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Redesigned Sleep experience now in the Fitbit app

Hi everyone! Starting today, you may notice a new sleep experience in your Fitbit app. If you don't have it right away, please be patient as it can take some time to reach all users. 

Check out what’s new by going to the Fitbit Community blog

What do you think? Let us know!


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I agree 100%. I feel it is all jumbled and blended together and harder to read. I do not like the new updated version. 

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the app is slowly becoming completely unusable 

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This is a downgrade, not an upgrade.   Please give people an option to choose the old format.  

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Looks like I am not the only one disappointed with this update.  So visually unappealing not to mention loss of some helpful features.  Sad that now I have to spend time researching a replacement fitness tracker after years of loyalty to Fitbit.

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Other than the step and distance counter and the daily water the app I use and fascinated by most is the sleep app because sleep is one thing I struggle with most. It isn't that the information isn't there, but it was easier to read before. The design is poorly done, lacking umph ! I would like to see the possibility for us to choose.  Was it the idea of a newbie on the board trying to score points? Not a positive change to me.  But...I love my fitbit !!

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Very unhappy to wake up this morning to the “updated” sleep tracking. I hate it and I want the old format back! I have no idea what I’m looking at with this new version. Sleep tracking is the primary reason I have my Versa 3, and now it feels useless. This iOS user has been a faithful Fitbit fan for some years now, despite my displeasure with Google, but I’m thinking it might finally be time for a switch to the Apple Watch.

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Agreed! I don’t like the new sleep graph at all …Too busy with words overlapping the graph.

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 With the old single line graph, I could see the different stages of sleep throughout  the night.  The information was clear, clean and easy to use.
The new style gives me the stages in 4 different individual lines that gives me  absolutely no usable information.
If this is the new sleep style, I’ll be looking for something that tells me what I need to know to track my sleep because this one does not.
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The new look is so unappealing. And confusing.  It was so easy to use before this upgrade. The colors made it very easy to read and know exactly what my sleep score was. Now, I’m just looking at a mass of lines and numbers.  Please give us the option to go back to the old format. It was appealing and easy to read.  This makes me want to switch to an Apple Watch. 

Change can be good. But this one is awful. Read through the comments. You’ll see a universal statement - it’s hard to read, unappealing, and just a jumbled mess. What they had before was much easier to read and understand. Of course people will resist a change that is worse.

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This was an absolutely horrible change. It is hard to see, hard to understand, unappealing and completely unnecessary. 

I really enjoyed the old format, it was so pleasant to look at and study and get the information. 

Please make an option to go back to the old format for those of us who enjoyed the old way better. 

It's pretty clear that the general consensus is not happy. Fitbit is likely going to lose users.

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👍🏼Perfectly said! 

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So before, I could tell it I was going to bed, and could see how long it took to fall asleep. Now what? Have Fitbit only tell me when sleep starts in a chart I can't read because the colors are too muted? I also have one for my grandson who has serious sleep issues. This version doesn't let me track how long between when he goes to bed and when he falls asleep. It's terrible. 

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I really dislike the new layout. Previously, you could scroll through your previous sleep scores and sleep times. Now you have to do that per week. The new lack of colour makes this new version a lot less user friendly. Previously, it was so much easier to see your heart rate during sleep - this new graph and lack of colour is a lot less accessible for that. I also do not like that you can’t scroll through each sleep stage and see how long you spent in each sleep stage at one time. Now it tells you the times you were in a sleep stage for at a given point but we ourselves have to work out the exact timing. Considering this is supposed to be giving us data at a quick glance, this is not a helpful feature. Overall, the lack of colour throughout the new sleep layout makes the layout look cheap and much harder to read data. Please please listen to the customers and change it back. I got Fitbit so I could track my sleep, after seeing my partner’s app and finding it so interesting, but this update is shocking and I find the data a lot less appealing. 

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Completely hate the layout, the colour scheme and the changes overall. It’s too difficult to see what’s going on and nothing is familiar to how I’ve been tracking. Love how it WAS. Hate it now. 


Put the colours back and the contrast between sleep phases and basically undo everything ghastly you did. Listen to the users on the app forums. Most hate this. 

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Very disappointing new design, previous was way better, I don’t see point of changing it. I see as majority of users not happy with design and feedback asked. I would like to have old design back, thank you 

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Nope. Horrible design choice. Ruined my morning, wanting to check my sleep like everyday and it made me so angry! It is super hard to actually SEE not to mention understand what sleep is showing now! Why would anyone do this and how did it not fail the pre check, someone from UXdesign must have noticed the bad decisions?! They wanted to make it more accessible but its the complete opposite! It also lost the resting heart rate data but I guess I could not read it anyway, even if it was there because of the poor design. Really wish I could go back to the old version! Anyone know how to get back?!

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Your feedback is spot on, everything you said I agree with. Wow, thanks fitbit (sarcasm) for ruining this for us 🙄 I enjoyed having my morning tea and scrolling through my sleep stages and being able easily see the previous days in a line. Why screw this up so bad???? The colors are horrible. The design is unappealing and looks outdated. 

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Sorry Fitbit but you have ruined this feature. There was nothing wrong with the red awake & blue sleep stages. The new layout is not so easy to "read" overall & I cannot see the previous days to compare. 

Another reason why I will not be purchasing another Fitbit device after current Charge 5.  Last week it took me 10 mins & a Google search to figure out how to change the basic information in my profile. 

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I am not a fan. I wasnt aware it was changing. It's interesting I contacted the chat line regarding this and they knew nothing about it.

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I hate the new  sleep chart - please return to the old chart.  It is too confusing…

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