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Redesigned Sleep experience now in the Fitbit app

Hi everyone! Starting today, you may notice a new sleep experience in your Fitbit app. If you don't have it right away, please be patient as it can take some time to reach all users. 

Check out what’s new by going to the Fitbit Community blog

What do you think? Let us know!


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1,531 REPLIES 1,531

Bring back the old sleep info page...easier to read and interpret!

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So disappointed with the new graph. Looks like most users prefer the previous one. Any chance Fitbit will actually listen to their users and adjust accordingly?  We can only hope!!

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I hate the new version. I can’t read it or follow it. I have sleep apnea so I need to be able to see my oxygen and REM which is all so hard to read. I saw someone saying that they did this for color blind people. Well only 3 percent js color blind. What about the 97 that isn’t? I’m upset about this. Change it back @Fitbit or people will switch to Apple 

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I can't stand the new sleep app. It's not user friendly and I'm extremely disappointed and looking for a new watch. I'll probably go with an Apple watch. It makes me sad, I have been using a fitbit for many years and have actually been a cheerleader for the brand. 

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Agree 100%, sleep is so important and I have had so much assistance with the old sleep app. I'm so disappointed with Fitbit! 

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I have several friends that bought the fitbit because of my suggestion. These are people that will never take the time to complain on this forum and just switching to Apple. No one likes the change to the sleep app and depended on it every morning to evaluate their sleep. One friend was meeting with her sleep DR ones a month to discuss her progress (or lack thereof).  On her last visit even her DR was in disbelief with the horrible new unreadable app. I'm very disappointed! You must not understand how important sleep is to our health? Please change it back??!!

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After seven years with Fitbit, I am going to have to leave because of this redesign. I have a visual learning disability and the colours on the new sleep graph are indistinguishable from each other. The labels on the sleep graph are unclear (what do they refer to? The line above or the one below? I puzzle over it again each day). I can no longer see my sleep profile history in one place. I did at one point try apple watch and came back to Fitbit specifically because of the way the data was laid out visually. Since that's now gone and doesn't appear to be coming back, you've lost a faithful customer. I will up upgrading to a Garmin, and I'm excited because they offer more reliable HRV detection anyway. My feedback: get a new UX team that considers people with disabilities. Or hire at least one designer who understands how colour works!

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Agreed that it's much harder to read. I was told a revert to the old version isn't possible, so I'm jumping ship for Garmin.

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They changed it to include more text... but the text is positioned in such a way that it's difficult to visually discern what label applies to which part of the graph. It's not at all clear visually anymore... the intention may be to provide more insight, but since the redesign fails at basic accessibility (and principles of design, such as use of colour), I'm getting less insight than before. Makes you wonder how they think human brains work, because to me having more information laid out in a comprehensible manner LEADS to more insight. Instead looking at the app just makes me want to scream. Garmin here I come!

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Thanks for the info, the presentation on my computer looks great and all my
data go back to 2022 is available. It syces with my watch just fine from
the app. So I will use it that way for now.
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Worst thing ever.

i used Fitbit mostly for the sleep stas and now I can’t get any info thats easily understood.

I’m looking Into a different tracker.

Im deeply disappointed especially since it seems no one at the company even cares.

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They seem to not give a dam# what we think Melora, even though Rebecca asked us to let them know what we thought. Guess they expected everyone to love it! Definitely looking into changing, after more than 10 years with fitbit!

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I absolutely hate the new display. At least if you could get it in landscape that would be better, but you can't even do that anymore. It's SO fiddly trying to see the data. Please Fitbit, change it back

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One thing that is even more disappointing to me than the new user interface is the lack of communication from Fitbit. Whilst the community blog post "Redesigned Sleep experience now in the Fitbit app" clearly asks for feedback with "We’d love to know what you think of the new design. Join in the conversation and let us know!"multiple forum threads with thousands of votes and comments and the company keeps quiet.

As the board seems to be meant for member discussions only I recommend to provide feedback in the following ways:

Best Answer

It is awful. 
seems to be a down grade rather than anything positive. 
not easy on the eye and not easy to find aspects of the old version that I enjoyed. 
The colours and layout are no where near as good as the previous version. 
I think that my loyalty to Fitbit is being challenged, I will probably go elsewhere when I can.

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Thanks for providing the chat/call link.  I "chatted" w/them and they have no intention of reversing the sleep app change.  I've loved my relationship with my tracker and hate to give up my history but a company that doesn't listen to valid/bazillion concerns over an unpopular change isn't worth my time.  Everyone else has been switching to a more expensive tracker and I guess it's time for me to make the move.  Sadly 😞


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Fitbit will be gone by ‘25 as Google uses the Fitbit tech and software to ramp up its Pixel watch, so this is just the beginning of the end. In the words of Monty Python,

”Run away, run away!”

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Horrible… I recommended FitBit to my vision impaired mother and to help track sleep of my disabled father, they both recently bought devices but they are now useless and I feel so guilty … 😞 the display is now totally unreadable/messy! And now the data is totally inaccurate! It says we were awake when we were not and asleep when we were not…. 

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I hate it I'm really upset that I even bought this Fitbit now the old one was so much better this one you

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Are we allowed to mention other brands on this site? If so can anyone suggest a good alternative to Fitbit for recording sleep? I am so disappointed with the new sleep display, I at least want to be able to see it in landscape but it doesn't even offer that. As our concerns have been completely ignored, I'm definitely now looking to ditch my Fitbit and move onto something else. Any suggestions out there?

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