04-10-2024 13:38
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04-10-2024 13:38
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Hi everyone! Starting today, you may notice a new sleep experience in your Fitbit app. If you don't have it right away, please be patient as it can take some time to reach all users.
Check out what’s new by going to the Fitbit Community blog.
What do you think? Let us know!
04-13-2024 15:39
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04-13-2024 15:39
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Took a nap this afternoon. Don't see any data about it, old display used to show it. Please fix
04-13-2024 17:18
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04-13-2024 17:18
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I agree sometimes change is good but the sleep graph is harder to read with the new muddy colors, dotted lines and they took away the ability to view it horizontally, leaving only a "compressed" view when on a phone. It's a change no one asked for.
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I totally agree…. Really disliking this “upgrade”.. it was perfect before …..
I agree ….. they completely RUINED IT .
Me too … I want the old format/colors back…. This is awful.
Me too ….. the old format was perfect!
04-14-2024 06:06
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04-14-2024 06:06
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I see changes have occurred in my husbands app but not in mine yet. I much prefer the format where you can see a weekly view then details for the last night. The sleep stages were clearly highlighted and visible before. I see that other metrics have also changed to a similar format. Convenient for code maintenance but not so helpful to be able to view as a human.
I prefer to have data that I can analyze myself according to the goals I have determined for myself with my doctor. I am not encouraged by the article stating AI will be incorporated.
please include an option for the original display and an off switch for the AI.
04-14-2024 07:56
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04-14-2024 07:56
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I hate the new interface for sleep and agree with others here who have asked why it needed to be changed when it worked fine. The previous one was clearer to look at with bolder colours and the edit button was more obvious. The new one has lost the notches along the bottom of the graph for every hour, and we can no longer look at graphs for several days on the same screen. The majority of people replying here are negative - please listen to your users and change it back.
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YES! Perfectly said …… sometimes a supposed ‘update’ ends up being a disaster……. Please change it back!
Agree! 👍🏼
04-14-2024 10:38
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04-14-2024 10:38
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Don't like it...not as clear as the other version. Can we change it back to the other one? ...and ditch the dolphin, that really doesnt tell me anything. The graphics were bold and clear....these new ones are spindley and weak. Have an artist design it.
04-14-2024 12:54
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04-14-2024 12:54
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Yet another unnecessary change. I am beginning to think that you want us to move onto another fitness tracker. Can’t change exercise type, can’t see history as simply as before and now Sleep confusing. 😡😡
04-14-2024 13:01
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04-14-2024 13:01
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Do not like the "new and improved" look, It requires more steps to see what was already there. Hope there is enough screaming and yelling to return to get at least a revamp. IMPO this was a step backward, Please teach the code writers the meaning of KISS (Keep it simple stupid)
04-14-2024 20:05
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04-14-2024 20:05
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Agreed…… it’s very confusing now …
04-15-2024 03:26
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04-15-2024 03:26
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Having read the 9to5google article danwatson76 linked to, I’d say that Google believe Fitbit users are simpletons unable to read information from charts. I can’t believe how patronising Google are.
I have a Versa 4, and can tell y’all that it’s the first and last Google/Fitbit device I’ll ever own or use…each update reduces functionality and features I did like are deprecated or hidden somewhere else.
i was previously a TomTom Runner user until TomTom left the wearables market, and can’t believe that TomTom’s superior product lost out to products like Fitbit…TomTom’s GPS was vastly superior to Fitbit’s—which sometimes puts me running through churches and houses when I review a run.
Each update I hope Fitbit moves closer to TomTom’s near perfection, but alas the software and product gets worse…it’s as if they want us to buy a Garmin or Polar or something else!
04-15-2024 03:38 - edited 04-17-2024 18:49
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04-15-2024 03:38 - edited 04-17-2024 18:49
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“Other sleep” is not a functional way of tracking sleep shorter than 3 hours. All sleep should be included in the breakdown or else shorter sleep durations are lost in the shuffle. This format is severely lacking unless your user is a “good” sleeper which many of us tracking sleep are not. If a user has broken sleep and long wakeful periods, this new format is virtually useless. Please correct.
Edited to add: please return the ability to view a list of all sleep durations in reverse chronological order so as to better understand where the shorter sleep durations occurred. The redesign graph does not specifically set out the “other sleep” and the new graphs can be misleading because of this.
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I agree. This lacks color, not at all “friendly” to see all the info. I prefer the other version to be able to compare and see more data at once. This caught me off guard overnight and I wish I could go back to old format.
I agree….these “improvements” have been slowly chipping away at my loyalty…..user since 2014!
Probably want us to switch to the google pixel which I do not like the looks of so looks like they are trying to say they know better than all of the loyal Fitbit users and changing all of the features that are important and worked so well. Hmm….time to do some research to see which fitness tracker I will have to switch to because after ten years of Fitbit use it looks like it is time to move on.
04-15-2024 05:18 - edited 04-15-2024 06:06
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04-15-2024 05:18 - edited 04-15-2024 06:06
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Well the new sleep design arrived this morning. My thoughts
I think it’s nice to have everything on a single page without having to drill down. The new benchmark and 30 day average are welcome. Also the sleep profile on the main screen is nice. I like being able to see the oxygen variation and sleeping heart rate at a glance before drilling down into graphs.
There are also new ways to digest data which are welcome: The Week, Month and Year views that show duration, score, schedule, and, stage averages are well implemented.
That being said the sleep stages are harder to discern as there is a lack of contrasting colors. The light, rem, and deep for example are all variations of black and purple. It’s hard to view these at a glance. Same issue on the sleeping heart rate graph: The shades of purple between the Above and Below line plots are too close in color and need more contrast to properly discern.
i enjoy being able to see what time frame I was in a certain stage, but it’s difficult to navigate the picker on the new graph to discern this information especially so when the stage might be a minute or so in length for example.
TIP: If you find reading the sleep stages a bit difficult in the mobile app at a glance, try switching to the Benchmark view.
If you still find it hard to read your sleep stages keep in mind you can log onto the Fitbit website and use the Dashboard to view your stages full screen on any device including a laptop / desktop which can be easier on the eyes.
I think it’s a step in the right direction, it just needs some tweaking which I assume Google will do going forward as the app evolves.
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Sometimes, change is for the sake of those making the changes. The new look is a busy mess. Lack of color, visual salience, missing oxygen fluctuation graph, and ability to navigate to what I WANT to see (not what you THINK I should be seeing like all that jumbled sleep information) is a problem for me. Are you just trying to get us to buy FitBit Premium? Frankly, after seeing the NEW and IMPROVED (not!) changes, my first urge was to throw my Charge 5 in the trash. You should give us the option to use the new views or the old views. I’m SO disappointed in this recent downgrade.
Sorry, but I disagree with you wholeheartedly. I don’t like the changes. They should give us a way to go back to the old format.
04-15-2024 06:22 - edited 04-15-2024 08:32
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04-15-2024 06:22 - edited 04-15-2024 08:32
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I very much prefer the old graph. Much easier to read and analyze. The new one is terrible.
I just know that at a quick visit I got a good picture of my sleep. Perhaps there is more data accessible now but I don't see myself digging it out. So I will end up with less information in the end. Do they think we are too stupid to read a graph?
I just hope they don't "improve" the heart section of the app.
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I understand that, but without change how can anything evolve ?
Maybe provide some constructive feedback of what you like and what you do not like hoping they read it and take it into consideration. Google is selling 10k Charge 6's a month on Amazon, the highest sales of any fitness tracker including Garmin and Polar combined, so telling them you are leaving isn't going to phase them.
04-15-2024 09:21
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04-15-2024 09:21
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Extremely washed out colors like the rest of the new app (heart zones). This design doesn't pass any accessiblity contrast tests and it's a nightmare even for slightly colorblind people.
04-15-2024 09:51
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04-15-2024 09:51
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I can't stand the "updated" sleep chart! It's so much harder to look at, much less intuitive and more difficult to use. Please bring back the previous visuals!
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I hate it! It makes as much sense as removing the seconds from our workouts!! please please please bring the old charts back. this is driving my eyes nuts. I want a nice fluid chart.
Dan watson I see you’re a new user. Over the past 14 months we have been losing features that we loved. Fitbit keeps getting worse and worse. The first big blow was losing challenges. Then losing the seconds from our workouts!! Now we’ve lost our nice sleep charts. I’ve been wearing Fitbit since 2011. Sadly no one’s been more loyal than me but it’s time to look at better options. Google has set out on a mission to destroy Fitbit in my opinion it’s working.