04-10-2024 13:38
04-10-2024 13:38
Hi everyone! Starting today, you may notice a new sleep experience in your Fitbit app. If you don't have it right away, please be patient as it can take some time to reach all users.
Check out what’s new by going to the Fitbit Community blog.
What do you think? Let us know!
04-17-2024 03:36
04-17-2024 03:36
I hate... absolutely hate the redesigned sleep app. I'm getting sick and tired of ridiculous harder to use updates to my Fitbit! As soon as I decide which company has a reliable sleep app, I will finally give up on Fitbit products. I've been a loyal Fitbit customer since Fitbit Charge. These ridiculous updates are frustrating and not user friendly.
04-17-2024 04:26
04-17-2024 04:26
Absolutely horrible, I thought my app was in "safe mode" or something like that, I restarted but still the same horrible look. I loved the previous sleep view and now it's ugly colours, hard to differentiate. What is improved about the BS change? Will they be offering a nice interface if you go premium? Looking at other trackers now, this is ridiculous
04-17-2024 04:38
04-17-2024 04:38
This new way of depicting sleep cycles is horrible. Can we go back to the old, clear version? I am thinking of changing trackers if not.
04-17-2024 05:00
04-17-2024 05:00
I DESPISE it. I will not be using the app anymore. Time to break up with Fitbit and Google.
04-17-2024 05:05
04-17-2024 05:05
It is absolutely horrible. For those of us with vision issues it is impossible to read with any sort of accuracy with the light shading .the dots, and the broken lines. It’s horrible. And to not give us the choice of whether we wanted to upgrade or not is frustrating. Like many others I prefer the old version. I am not happy with the new one, and I will eventually be dropping Fitbit and moving on, unless we can change back to the old version. sometimes new is not always better You ruined a good thing.
04-17-2024 05:26
04-17-2024 05:26
The new look and feel is terrible! Can I go back to old one ? The benchmark and 30 day average is hard to read. The one was so much better. Whoever decided this change is an improvement is crazy.
04-17-2024 05:26
04-17-2024 05:26
I do not like it at all. Harder to read and there are no marks showing timeline so that you can tell how long each section of sleep was. Just shows totals for the full night.
ie. I have 3 section in light sleep but can’t tell how long each of those were.
It only shows when I fell asleep the middle and wake up time.
04-17-2024 05:26
04-17-2024 05:26
I miss the restoration score. As a person with sleep apnea, I really appreciated seeing my restoration score. It helped me determine if my body needed a rest day. Also gave me info about breathing rate and oxygen levels. This is very important information. I prefer the old screens.
04-17-2024 05:30
04-17-2024 05:30
I really don't like the new premium sleep report graphs. It's too busy. Why did it change? I try hard to adapt to change but I feel this was a poor change. Do others agree?
04-17-2024 05:31
04-17-2024 05:31
I really do not love it. I frequently toggled back and forth between my sleep stages and my recovery and now I can’t see my heart rate and recovery in the same section at all. I really liked to see that information to judge how my I recover from various stressors and exercises. Where do I find the missing content? I want the old back!
04-17-2024 05:40
04-17-2024 05:40
Totally agree. I don't like it at all.
04-17-2024 05:40
04-17-2024 05:40
I'm not a fan of the new format. I thought that the older format was much easier to view what time I was in which stages, all the extra lines on the new graph make it much less clear.
04-17-2024 05:41
04-17-2024 05:41
Feel the same way. Not a fan at all!
04-17-2024 05:43
04-17-2024 05:43
I really dislike this "upgrade". I find it busy and confusing and unappealing. Please go back to the previous interface, which was great.
04-17-2024 05:46
04-17-2024 05:46
You've asked for feedback, it is overwhelming against this awful change: what on earth were you thinking? So are you actually going to listen to your consumers and change it back or just arrogantly keep it as it is?
04-17-2024 05:48
04-17-2024 05:48
I prefer the old version. I’d like it back or at least an option to select it.
04-17-2024 05:49
04-17-2024 05:49
I do not like this update. When I was finally able to find the sleep timeline detail for an individual day (sleep > week > day), the separated sections for awake/restless/asleep were difficult to read. Also, after ending sleep, I like being able to see how my sleep compared to the other days, both weekly and monthly. There are now too many steps to get to that (sleep > month) and each week is on a separate page.
04-17-2024 05:51
04-17-2024 05:51
I dislike the new format. It is too busy and much more difficult to read than the former version. Please change it back.
Thank you
04-17-2024 05:57
04-17-2024 05:57
I have been a Fitbit user since the OG came out in 2009. This new "sleep experience" is the nail in the coffin for me.
My Versa 3 battery is not holding a charge the way it used to. I have been planning to replace when it dies and have researched the current Fitbit offerings vs. other fitness/sleep trackers. I decided that I adored the sleep tracking capabilites of my Fitbit and that I would replace it with a new Fitbit.
That was until...
Last night when Fitbit shattered my dreams and pushed me the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad update of April,2024.
When I first laid eyes on my sleep results for the previous night, I gasped. The screen is so hard to look at (much less interpret!) that it took my breath away. Fragmented and colorless. It felt like it was designed by a machine for use by a machine. And where did the breathing and heart rate tracking go?
Fitbit's sleep tracking ability and the display in the app kept me a happy customer. Happy no more, I am off to research fitness/sleep trackers and choose the brand I will move to after 15 years of continuous Fitbit use.
04-17-2024 06:00
04-17-2024 06:00
Is it a coincidence that after the update I no longer get deep sleep and the tracking for my breathing rate stopped? I have hated all the changes, which have all been less user friendly btw, but this one has been the most aggravating.