More condition/symptoms on Menstrual Health Tracking

Some obvious ones I don’t feel are listed in the conditions, things I like to note during my cycle.  A big one which a lot of women suffer with like Bloating and sleep deprivation. 


Some ideas that could be listed in conditions 


bloated (RELEASED!)

sleep deprivation (vote here!)


back pain (vote here!)

increased appetite (vote here!)

high stress (RELEASED!)

high energy (RELEASED!)

dizziness (vote here!)

decrease appetite (vote here!)


constipation / diarrhea (vote here!)

PMS (vote here!)

cravings (vote here!)

HCG levels

anxiety (RELEASED!)


the list im sure goes on..


maybe there could be a bit that allows you to write in a notes on whichever days the individual needs. Every woman cycle changes and being able to write a note when those changes happened would be good. 



I think a pregnancy mode is definitely needed also where women can log stages in their pregnancy and also make notes where needed.  And then I think maybe something for after pregnancy breastfeeding etc. 


Moderator Edit: Title for Clarity 

Moderator edit: Updated released symptoms and links to individual symptom suggestions.


Modified symptom categories for female health tracking - should include bloating and lethargy. Or could just add a general 'other's category and allow user to specify. Way to log if pregnant so you don't have to stop logging female tracking altogether (or get period reminders that are not needed!)


I agree! I would love to see bloating and lathargy/fatigue as an option for symptoms related to period tracking. 

First Steps

Please also add “night sweating” as that is a typical perimenopausal symptom and one I’d like to track.

First Steps
I one hundred percent agree!
First Steps

It may be strange to think about, but there are many women who have cycles without menstruation (I had my uterus cauterized for health reasons in 2003). There are also many men who might be in need of an expanded feature. My husband for example is doing radiation for prostrate cancer and he is currently on medication that suppresses his testosterone. He has more hot flashes than I do. LOL Anyway, I am glad FitBit has started the process with the women's health tracker, now for 2.0. Physical and mood trackers for anyone who due to any reason needs them based on hormonal changes. 

First Steps

I also like the Female Health Tracker but would like to see a notes option for the symptoms listed. For example, I'd like to be able to note the severity of my headaches, or what kind of "sick" symptoms I was feeling . I would also like to see the calendar show more for birth control, including when to start/stop it to allow for a period, rather than just showing the date for expected periods.

First Steps

Yes please. Exactly! Ive used another app for several years and find tge additional symptoms really help.  May be more important than fertility / period to everyday life. Things like increased appetite and mood (sad, energetic, angry, etc).  If there was an option to write in that would be nice too.  Could also track doctors office visits related to female health.

Ive also always been curious about how the phases of moon /westher might be lined up with stuff thats being tracked - like energy /headaches/ my activity.  Would be great to integrate with a weather tracker someday!

Tempo Runner

Banananut - try the Migraine Buddy app, that tracks weather and migraines. Pressure changes and such. It's been incredibly humid here and that's been knocking me for six. 

The phases of the moon won't be affecting you, though, don't worry. 


There are way too many symptoms for us to put in any one app and not have someone left out, that's Why most period tracking apps I know let you put in your various symptoms each day and looks for patterns from there. Things like nausea, tenderness in stomach or pelvic area. 

The fluid chart need some work also. Egg white? is that cracked or hard-boiled because the image looks hard boiled to me. For me It'd just simply put clear, cloudy, thick, coloured, etc (Creamy makes me think of whipped cream). Unusual is rather vague and could mean a lot of things, so an option to write what we find unusual will be great. An option for amount of discharge will be nice also. 

And there should be a section for odour. It's not something women talk about but it's also something very important they should keep track of. 

Bottom line. Just make it customizable I for one won't mind having to take a minute and type out a symptom, or symptoms. 


Recovery Runner

Notes don't track - they're just a note on a day...  What we need is the ability to create our own symptoms and maybe pick an icon for it.... Fitbit doesn't have to do all the legwork creating an exhausting list of symptoms (and there is an awfully long list of PMS symptoms).  Make us tailor the app to suit our needs.  Most of us will only add 3, maybe 4 symptoms in addition to the pre-provided ones.  

No not notes. Just the exact same thing you're saying. They can't put every
symptom in for us to choose so yes go with the most common, and if they
leave it customizable and allow us to put in our own symptoms they'll
eventually realize what's the most common. And it's not usually what people
may think. The one I use allow me to do this. Not only track or register
pain like cramps or headache but the severity. It's new and it'll take time
to get on track so I keep my old and just use this one as a basic tracker.
So I don't loose my cycle.
Not applicable
That sounds like the best idea
First Steps

As a Fitbit user I was thrilled to be able to tack my period within the app. On the other hand I was slightly dissapointed that I couldn’t log more information beside flow, symptoms, etc. We should add more options when logging in the calendar such as, emotions, and predictions of when a women will be experiencing pms, and other signs that can happen before, during, and after a period. It would be even more convenient if our Fitbit watches (Alta, charge, versa, etc.) could give us reminders of when our period is coming and other important dates for our cycles. Lastly, it would be helpful to have advices or suggestions given when we log new information about our periods. For example the app could have an explanation on why someones periods are irregular or the causes of different symptoms, and so on. Hopefully these suggestions can better help improve the app and the watches for women. Thank you! 


Please can you include the peri-menaupause phase phase for females.

Hormones and bleeds become more erratic but it’s still helpful to record the trends over time.

- hot flush is needed in the app

- migraine would be helpful tho you already have headache mentioned

- emotions (brain fog,, angry, tears, anxious, fatigued, low mood)

- positive emotions too (alert, happy, confident)



First Steps

What do you all think of adding an optional daily medication reminder for those who are on the birth-control pill? Or annual for the shot or IUD (for replacement and/or check up)?


I personally would like the stool change option because it's also measurable through science. Prostaglandins make the uterine lining contract (hence cramping), which also stimulates the bowels. There are also stool changes during the menstrual cycle because progesterone levels drop.

First Steps

I'd also really like a way to indicate symptom severity.  I have cramps and headaches throughout my period but it would be helpful to track which days were mild and which were debilitating.

First Steps

Oh my gosh yes! Your post says all the things I wish the female health tracker was. I really wish there were more symptoms bubbles to choose from and I wish that you could make little custom notes. And I LOVE your pregnancy tracker idea! 

First Steps

Love the new feature but completely agree that more conditions need to be added. I get extreme fatigue, brain fog, and agitation. It would be great to be able to anticipate when these symptoms might occur. I could write them down, but it would be great to have 1 app to track all my health concerns. 

First Steps

There are options for protected and unprotected sex. Would it be possible to add a self pleasure option?


I like the idea of the notes feature!

First Steps

This was the immediate thought that came to mind when I tried the female health tracking. I love this function. And it would be so much better if I could make notes. I wanted to indicate backaches, decreased appetite, fatigue, etc but there were options for that. So I wanted to make an “edit” to list down the symptoms for my own reference and there weren’t any allowances for that. 😉

First Steps

I totally agree - came here to suggest the same thing. Bloating and irritability are much bigger symptoms for me than anything currently listed.

A "create custom symptom" option (like you have for foods and for exercise) would be great.

Knowing when weight gain is linked to period bloat rather than calorie intake would be so helpful.


First Steps

I'm excited to use this feature, however I would love to be able to track more menopausal symptoms. My doctor and I are working together towards deciding if I am premenopausal or if I should consider a hysterectomy so tracking things like dryness, pain, itching, hot flashes, cold sweats and other symptoms would be a much appreciated benefit.

Keeping Pace

We're just the " old ducks " that must handle another physically
debilitating thing alone; as if periods, pregnancy, child birth, breast
feeding, S T R E A C H MARKS ....
weren't enough 😉
First Steps

I would like to be able to track more symptoms relating to the menstral cycle.  The symptoms most important to me are; bloating, irritability,  and fatigue.  It would also be helpful to track severity of symptoms.  

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