Pokemon Go and Fitbit Integration

With Pokémon Go's release, it would be great to see that Fitbit, the authority in wearable fitness trackers and the app Pokémon Go which encourages its players to walk around and discover the world using their feet, join forces for a better you. Hitting your goals and catching your beloved Pokémon, is there anything else better than that? Whenever you reach your Fitbit goal, you'll get a little in-game item for Pokémon go. Pokémon related badges will also add spice to your collection of badges. You can brag it off to your friends as a sort of badge that you and Pokémon accomplished.


I think this would be a very good move for Fitbit since they have been the forerunner in the wearable fitness trackers industry and with the popularity of Pokémon Go, what better way than 2 giants in the industry joining together. Makes sense right?


Thanks for reading.


Moderator Edit: Added Labels

First Steps
Tweeted about this and Fitbit support directed me here. Excellent idea and I hope Niantic and Fitbit can work something out.
First Steps
First Steps
Yes! Please Fitbit! That would be awesome so we don't have to run our phone battery down because we always have to have Pokemon Go open.
Not applicable

Re Pokemon GO integration, YES! Please make this happen.

First Steps
It'd be great if PokemonGo counted your Fitbit steps for egg hatching! Make this happen!
First Steps
I really want this. But if this happens, do you think it will be available for Charge HR owners?
First Steps
I don't see why not. The Charge HR can tell us who's calling so it should be able to display the name of the alarm.
First Steps
The Alta can too! Also, the Pokémon go plus doesn't have a screen, so every FitBit is more than capable of these features.
Not applicable

maybe every 5000 step=1 poke coins, that would be a great reward

First Steps
I concur. This would be a good partner.
First Steps
I would love to have my fitbit feed steps to pokemon go. It would be more accurate than the GAPStravking Niantic is using.
First Steps
Glad to see everyone else on the same page with Fitbit and PokemonGo. Hatching eggs would be a breeze
First Steps

I think since Go uses the GPS on the phone, if the two talked to each other it would provide the stride length information without having to necessarily get the different tracker to do so. You still wouldn't have all of the options of the better tracker, but you would be able to get the strides. Also, badges for area covered in exploration (how many square miles of area have you seen, not overlapping your previous workouts) would be quite interesting to see. It would add a bit of newness to each workout, therefore making it easier to continue toward our goals and not get stuck in a rut.

Stepping Up

If this function came true , I will buy one for my kids.

First Steps
Merle it happen!
First Steps
In the Pokemon go app there are eggs that can hatch based on the number of miles you walk (I.e. You have to walk either 2.0 or 5.0 km to hatch an egg depending on the incubator). However, the app only tracks your mileage of the app is open. You guys should team up with Pokemon go so that if you are wearing a Fitbit and have the Fitbit app it can track the mileage for Pokemon go without having to have the app open or have your phone with you at all times.
First Steps
Yes please! This would be so much more convenient and would help my phone from dying super fast because I wouldn't have to have the app open every time I'm walking around 😁🙏🏽
Not applicable



It's up to the developers of the pokemon go app (Niantic, Inc) to decide if wanting to do this.


From their website for pokemon go (http://pokemongo.nianticlabs.com/en/) it's possible to submit a request from the support page.



Feel free to send your feedback to them. Cat Wink

First Steps
I need this!!! I've read some other comments and I love their ideas too. It would be awesome if there was a way for my fit bit to notify me if pokemon were around! (However I think I'd want to be able to turn this notification off sometimes, I'm so sick of rattata.)
Me too!! And pidgeys and wheedles!

It would be wonderful to have my egg meters go up throughout the day, not just when I have the app open. I agree that this is an amazing idea.


But the number one perk is to have a feature like PoGo Plus, without the ridiculous badge shouting to the world that you're playing PoGo. I love the understatement of my Alta fitbit and don't want to have a giant pokeball on my wrist.

First Steps
I have vibration turned on for Pokemon Go. I don't play much now that my daughter is back at school. It's too distracting. But hatching one of my 9 current eggs is part of my incentive to walk to the marina and back every morning 🙂 My Alta does buzz when Pòkemon buzzes my phone.

I vote YES!!!!! 

Distance Runner

Check out the new fitbit Adventures feature: https://blog.fitbit.com/join-fitbit-on-an-adventure-in-yosemite-national-park/


I can't help but to think this was in someway inspired by the popularity of Pokemon Go.

First Steps

Hopefully there is a sense of urgency to get this done now that Apple has this capability with their watch.


No reason why Fitbit and Pokemon Go can't have this functionality.


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