Show average time instead of score on main sleep view

Fitbit app used to show weekly/monthly average sleep hours per day on the sleep view but now it just shows average sleep score. Can Fitbit please go back to showing average sleep hours rather than sleep score? Or at least give users the option to choose what is displayed. Average sleep hours would be more meaningful to me.


Moderator edit: Format and updated subject for clarity

Recovery Runner
Folks, since initially complaining about average hours not being displayed,
I have learned that they are on the 4th sleep data screen, "Sleep Stages".
When on that screen, tap the screen and your past 7 days average appears.
NOW, you can swipe the lower part of the screen by anywhere from 1 day thru
XX weeks.

I am good! No more complaining from me!
First Steps

I had seen that, but what i want is seeing my average sleep our instead of sleep score where you can see all your weeka, like before. My sleep score is showing as 0 everywhere making the sleep score the most useless thing I've ever seen on this app.  Seriously, coming up with sleep score was the dumbest idea to date. Forcing it on everyone with no possibility of changing it back, is about as dumb...

Yes, but you still can't see "AVERAGE HOURS SLEPT," which is why everyone
is complaining. Problem not solved.
I agree!
Recovery Runner

You can see the weekly averages on your computer, but I agree with everyone that it needs to be available on the app. 

First Steps

I would like to see the Sleep Hours Average brought back the way it was before.  If Fitbit wants to keep the Sleep Score too, fine, but make the Sleep Score the side dish and make the Sleep Hours Average the the main dish like it was before.  Honestly, could get rid of Sleep Score.  Knowing what % of REM, light and deep sleep we get is enough to figure out the Quality of sleep we get; that coupled with know how many hours we average was so awesome!  Bring the Average back!  Please!  I will also stop buying Fitbit products otherwise as Sleep and Heart Rate are my top 2 features for my personal goals of improving my health.  Thanks for reading and please change this back sooner, not later. 

First Steps

I have seen the weekly hours in the main chart but that is not what I want.  The sleep score is an example of fixing something that was not broken.  Just make optional and I am happy maybe new customer will not want to see the real data but folks on the tread want it back the way it was for very good reasons.  I want to be the judge of how I feel and the hours of sleep.


The sleep score is the WORST feature added. It should be optional. It makes me want to switch to Garmin after having fitbit for >8 years. It is not scientifically accurate and gives us nothing ACTIONABLE. Bring back hour slept and make sleep score optional.

Recovery Runner

This has been making me really angry all day, today is the first day for me that I am seeing this change.  If anyone asked me right now I'd tell them "do not get a fitbit get an Apple Watch". Can't trust fitbit to listen to customers.  The ONE THING I used my fitbit for is now more difficult. Yes, I can go online, but I use my phone app all the time.  This score is stupid, pointless and meaningless. Who are the **ahem**s who thought this up? Please identify yourselves and post something here and explain why you think you know what I want, what we all want, when clearly you don't.  I did a "chat" today and got the expected drivel about improvements and new features blah blah blah.

Recovery Runner

NO... the "fourth data screen" does not show the current week running AVERAGE sleep time. It shows a graph showing each individual day pictorially, which with no data marking points between 4 and 8 hrs, is not very useful for anything. But it does NOT show averages.  I don't know what anyone was complaining about if they think this solved it.

First Steps
How about this Fitbit.. Just have both! Easy fix. Keep sleep scores but
Bring Back Hours and Average Hours per week like it used to be. Please.
First Steps

This will be fixed once the average hours slept per week as they were before. Keep score if you want, but at minimum, we need to be able to choose. This has to be the most useless update in the 5 years I've had Fitbits.. and it's one that takes away something i used and replacing it by something i can't use because it's always at 0, anyone know if other brands offer the sleep average? Probably due to upgrade in the next year or so, maybe time to look up what other brands offer? I figure that since there is nowhere to call or write to except this board, might just be easier to switch to a brand with better customer service than hope "someone" will read our commentsand decide to do something? I have to start looking...

Recovery Runner
You guys, someone said the average sleep hours are not on the 4th screen,
but they are--you have to tap the screen, and they pop right up. Then you
can adjust which days or weeks you view by swiping left or right. Its
actually very nice. Stop whining.
First Steps
Just adding to the chorus, please remove sleep score and restore weekly average. Sleep score is terrible.

I agree, first time on forum because I feel strongly about this feature being optional and I want to know my average sleep for the week not a score that I need to become a premium member to get any info on it.


Please listen to your customers.

Show a screen shot. I think you're confusing totals with average. I see
NOTHING with averages anymore, and I've looked at every screen and tapped
on every icon.
Recovery Runner

@jypsyqueen as has been mentioned several times before, different models of fitbits show different screens in the app. Just because you can see it doesn't mean everyone else can. What you may see as "whining" is legitimate issues people are having with the app. Please keep your judgmental comments to yourself!

Recovery Runner
I apologize. I did not realize that everyone does not see the same thing.
Since I thought they did . . . it SEEMED like some people were not even
trying to work with new functions/capabilities. I complained originally.
A few times. Then when someone said "try this" and "do that". I did. And
it worked.

Some of the posters were didnt like having to do ANYTHING to find avg
hours. Some posters want to jump brands after years and years with fitbit.
Some say fitbit has no customer service. That has NOT been my experience.
Over the years, and 5 fitbits, I have had a couple glitches. CS was less
than excellent 1 time. But I have generally had decent luck and good
customer service. Bashing fitbit is not going to help. Complaining in a
firm but respectful manner should.

I actually like the new average hours better now. I have a Charge 3. I
hope it gets resolved for everyone soon.
I've been following this issue closely for over a week now including several comments and screenshots on this thread which has 5 times as many comments as this one.
SLEEP TIME AVERAGES are a big deal to almost everyone that's posted here and have been considered extremely useful if not downright VITAL to many if not most of us. We can and often will make lifestyle changes based on how well we're sleeping and what our sleep time AVERAGE actually is (and the sleep score does not help one single bit). I've also considered numerous suggestions posted by users and moderators alike. The fact that you can see your sleep time averages on the COMPUTER dash board helps some. But you only see it clearly listed out for each WEEK, anything longer is just a graph. Plus I can't exactly carry my computer with me to bed or have instant access to it as with my phone. Deleting my app and starting over with an older version has proved helpful to some, as I've read. But to me this is still only a bandaid and a time consuming one at that because it can take a tot of time to reinstall and download and sooner or later older versions will go BAD.


So here's what I have found whether newly updated or always been there (I really don't know). First of all, if I close my Fitbit app altogether on my iPhone and open back up, click on 'SLEEP' from my dashboard, it always STARTS with my sleep time average just like it always has. However ONCE I start clicking on any particular day it all reverts to sleep SCORE (which to me is useless). But by closing the app and reopening I get back to the sleep average including week/months and years averages all being viewable simply by clicking the double arrow expand icon.  My guess is this will eventually change for me and must be a glitch on my phone because nobody else here has even mentioned it once.
That said, what I have now discovered, as also mentioned by another poster, is that even with sleep score being the default view, if you click on 'SLEEP' on your phone dashboard, and see your sleep score page, THEN, scroll the weekly graph that's at the top of the page, from right to left, you will see your "HOURS SLEPT" GRAPH. Simply click on the double arrow near the top right of your screen to expand that view and right there is everything we're looking for. It shows sleep AVERAGES for this week as well as any week we scroll back to. It also shows the one month average, three month average and even one year average, and again, we can scroll back to as long as you've had records taken by your Fitbit app and in my case back to 2016. All in all it takes less than 2 SECONDS to get what we want to see which are our sleep AVERAGES for this week, last week, last month, least year etc.


I can live with this even if the first page shows continues to show the useless, to me, sleep score. Our averages are right there. That's the most important thing we all really want. No need to quit Fitbit or pay a subscription fee for access to averages (which I hear it still doesn't do) and no need to delete and download older software. It just would have been nice if someone, somewhere mentioned this to us here.


Again, from your dashboard, click on the SLEEP BOX, simply swipe the opening sleep page weekly graph (at top of page) from right to left, and CLICK ON THE DOUBLE EXPAND ARROWS, and it's all right there. Takes less than two seconds once you know where to look.

By the way, the above works with my iPhone. No idea about other phones or tablets.

First Steps

See, that doesn't work for me, it goes back about a month and it says my average for that month is 3h36 a night which makes no sense. I've had sleep data for many years, so that's not the reason... it just won't go before August of this year.. so as far as i can see on my phone, not much... i never logon from a computer, so that doesn't help either. Most definitely, we should have the option to go back to sleep hours averages, that way Fitbit can see if anyone sticks with the scores or not.. if they choose to ignore this issue, i will definitely look at other brands when it's time for an upgrade. This is my third Fitbit and i had no intention to switch, but if that doesn't get fixed, i will definitely look what else is out there...


I've uploaded three screenshots. The first one is the lousy sleep score opening page. The second screenshot is what the graph at top of page looks like AFTER you swipe the top graph from right to left ("HOURS SLEPT"). And the final (3rd) screenshot is what I get after touching the double arrows in the upper right part of the "HOURS SLEPT" screenshot 2, which shows everything we want to see in less than 2 seconds time. Again iPhone 10XS. I do PREFER the sleep average as default. That's what's useful and how I can gauge if I need to reel it in with earlier bedtime, naps or sleeping in to get my average up some. But at least now I've found a fast way of getting that vital information. If an Android does not show what you see here then perhaps there is another way to get there. I had to pay around to find this page. But now that I know where it is I am content enough keeping my Fitbit for now because it is pretty fast and all the numbers I want (average for weeks, months and years) are there.


First Sleep Score PageFirst Sleep Score Page


After swiping top graph right to leftAfter swiping top graph right to left


After clicking double arrows on screenshot 2After clicking double arrows on screenshot 2

Recovery Runner
That's what I see on my android as well. Like you I had to play around in
the app until I found it. But I like it!! Takes like 2 or 3 seconds,
tops, to get to it.

This is the first time I have felt the need to comment.    I’ve had a Fitbit since January 2017.  

I concur with the other comments concerning Sleep Score.    The average time asleep was much more useful.   Sleep score seems like an arbitrary calculation to me.  It would be nice to be able to turn off the sleep score display, or to have both values shown without displacing the average time.  

Must be different for the Android app because that is NOT the case. No way
to see sleep average no matter what tab you view.
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