More condition/symptoms on Menstrual Health Tracking

Some obvious ones I don’t feel are listed in the conditions, things I like to note during my cycle.  A big one which a lot of women suffer with like Bloating and sleep deprivation. 


Some ideas that could be listed in conditions 


bloated (RELEASED!)

sleep deprivation (vote here!)


back pain (vote here!)

increased appetite (vote here!)

high stress (RELEASED!)

high energy (RELEASED!)

dizziness (vote here!)

decrease appetite (vote here!)


constipation / diarrhea (vote here!)

PMS (vote here!)

cravings (vote here!)

HCG levels

anxiety (RELEASED!)


the list im sure goes on..


maybe there could be a bit that allows you to write in a notes on whichever days the individual needs. Every woman cycle changes and being able to write a note when those changes happened would be good. 



I think a pregnancy mode is definitely needed also where women can log stages in their pregnancy and also make notes where needed.  And then I think maybe something for after pregnancy breastfeeding etc. 


Moderator Edit: Title for Clarity 

Moderator edit: Updated released symptoms and links to individual symptom suggestions.

First Steps

Add fatigue, cravings, and mood swings to the list


I would like to see if there is any predictability in my cycle as I approach menopause. I know my periods will gradually stop in time but your app could help me monitor the change. On line advice is very general e.g. ‘mensuration may get heavier and fluctuate’ and I think a well designed fit-bit app could provide more accurate data feedback.



I wonder if having a mature woman co-working on developing the content of this app could be beneficial?  Someone who has experienced menstrual cycles, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause who also has an awareness of how the technology works. There is diversity among women but it seems like a big ask of a young man to get this right. 

First Steps

This, 100%. I don't have any of the symptoms currently in this section. I'd love to see insomnia and back pain added. 

Perhaps you could add a table where we could pick our top five to display for quick daily selection, but with the option to add others as needed. 

First Steps
Hopefully the fit bit app developers will listen and work to expand a section of the app their female users are asking for.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
Recovery Runner

I dont know if FitBit works together with other applications, but all what women are looking for here exist in the great app named Clue. Which works quite the same way but is specialised in female health only, and we cant expect FitBit to be like this as is is such a big field to cover. But maybe it is an option to be able to sync with this app at one point, it would spare FitBit the time it needs to create and develop this. As this other app is a great tool on its own, working the same way even, with predictions and extended amount of options to log emotions, health, fertility, anti conception, skin condition, cravings etc. It could be interesting to merge them in your female health widget, because this message shows thats what women are looking for. In just one app.



First Steps

I just started using the female health tracker. So far (1st month) im liking that i can record day to day what im feeling. Only complaint I have is, is that before I start I get exhausted, my knees and ankles ache, extreamly irritable, also I don't get cramps but really really bad lower back pain. It would be nice to have customizable symptoms or be able to make notes on days that these symptoms are happening to track.
Thank you,

First Steps

I agree, especially with being able to add pregnancy and more options for symptoms. I wanted to add my energy level, because I get soooo tired some days. Maybe if we were able to create custom symptoms so fitbit was able to recognize the same option was being selected each time. Or being able to add the symptoms we want to track so we aren't overwhelmed with too many options. 


Yess add menopausal symptoms. 

First Steps

I would like to see options for pregnancy, nursing, and especially postpartum bleeding too. It doesn’t make sense to have a Morning After Pill option but not a Positive Pregnancy Test option. 

First Steps

I feel that some of these would be helpful for more than female health tracking. Headaches, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, has, more GI issues... those could all be helpful when working with doctors to diagnose dietary-related illnesses. So maybe just a notes/symptom tracker portion that is completely separate from the female health tracker?

Base Runner

I have been wanting to use this but every time I go to track ... my symptoms aren't there.  I really feel like this was designed by a man.  I get extremely fatigued and it would be helpful to have a clear idea of how that is playing into my cycle but fatigue (FATIGUE by the way) is not an option for a symptom.


All of the original symptoms are a great idea.  Let some ladies work on updates for this feature maybe.


Hi, totally agree with the added/extended symptom list and would like to include, clumsy (or whatever you want to say for, “runs into everything”). I just went to add it now and was surprised it wasn’t there. It’s a classic sign for me, like bloating and mood changes. Or possibly have an “other” and let people input their own symptoms...?

First Steps

I am in agreement with many of these posts... I love the new women's health feature. It just feels like there are many symptoms missing from the tracker - and perhaps a "drop down" list of symptoms that individuals want to use with this feature would be great.


What seems to be missing is:

- bloating

- irritability

- constipation/diarrhea 

- tiredness


This is a good feature of the FitBit... love if the company is open to making improvements for users!


Exhaustion is definitely one that I'd like to track as its related just before and during a cycle.

First Steps

I think the period tracker is great but could you have more symptoms to track or a way to add in your own symptoms. Example-headaches, bloating,fatigue etc

First Steps

I think there are so many symptoms it would be best if they let us put together custom symptoms because I get odd ones like bad lower back, mouth ulcers and itches etc etc and im pretty sure everyone has diff symtoms. 

First Steps

I would like a button to track increased  or decreased desire in order to help establish patterns with hormones & fertility. I also agree a few more for built in symptoms would be nice, maybe a mood/fatigue tracker, body temp & a custom tracker to let us add things. 

First Steps

I think it would be beneficial to have more options of side affects such as bloating, insomnia, cravings, etc like other apps have, but you guys are off to a good start. I really like having everything all in one and it has made me use the app more!

Just how many different threads does Fitbit need before a massive overhaul and improvement is made for Female Tracking? Every thread I've delved into, a moderator suggests splitting up the features being asked into different threads.


You know what this does? It reduces the number of votes per feature and makes the Female Health Tracker seem much more functional than it actually is. Clearly little research was done into this and it smacks of a male approach as there is nothing to track besides a textbook period length and type of flow and discharge.


Seriously, get it together and improve the feature. It's supposed to be about Female Health not just a menstrual cycle predictor.


I wrote to FitBit customer service but I was told to post my comment to the forum, so here it is:


I AM interested in having a cycle tracker on my fitbit app, since the timing in my cycle does impact my energy level, fatigue, and ability to engage in muscle-building exercise.

So, why is fatigue or energy level not one of the symptoms that it is possible to log? This seems obvious to me, I'm very suprised it's not available.


I'm dismayed that the cycle tracker is so hard-focussed on pregnancy, and that the only way to turn off the ovulation prediction is to ALSO disable the menstruation predictor.


I was looking forward to this new feature, but right now it's only value for me is to predict my next cycle, rather than help me track fitness-impacting symptoms.

First Steps

Yes! Please add more to the fertility tracking... I agree with @glharris as it is right now, it's only good for telling me when my period is, when in reality I want my all-around fitness app to help me connect all the dots that affect my fitness.

I would like to be able to at the VERY LEAST add my own notes to each day.


Ideally for me there would be a section for selecting moods (stressed, angry, frustrated, sad, depressed, happy, energized, anxious, irritable, moody, horny, flirtatious... just to name a few). And physical symptoms would be a separate section that includes things like; fatigue, sleepy, backache, headache, joint pain, cramps, spotting, bloating, nausea, sweet cravings, salty cravings, constipation... and so forth.

100% agree with this.


What would be simpler maybe would be to add a 'Custom Symptom' option, so that each user can just add any symptom they experience which doesn't come under those already available. Once saved, it's there forever (unless the user deletes it), to be used in the same way as the standard options. It would be a nice touch if there could also be the option to categorise custom symptoms as physical, emotional, mental within this, as symptoms do go beyond the physical effects on the body.


Absolutely need a Notes option - for example, pretty sure we all get cramps, but mine change in where I feel them, and severity; sometimes period to period, sometimes every few periods. So it would be a lot more helpful to be able to note that, for example, last period I had cramps down the left side; this period they were in my back.


It would also be useful if there were a way to log the time - it's not often I start my period at midnight! Example: I've started today, at around 3pm, but the app will record today as a full day, which is incorrect. I know it's early days in having and using this feature in the app, but if users want to know average period length (which I do), there needs to be a more accurate way of recording it. 


So, so happy Fitbit have introduced this though, and love the layout and design, so well done folks!


@lexi83 wrote:

Some obvious ones I don’t feel are listed in the conditions, things I like to note during my cycle.  A big one which a lot of women suffer with like Bloating and sleep deprivation. 


Some ideas that could be listed in conditions 



sleep deprivation 


back pain

increased appetite 

high stress

high energy 


decrease appetite 






HCG levels



the list im sure goes on..


maybe there could be a bit that allows you to write in a notes on whichever days the individual needs. Every woman cycle changes and being able to write a note when those changes happened would be good. 



I think a pregnancy mode is definitely needed also where women can log stages in their pregnancy and also make notes where needed.  And then I think maybe something for after pregnancy breastfeeding etc. 


Moderator Edit: Title for Clarity 

I totally agree with this!!! Not only i suffer from acne, cramps, headaches and brest tenderness, i also suffer from backaches, craving for salty and sweet, insomnia, fatigue and mostly bloating plus adding the mood swings. Pls Fitbit, add these other symtoms cuz this could help more the Female Track and for the women using it.

@lexi83 wrote:

Some obvious ones I don’t feel are listed in the conditions, things I like to note during my cycle.  A big one which a lot of women suffer with like Bloating and sleep deprivation. 


Some ideas that could be listed in conditions 



sleep deprivation 


back pain

increased appetite 

high stress

high energy 


decrease appetite 






HCG levels



the list im sure goes on..


maybe there could be a bit that allows you to write in a notes on whichever days the individual needs. Every woman cycle changes and being able to write a note when those changes happened would be good. 



I think a pregnancy mode is definitely needed also where women can log stages in their pregnancy and also make notes where needed.  And then I think maybe something for after pregnancy breastfeeding etc. 


Moderator Edit: Title for Clarity 


First Steps

I'd like to see exhaustion listed as a symptom within the Female Health Tracker; plus a 1-5 tracking system for each symptom. 

The Female Health Tracker is a great addition. Thank you!

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