More in-depth sleep data analysis (eg impact of activity or HR on sleep)

Hi everyone!!!

Dear Fitbit,

it would be really nice if you could implement more functional sleep analysis. I ask/suggest/offer you to have a look at really interesting app (Sleep Cycle).  Sleep cycleSleep cycle

I am sure that a lot of Fitbit users would appreciate this kind of sleep information. Here you can see some examples but there is much more in it. 



1 2 34 I am sure this kind of functionality would bring you more customers and more fun to Fitbit users. Thank you!!!

PS. I am really surprised you have not done it yet


Moderator Edit: Edited labels and Clarified subject

Recovery Runner

To this excellent suggestion I would add the heart rate feature to the sleep analysis.  Am I waking up because my heart rate is dropping too low or because my sleep cycle is too light?  Sleep cycle may be harder to determine from skin contact however, the HR feature is already built into the software.  The sleep analysis is a good feature but there's not enough data compiled and cross-referenced to truly make a meaningful at this point. Thanks Yuriy, for initiating the discussion.

First Steps

Greetings Fitbit team.

Just wanted to share the below idea :light_bulb:. Cuz I love Fitbit 😊

For a lot . Like myself, lowering heart rate and getting good sleep is as important as counting steps.

I usually cross check my sleeping patterns with my heart rate with another blending app so I can understand my heart rate better.

I wonder if the sleep sensitivity can have another option as normal and sensitive very different results.

Attaching the below for you reference.

Thank you





The Heart Rate graph in the dashboard breaks over Midnight, so you can't get a single view of your sleep phaze across that point in time.  A contexted (squashed) and non-contexted (expanded) graph would allow users to see the graph during sleep as it looks in the morning (erratic and with large fluctuations due to the small Y scale) and evening (relatively-flat, with obvious peaks during restless activity).


An additional view to show the sleep cycle in both manners would be a great add.

First Steps

I want to be able to compare my heart rate between days and weeks on the Dashboard. Currently, I can only see my heart rate for one day and then I have to change the day to see my past heart rate. As a result, I cannot compare one day to any previous day - let alone see any long-term changes. Having to go back through every day also makes it very difficult to go back any significant number of days (i.e. more than a week) because you have to start loading every day in between even if you do not want to look at it. An example of what I am looking for is the historical daily heart rate display on the Fitbit App for iPhones.

Recovery Runner

I definitely would like to see more horizontal time labels on the "Hours Slept" graph, so I could get a better idea of when and how long I sleep soundly.

First Steps

It would be useful to overlay the heart rate chart data for the time period of your previous nights sleep over the sleep cycle chart


One of the reasons that I decided to get a Fitbit, over the generic one that I had previously, was because it could track sleep. I would LOVE it if it could offer a more detailed analysis.

I've noticed when I had it on sensitive that it was showing I was barely getting any sleep yet when I have it on normal it's showing that I'm sleeping through some times when I know that I'm awake. I'd like there to be something more middle of the road.


Well, you've not improved your sleep tracking data collection and reporting at all, yet I've just bought your newest product. The call for better metrics is clearly out here.  It sure would be a good move to hear from someone on it.


This weekend, one of the nights, I had 4 hours of sleep.  Over the course of the day, twice I dozed off for little power naps that may have lasted 30 minutes each, but I can't track that.  In my sleep-deprived world, a day with 5 hours of sleep vs a day with 4 hrs, makes a difference when considering my overall fitness outcomes.


Let's go Fitbit!  Step up to the plate on this one!

Stepping Up

I agree. It knows how many times I was awake or restless, but the mobile app doesn't help me figure out when.  There is only a start & end time listed on the graph with no intermediate times.  I think it would be interesting to see if I'm waking up or restless at approximately the same time every night. Then maybe I could figure out what is going on in my environment.


Another problem with the sleep tracker is that it will show that I was in bed between 9:44 - 5:30... yet it's showing that I was awake/restless until after 10:00... why doesn't is just start my sleep time at 10???

Recovery Runner
access your account from your pc.  move the mouse arrow over the 'awake' spikes and the time will flash in a separate small window.  this should help you to track the time of night you wake.  hope this helps. Y.
First Steps

I really love the new sleep graph. I'm wondering if you could develop the ability to overlay other graphs with it, like heart rate. It would be interesting to see how HR changes with stages of sleep. It could also be useful to overlay weight, to see how weight loss can improve sleep patterns.

Recovery Runner

I would really like to know where people are getting these graphs and sleep data on the Charge HR.  I was getting some info on sleep efficiency and restless and awake periods, but now that is gone, and I can't seem to convince the help people that I want it back.  They stated that the change was to improve their product.  It did not!  It took away reporting that was important to me. Has anyone else noticed this and is unhappy as I am?

Keeping Pace

Fully agree.
Furthermore, it would be very useful if we can have a function to trigger an vibrating alert when heart rate exceeds a certain threshold during sleep.


done already? sleep stages

Keeping Pace

I like the new sleep chart showing when I am in RIM, light sleep or deep sleep.  I would like to be able to add one more thing.  Since the heart rate is also monitored all night it would be interesting to see what my heart rate is during these different stages of sleep during the night.  It could overlay the sleep chart and make it an option to have it or not.


THANK YOU for the enhanced sleep displays and info this year. I got my Charge2 just for sleep tracking, and for the blood O2 level checking features. I'm very happy with the two major changes to the sleep data display in the IOS app this year! Well done!


Zonker (since no Fitbit moderator ever responds),

Where is the 02 saturation indicator on the Charge 2?  I've never seen it.




For me I would like to combine the sleep stages  with my HR data to see how my HR is affected in the different stages (if it is).

First Steps

I am interested in sleep problems and would like to track my bpm when asleep. Since you display average bpm for resting I was wondering if you could supply detail bpm for a day or maybe just for sleep duration. I know this would up your storage requirements but maybe you are doing it on a daily basis anyway and then overwriting the data.

First Steps

I used to be a Jawbone user and loved their sleep features; most of all their heart rate reading average during sleep, not just RHR during wake hours.  I have occasional panic attacks during sleep and usually don't wake up from them.  It's so important for me to track my heart rate during sleep for this particular reason besides tracking overall heart health during sleep.  I bet many people feel similarly.


Agreed! My jawbone did this and sometimes it was very important for me. I'd like to see this again. 

First Steps

Simple as that. It would be nice if my Fitbit charge 2 could show my heart rate data while I was sleeping. This would help improve heart disease patients who bought Fitbit to monitor heart health.

Status changed to: Under Consideration
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone thanks for sharing this suggestion. This is being discussed although I do not have a firm commitment or timeline at the moment. Do continue to vote for this feature suggestion whilst it’s under consideration. Please note that if something is under consideration and chosen for development, it can be a while until it's released or until I have any news to share. Please watch this space for any updates! Thanks for your patience.

First Steps

was completely disappointed waiting for the feature so long. Got rid of the gadget finally. Not worth of investment.

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