms! I am so very excited dor the potential of this feature right now!! Please give us more options or the ability to leave a note!!!!


Even if the tracking option is vague, like "Pre menstural synptom"


Yes! I agree and you could even have an add your own section to keep it easy. There is no one size fits all approach to menstruation...maybe give us the ability to add our own via emojis and a keyboard? I know I need


🤬 angry

😧 anxious 

🍩 cravings 

  too name a few! 

First Steps

I would like to see the Female tile get extended into Pre- and Post- menopause. Many of the symptoms are the same, there are a few that are unique, such as feeling like you are in a fog all day. However, one doesn't necessarily have a "cycle". I've been tracking by hand, different physical sensations like hot flashes, fogginess, anxiety to see if there is a pattern or link to other things going on. If someone could select an option as to what stage in female life they are, that would be very useful. Also, if i have a migraine or a hot flash, the ability to time-stamp it would also be nice.


Thank you!

Recovery Runner

I agree. Most health teachert allow you to log moods and also make your own notes. This would be nice to add.

Recovery Runner

I personally would love to see a pregnancy option added. I do have another period tracker app (actually a couple of them) and they have a pregnancy option. It would also be nice to be able to track pregnancy symptoms with the Fitbit app as well. (ALOT of them are the same as pms symptoms.)

I'm currently pregnant and would love to track all my pregnancy stuff with my Fitbit app instead of having to use other apps to do so. It would be wonderful to free up some space on my phone that way. 

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