Start week on Monday on Android App

So sorry, USA, but you are the only ones who start the week on Sunday. For the rest of the world, we would really appreciate if we can change the settings on our Android app for the week to start on the first day of the week, namely Monday. I know you can do it on the dashboard, but I'd like to start the week on Mondays, also on the app, as this is my primary go-to place to check stats. 




Moderator Edit: Added Labels

I start my work week on Mondays and my week to week stuff on Sundays. I would like to choose when my week, day, and night start. That way if I work weekends and shift work it fits my schedule.

You can change your week start day to Sunday or Monday - on the web dashboard go to settings - and its at the bottom

Recovery Runner
Yes, on the Web dashboard, but not on the Android app. That's the problem.
First Steps

I would also like my Android app to give the option to start the week on Monday, like the browser and the iPad do. I also primarily use my phone to check my status, and if the weekly report starts on Monday, it makes sense for the Android app to do so as well. (I have a weekly goal for myself.)


Weeks do start on Mondays no matter where you are in the world! Saturday and Sunday are the "weekEND." Sunday is the 7th day, the day of rest, at the END of the week. Why the Android app was designed using Sunday as the start day, which doesn't match the fitbit weekly report, is odd.


Please, fitbit, change the Android app to start on Monday if you cannot give the app the choice like the browser and Apple apps have.  


Otherwise, thanks for a great product!



First Steps

Since the weekly fitness report starts on Mondays I have changed my online acct along with my tablet app to also start on a Monday. Android phones do not have an option to change the week start day (default to Sunday) nor will they sync to the start day that in on my online acct. Androids need a patch to allow a start other than Sunday.




Please have the app start on Mondays
First Steps

I also would like the option to match the Android app's week start with the online dashboard from my computer. I'm sure this option wouldn't be that hard to build into the app. 

Recovery Runner

The tile for This Week's Activity on the dashboard runs from Sunday through Saturday. The week in the Weekly Progress Report runs from Monday thru Sunday so the steps never match, Wish did they did!



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Hi there @Geoje. Thank you for taking the time to share your ideas with us!


I think this option should be available on the mobile app for those who don't use a computer very much as it would be easier to change the settings on your account. I will move forward and pass this suggestion along to our team so that it can be taken into consideration.


Again, thanks for participating in the Feature Request board!

Tempo Runner
Hei, we are still waiting for the possibility to change from Sunday too Monday....
First Steps
Yes, please! Please add this option into the Android app! We've been waiting and waiting...
First Steps
Please, please, please change the start date to Monday...Sunday is my lounge in pjs day... LoL
First Steps

Right now my weekly progress report is from Monday-Sunday and there is no way to change the start date of the week for the report. For example, I weigh in on Saturday morning so I would like my report to be from Saturday- Friday so my calories in vs out and weight loss will match how much weight I lost on my weigh in. This will help me determine if my calories in vs out are accurate according to the amount of weight I've lost. The way the report is right now will only show accurate data if you weigh in Monday. The user should have the option to change the start date of the report to any day of the week he/she choses.


Moderator edit: added labels

Tempo Runner
According to the international standard ISO 8601, Monday is the first day of the week ending with Sunday as the seventh day of the week. Although this is the international standard, countries such as the United States still have their calendars refer to Sunday as the start of the seven-day week.
First Steps
Another vote for the option to change the start of the week to Monday on the android ap! Have corrected this on the computer, but was not happy to find that I now have two different displays. Please provide this option for android users. Loving my new Charge HR, have upgraded after several years with an Ultra. Thanks.
Recovery Runner

We are still waiting for the possibility to change from Sunday too Monday....

If you have done it for the other patforms (apple, windows) why not do it on Android?


Please start the Android app on Monday
First Steps

It seems very strange and confusing to start a new week with the last day of the week before.
All the stats are wrong, and I hope you will fix this quick!

First Steps



Why allow users to change the start of the week through the website AND the app on iOS, but not on Android? Doesn't seem fair, does it?


Please add the option to the app on Android. Thank you.

First Steps
I totally agree. The possibility to change the start date to Monday on the android app would be great.
First Steps
Voted! Change Android app to start a week on Monday. 🙂
Base Runner

Why hasn't this been fixed yet? This isn't an "idea" we would like you to fix an obvious problem! Nothing to do with location, when will this oversight be corrected??


First Steps
The option exists on the iPhone app to select either Sunday or Monday. Should be an option on Android.
Any word on this? It's not the end of the world, but still annoying.

I may live in the USA and start my week on Sunday but I would like for it to start on Monday. Since the progress reports we receive go Monday through Sunday I would like my app to match that.

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