Track Macros in App (daily carbs/protein/fat intake)

The browser log shows a breakdown of your macros for the day, and this is extremely useful, but it is absent in the app. For many people, including myself, it's not only important to track your calorie intake for the day, but also your macronutrient intake (carbohydrates, protein, and fat). When I'm considering my next meal or planning my food for the day, I want to know how much of each macronutrient I have eaten so far, so I don't go overboard. As a busy individual, most of my food logging is done through the app. However, I can not track my macronutrients through the app, which makes it hard for me to regulate my intake.


Here is an example of the "daily totals" macro tracker on the Fitbit browser log:


Extremely helpful. Not only does it show how many grams of each macro I've consumed for the day, but it also shows the percentage of my daily consumption for each macro. The aforementioned is a fabulous feature because I split my daily macro targets into percentages (ie; 30% carbs, 35% fat, 35% protein). This allows to see me where I'm at so far, or even log everything I INTEND to eat and see where that would leave me. Then, I can make adjustments. Really a great feature.


But, again, it's not available on the app. And I think it's really important that this be added, for several reasons:


  • A lot of people log most of their food through the day via app because of time restrictions/lack of access to a computer.
  • Real time macronutrient tracking helps everyone to meet their goals and adjust planned meals based on where their macronutrients currently stand.
  • Macronutrient tracking is just as important as calorie tracking. We need a balance of macronutrients to be happy and healthy.
  • Easily accessible (app) macronutrient tracking will help people to see patterns in their diet which are causing them to fall short of what they need, therefore helping them improve their diet.
  • Diet and what you eat is just as important as how many calories you consume. Being able to see the macronutrient numbers alongside the calorie numbers will help people become more aware of their diet.

Please give us macronutrient tracking in the app! It's such a wonderful feature of the browser log, and should definitely be prioritized for including it in the app log. Fitbit is an amazing product and can really help people turn their lifestyles around for the better, and adding the macronutrient tracker to the app will only further help those who need direction in the area of diet.


Moderator Edit: updated subject for clarity & Labels


This would be my #1 wish/complaint about the fitbit.  I would rather see carbs on my dashboard than calories.  I wish it were something that we could at least choose to display. Especially on my phone app as that is how I keep track during the day at work.

First Steps

A lot of people have issues with too much sodium in their diet; it would be helpful to be able to add specific nutritional goals on the app itself.

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@dcrain At this time nautirtional information is available on, but not on the Fitbit App. If you log onto > click the "Log" button the top > then click the "Food" tab you should be able to see a nutritional breakdown for the food that you log, which includes: calories, fat, fiber, carbs, protein, and sodium. Thanks for posting on the Feature Request board!

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Moderator Alum

Hi everybody, thanks for posting your ideas and feedback about the Fitbit App. We are always looking for ways to improve our App and suggestions and feedback from the Feature Request board always help!


Derrick - I understand that I can see the nutritional breakdown.  I  also have Premium which also does  a great job of keeping me informed.  I just wish it were on the mobile app as I don't generally have a laptop or desktop on me when I go out to eat, but I always have my iphone.  Since I do not track calories - I find myself often wishing for a carb tracker instead of the calorie tracker.


Thank you for trying to help me though!

Stepping Up

I would definitely love to have the carb/fat/protein breakdown thru out the day. Pie chart form or any other means with notifications would be great.

First Steps

I have lost over 40 lbs in two years by tracking my net carbs.  A new Fitbit user as of yesterday, I was shocked to see 22 carbs added for my Atkins bar.  I would definitely appreciate net carbs being shown and tracked in addition to the total carbs.

First Steps

I also am a new Fitbit user that uses Android. I was disappointed that I could not put carbs/fiber as my driving force rather than calories (I can do the net carb math myself- I want to know how much fiber I am getting). I gave up entering meals after one day as I need the carbs at a glance on my phone. Please change the app to give us the choice which nutrient is primary. Thanks! 

First Steps

Why can't we see nutrition macros on the mobile device?
Most likely we will be logging foods on the go SI it would be convenient to see this on handheld device.

First Steps



I don't really track calories as much as I track grams of carbs, fat and protein. Is there a way to personalize the app so that I can see a running total of that information on the iphone app. I can see it when I log on to my computer and visit the Fitbit site, but I can't seem to find that nutritional breakdown of my food on the app.


BTW, I have been using the fitbit sinc 2011, I think and I am really thrilled with the original idea and how it has grown over the years. I love it!



Add carb counting (grams or servings) when logging food consumption. This is EXTREMELY important for anyone with diabetes or at risk of diabetes (which is an ever increasingly large percentage of the population).
Hill Runner

I totally agree on this one (y)

First Steps
Myfitnesspal bro. You can link it to Fitbit devices.
First Steps

I would also like to see a widget on the iOS dashboard and the web dash board that showed the "Daily Totals", it needs to be more accessbible than only online, and multiple clicks to get to. This should be an easy fix as the data already exists, and is already in a module a few pages deep.


Fitbit, can we crowd fund features? I'm prepared to pay for this.


I work with a personal trainer and he wants to see my daily protein/carb intake. My weightloss is successful when I keep track of these two categories. Please make necessary changes so I can view and share with my trainer to help keep me honest and on goal!!

First Steps
Hello all. I am new here and couldn't find if my post already has similar request. But I feel along with the calorie counter we need a macro counter, with a pie graph dispaly. Similar to to the lose it! app. Getting our macros in order are key to getting the best results. We do have this feature on the website. But having it within the app would be much more intergrated. Thanks for your time!
First Steps

Agree with poster above.. this is the thing the UP does well that I'll miss (I'm new with Fitbit and stoked!). Would love to see the daily nutrient breakdown (with saturated and unsaturated fats, as well as carbs and sugars, etc) with RDA thresholds (or similar goals) within the app under the 'eaten' section.


i.e. Being able to see that I'm at 130% of recommended sodium intake is helpful, or 110% recommended non-whole grain carbs -- it quickly reminds me to lay off the pasta for the night; or eat some more veggies... great for keeping total health in check.


Another thing that would be cool is a form of food scoring/rankings for quick, simple meal decisions. I love the FitBit app design and hope you guys can flesh out the food intake / nutrition section a bit more. You're database is huge. Can't wait for my blue Charge HR... 

I keep my diet 40-30-30. I rely on the daily calorie composition values from the log to monitor my intake of carbs/fat/prot.

Those values are not available in the mobile app. Can that be added please?
Not applicable

I was just looking for this functionality, I think it would definitely help further my goals.

Not applicable

I agree with the other posts here, I'd like to see the % of Carbs/Protein/Fat in relation to my diet on a DAILY basis, and it would be helpful to see/limit sugar.

First Steps

The option of tracking carbs instead of calories would be a huge improvement on the diet aspect of the fit life incouraged by FitBit. I suggest a simple option for carb tracking via the phone ap as a high priority for the next upgrade. Not only would this option help those who choose to follow a low carb diet but would also help those who must for serious health conditions. 

Hill Runner
Totally agree. I myselves are on an Atkins like diet - tracking carbs only.
First Steps

Please display the current macro nutrient (i.e. Proteins, Fats, and Carbs) intake information in the food section on the Android app. The current Android app does not show macro nutrients. This forces a user to go into the web application, when sometimes it is not convenient for one to do so, in order to see their current macro counts.


In addition to the above change, allow users to create daily intake goals for macros for the day. This could be supplemented with a macro calculator based off of TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure), height, weight, goals (fat loss, muscle gain, or bulking) to help users who are not familliar with the process. But please do not lock a user into setting these goals solely based off of a calculator's output as there are multiple methods and formulas to derive this information, as well as everyone's body is different and requires different amounts of proteins, fats, and carbs to achieve similar goals.


A simple widget would also be useful that displays only the macro nutrients and could then utilize a color coding system similar to how the calorie color coding works right now (yellow = too low, green = in the zone, red = too high). Tapping on the widget could toggle through different display modes: percentage of the daily goal, raw count, etc.

Not applicable
I'm using the Android app and would like to know if there is a way to see the nutritional breakdown of the food that logged. I like that that I can enter all the nutritional value for any custom food I enter, however, it would be greatly beneficial to see the breakdown for the day.

Where on the web app is the macro breakdown in a pie-chart? I'd also like to be able to see historically how I'm doing with the macros and to be able to set a goal, like 40/40/20.

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